In the depths of the Endless Fire Zone, a young girl suspended in the void emitted a suffocating breath around her.

If a certain power with the strength to reach the Heavenly Realm was here, it would be absolutely shocking to find that this young girl’s realm had actually reached the terrifying Heavenly Realm Fifth Heaven, and at the same time, the breath on her body had reached the peak of the powerful Heavenly Realm!

What is even more difficult to accept, however, is that the young girl is definitely not more than a hundred years old.

At the same time, the power of this fiery red flame flowed around her body.

And this is the third highest candle day ember in the list of different fires!

The horror of the power of this strange fire is definitely not as simple as ordinary people can imagine, and there is only one of the top three different fires in each heaven and earth.

However, these three flames were divided into ninety percent of the flame power after the Dragon God Fire was broken.

After all, Di Yan, who was only the number one in the rankings, had now transformed into a terrifying being so powerful that he could not reach the Absolute Immortal Realm.

If this Candle Heavenly Ember Extinction Flame of the third place can be transformed, then its future achievements will not be lower than that of the Absolute Wonderland.


However, at this moment, Zhao Zhixin’s eyes suddenly opened, and a palpitating terrifying force erupted directly from her eyes.

The terrifying pressure directly blasted the endless fire field in the distance away from a terrifying road!

“Finally I took it over!!!”

Zhao Zhixin’s eyes flashed slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

In just over a month, the Candle Flame Flame was completely under control, and such a speed was absolutely unimaginable to the world.

“Huh? My strength bonus has actually increased so much, and even my cultivation talent has increased so much? What the hell is going on1? ”

However, Zhao Zhixin’s newly regained consciousness was horrified to find that her original tenfold strength bonus had risen to twenty times at this time.

At the same time, his original demon-level cultivation talent had actually reached the Dao Body! Not only that, but there was a force that also raised the talent of his own Dao body to an unprecedented height.

Even his own physique has been upgraded from the original four-product to the current two-product physique!

All this is definitely not something that can be achieved by a candle day ember extinguishing inflammation.


However, not long after she regained consciousness, the space in front of her was instantly torn open by a crack!

The next moment, an old man slowly walked out of the crack.

After seeing the old man, Zhao Zhixin quickly and respectfully owed her body.

“Zhixin has seen Lao Zu!!!”

The person who came was the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor, and if he were to be investigated, he would also be regarded as the ancestor of her Yan Family dozens of generations ago.

Speaking of this, there is also a digression, the reason why Zhao Zhixin does not share the same surname as Yan Hong is that she follows her mother’s surname.

Because her mother died after she had just given birth to Zhao Zhixin, Yan Hong named Zhao Zhixin after Zhao Zhixin.

“Hahaha, Zhixin, Old Ancestor, I originally thought that you would need the least ten years to completely control the Candle Heavenly Ember Extinguishing Inflammation, but I didn’t expect that now in more than a month you have already done this, and there are people after my Heavenly Fire Sect!!!”

The Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor smiled excitedly, it was the first time he had laughed since he had been violently beaten by Yu Feng.

And Zhao Zhixin also found the bruises on the face of the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor that had not recovered until now.

“Old man, your face!?”

Zhao Zhixin asked with some doubt.

However, hearing Zhao Zhixin’s words, the face of the originally happy Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor immediately sank.

The shadow that Yu Feng gave him was really too big.

Without even showing his face, he beat himself into this dead look, and he had not recovered for so many days.

With such strength, he couldn’t imagine how far Yu Feng’s strength had reached.

“Alas! This matter does not need to be mentioned first, since you have already fused the Candle Heavenly Ember Extinguishing Inflammation, then first return to the Heavenly Fire Sect, speaking of which, from the beginning of your retreat for more than a month, a lot of major events have happened in the entire Middle Realm! ”

The Heavenly Fire Ancestor said solemnly,

Indeed, in just over a month, the pattern of the entire continent had undergone earth-shaking changes, and a suddenly rising Yu family had directly occupied all the positions of the suzerainty and son of the three holy places, and even the presidents of the two major guilds had been taken down by the Yu family.

In addition, there were two powerful people who were related to the Yu family who directly broke through to the Absolute Immortal Realm.

Even the old ancestor of the Wind and Snow City, who is rumored to have disappeared for more than ten million years, the Wind and Snow Apocalypse and the Yu Family are also closely related.

It is to let this thing ferment to the top!

However, what made him look the most ugly was that he had been beaten by the mysterious strong man in the first place, and now look at which mysterious strong man was the mysterious ancestor of the Yu family.

It seemed that the Yu family and his Heavenly Fire Sect had a vendetta, and Yan Hong was directly bombarded back when he went to visit.

Everything made him, the Heavenly Fire Sect Ancestor, worried.

“Yu Yanxiao? Yu Zhan Yun!? I seem to have heard these two names! “

However, just after the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor told Zhao Zhixin all about the incident, Zhao Zhixin’s brow frowned slightly.

“Oh? You came here with me before they rose!? ”

Zhao Zhixin’s words made the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor a little confused.

Zhao Zhixin had never touched anyone since she began to fuse the Candle Heavenly Embers to extinguish the flames, could it be that Zhao Zhixin had already seen each other before the two juniors of the Yu family had risen!?

“It’s such an old ancestor…”

Zhao Zhixin hurriedly told the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor what she knew, but after the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor heard Zhao Zhixin’s words, it was a sharp contraction of the hole!?

“Wait! You said that before you met the two of them when their realm had just reached the Theosophical Realm!? How is this possible!? The current Yu Yanxiao and Yu Zhanyun combat strength are at least above the Heavenly Realm! Otherwise, it would be impossible to be elected as suzerains by those two holy places, even if their talents were no matter how powerful they were! ”

The Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor said with an ugly face.

Even Zhao Zhixin was also very confused, did she recognize the wrong person? However, those two people were also sons and nephews, and the names were the same, and even the portraits condensed by the Heavenly Fire Ancestor using the power of the flame were the same as in his memory.

“Did they ascend from the original Theosophical Realm to the current Celestial Realm in just over a month!?” But how is this possible? Maybe the other party’s original strength was already strong enough, and when facing me, it just hid the strength! ”

Zhao Zhixin’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, and she analyzed uncertainly.

“Wait, you said they were in the Star Abyss Canyon?!?”

Suddenly, the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor’s hole contracted violently.

What is the place of Hoshibuchi Canyon!? That was the place where the Ten Holy Lands fought the Death Saint King!

The horror of that place was definitely not what I could imagine now.

“It seems that the Yu family only gradually rose more than a month ago, is the so-called Yu family from the alien space in the canyon?”

Suddenly, the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor who thought of this possibility was suddenly shocked in his heart.

If this is true, then this Yu family has definitely had his plot to control all the holy places in such a short period of time.

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