“The reason why we call that place the Demon Domain is very simple, there really are demons in it!!”

Feng Xue Tianqi said solemnly to Yu Feng and Sword Yuntian, and then with a slight wave of his right hand, the storage ring of his finger flashed slightly, and a humanoid creature about the size of a human appeared in front of Yu Feng and Sword Yuntian.

This humanoid creature was completely blood-colored and at the same time emitted a trace of palpitating breath on its body.

Behind the other party was a pair of broken blood wings, which was almost exactly the same as the legendary Demon Clan.

“This is a Demon Emperor-level Demon Clan, and it is the only Demon Clan of the Immortal Realm that I have killed!”

Although he was only a Heavenly Heaven of the Absolute Wonderland, his strength was more than mine! It was precisely because I killed him that I was hunted down by the demon army and finally could only escape back to this side of the world!

It was also strange to say that those demons stopped chasing and killing after they had reached the junction of the two worlds, that is, the exit of that alien space, as if there was something on this side that they feared! ”

Speaking of this, the wind and snow apocalypse is also slightly confused.

At this time, Yu Feng was staring at this demon clan with a slight frown, and he actually felt a trace of death power from the other party’s body.

It was as if the other person’s whole body was forged by the power of death.

“Something is wrong, absolutely wrong, it is the power of death, is there a connection between that alien space and the Death Saint King!?” Why did the Death Saint build his Temple of Death in that place?!

All this does not seem to be as simple as imagined! ”

Yu Feng watched as the Demon Clan’s corpse shrank violently.

His mind combined everything together, and he suddenly found that all this really didn’t seem to be as simple as it seemed, and there were definitely amazing secrets behind it!

“It seems that when I have solved everything here, it is time to go to that other space!”

Yu Feng’s gaze gradually calmed down.

He wouldn’t do anything that would be harmful to his life, at least he would have to wait until his realm had risen several more before he left!! “

Then the Wind and Snow Apocalypse said something about the Demon Domain.

In the Demon Domain, there were not only countless Demon Clan strongmen, but also countless Genius Treasures, but for the Demon Clan, those genius Treasures seemed to be like waste, and there was no more killing of the Demon Clan to go back to pick them.

The reason is very simple, because the growth method of the Demon Clan is different from that of the warrior, and the cultivation of the warrior is nothing more than the “four kinds of rich people and the Fadi”, and the Demon Clan wants to grow up, but there is only one way for the Demon Clan to kill and devour each other.

Such a cultivation method is definitely faster than any cultivation system.

Moreover, the horror of the Demon Clan’s reproductive ability is not comparable to that of the Terran race.

Because they are in the way of cell division as an upgrade method 3.

A Demon Emperor-level strong man can split at least a million descendants in a life span of 100 million years

And if these millions of descendants devoured each other, they could produce at least ten or more Demon Emperor-level strongmen.

Of course, this is the most ideal state, more or less Demon Emperor level, but a large number of Demon Clan strongmen.

But even so, it’s already terrifying.

Hearing this, Yu Feng and Jian Yuntian were also slightly shocked at how many people they could finally reach if they allowed the population of the Demon Clan to continue to develop like this.

Maybe as long as there is a Demon Emperor-level strong person who does not need a population of 100 million years to surpass the Dragon Continent!

Thinking of this, Yu Feng’s heart jumped, if he let the other party continue to develop, sooner or later he would threaten the safety of his Yu family!

Of course, he was only slightly vigilant, but he did not put the so-called demons in his eyes.

No matter how fast the development speed of his Demon Clan was, it would be impossible to catch up with him and his Yu Family, and if he were given a hundred million years, the extent to which the Yu Family could reach was beyond his imagination.

Maybe any one person who comes out and waves can destroy a dragon continent.

“Also, the most important point, the juniors have not said yet!!”

At this moment, the wind and snow apocalypse was solemn.

“The most powerful in the Demon Realm is the Demon Emperor Level.

The number of all the Demon Emperor-level characters has reached a terrifying thousand! That is, thousands of super powerful people in the Immortal Realm.

And the strong man who really controlled the entire demon world was the legendary Demon Emperor!

After I searched the memories of this Demon Emperor, I learned that almost all the Demon Emperor ranks are the heirs of that Demon Emperor!! ”

The Wind and Snow Heavenly Revelation spoke solemnly to Sword Cloud Sky and Yu Feng, but after hearing more than a thousand Demon Emperors of the Absolute Immortal Realm, Sword Cloud Sky was already confused.

The previous Wind and Snow Apocalypse had said that even the Demon Emperor’s combat power of the First Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm had reached the level close to that of the Second Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm!

You must know that every heaven in the Absolute Wonderland is a barrier, and the gap is almost impossible to make up!

But in fact, the demons can make up for this gap.

This made Jian Yuntian very concerned about this before, but now when he heard that the Demon Emperor-level strong man had a thousand people in the Demon Realm, a feeling of powerlessness instantly reached his mind.

Although he had now broken through to the Absolute Immortal Realm, his strength was also extremely powerful in the Absolute Immortal Realm, however, even facing a most trash Demon Emperor-level strong person could not defeat it!

At the thought of this, he shook his head helplessly.

“The Demon Emperor!?” Could it be that his strength had already surpassed the Immortal Realm!?? ”

Hearing that the Demon Emperor who was above the Demon Emperor Realm was Yu Feng was a little surprised.

“At this point, I feel that it should be impossible, because even if there are more than a thousand Demon Emperors in the entire Demon Realm, there are only four Great Demon Emperors whose strength has reached the top of the Fifth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm.”

Moreover, according to my soul-searching memory, the strength of the four great demon emperors was only comparable to entering the Fifth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm.

The strength of the Demon Clan’s parents and sons is extremely close, it is impossible to have such a big gap!

Therefore, I conclude that the possibility of the Demon Emperor surpassing the Absolute Wonderland is almost zero!! ”

Feng Xue Tianqi said seriously, and his words also made Jian Yuntian nod slightly, this inference was still quite reasonable.

However, Yu Feng did not comment, as the creator of such a super race, the strength of the Demon Emperor may be different from the inheritance rules of his heirs!

Of course, even if it was really beyond the Absolute Wonderland, Yu Feng didn’t care too much.

Big deal, a little bit of development of their own indeceit, when the time comes to directly descend to the Demon World with the strength of the Emperor level, then no matter whether the Demon Emperor has surpassed the Immortal Realm or not, it is impossible to have any damage to the other party himself!

“Well, if that’s the case, after a while the old man will personally go to the Demon Realm to see what the other side looks like, he shouldn’t be able to turn over any big waves!!”

Yu Feng said calmly, his words were like narrating a fact, even after knowing that the demon clan on the other side was so powerful, he was still so confident, which made the Wind and Snow Heavenly Revelation and Sword Cloud Heaven feel terrified in their hearts.

“Isn’t the strength of the predecessors far less than we think!?”

Such a thought came to the minds of both of them at the same time!

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