“Did you give the Heavenly Fire Order to that Yu Yanxiao in the first place?” Fortunately, he went to the Danhuo Sect, otherwise with his talent, perhaps even the old man would not be able to resist electing him as the new Holy Son! ”

The Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor said helplessly that the talent of the Yu family was really too terrifying.

As a teenager, you can have such a powerful fighting power and realm.

“Rest assured, Old Ancestor, even if he really comes to my Heavenly Fire Sect, my talent will definitely not be weaker than his!”

However, Zhao Zhixin smiled slightly, and then a terrifying breath emanated from her body, and this breath shot straight into the sky, and the endless fire fields around her began to tremble wildly under this power.

At the same time, countless flame forces also began to worship Zhao Zhixin.

Such a mighty look at the face of the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor changed dramatically!.

“The peak of the Heavenly Realm? How is this possible!? This is the breath of the peak of the Heavenly Realm!? ”

The Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor inhaled a cool breath and said in disbelief.

You must know that even the flames that have the top three in the Alien Fire Ranking List cannot raise the momentum of a Heavenly Realm Fifth Heaven Martial Artist to the peak of the Heavenly Realm, and the gap between the two is definitely not small.

Even, Zhao Zhixin’s breath was not the peak of the ordinary Heavenly Realm, it had definitely reached the limit of the powerful Heavenly Realm, and half of her feet had already stepped into the level of the Absolute Immortal Realm.

It was Zhao Zhixin’s father, Yan Hong, who had been at the peak of the Heavenly Realm for hundreds of thousands of years, who was afraid that he was not Zhao Zhixin’s opponent.

Such a terrible gap, perhaps as long as a powerful weapon, or a powerful martial art, can burst out of the Immortal Realm’s combat effectiveness.

“I don’t know, my combat effectiveness has been rising since a few months ago, and before that, my realm was just the Seventh Heaven of the Divine Bridge Realm.” However, under the impetus of a mysterious force, my strength reached the current Fifth Heaven of the Heavenly Realm in just a few months! ”

Zhao Zhixin also had a look of doubt, she even had some doubts, was she possessed or taken away by the power of a powerful soul, but her consciousness was real!?

Hearing Zhao Zhixin’s words, the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor was also stunned, such a surprising thing, he had never encountered before.

However, this is a good thing, isn’t it!?

But there was a flash of inspiration in his mind, a few months ago!? The earliest time that the Yu family appeared in the eyes of the world seems to be a few months ago!


However, at this moment, a wave of fluctuations came directly from his storage ring.

The Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor could only take out a summons jade and temporarily stop his speculation.

However, just after he read the news of summoning Yu Jian again, his face suddenly turned ugly.

“What’s wrong old man!?”

Zhao Zhixin asked the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor doubtfully.

However, the look of the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor became extremely solemn.

“It’s the Yu family! The people of the Yu family have hit me with the Heavenly Fire Sect!! ”



Time to go back a few minutes ago!

Above the Heavenly Fire Sect station, a figure slowly broke through the void and appeared above the Heavenly Fire Sect station.

And this figure was a teenager who was braving the fire of the Five Elements and carrying a huge five-colored Xuan Wei ruler behind his back.

The teenager felt the power of the thick flame below and the corners of his mouth rise slightly.

“It is worthy of being the world’s number one flame sect gate, there are dozens of different kinds of different fires alone!”

The teenager is naturally Yu Yanxiao.

Notice that he is talking about dozens, not dozens.

Among the dozens of flames of the Heavenly Fire Sect, each of them has hundreds of different fires, and as few as three or four.

Taken together, it could be said that at least 20% of the alien fires above the entire Dragon Teng Continent were in the Heavenly Fire Sect.

Such a terrifying number can be called a flame holy place.

If it had been before, so many different fires would have at least allowed Yu Yanxiao’s Five Elements Flame to improve a few ranks, at least reaching a level similar to the top three flames in the ranking was definitely not a problem.

However, now it was not necessary, his new strange fire, the five rounds away from the fire, had been upgraded by Yu Feng to the Heavenly Rank Flame.

After all, the Heavenly Order Flame only needs a hundred billion upgrade points, and it is only a small meaning for the current Yu Feng!

And the Heavenly Rank Alien Fire had already surpassed Zhao Zhixin’s Candle Heavenly Ember Extinction from above the level.

At the same time, under the blessing of the Flame Holy Body that he was upgraded to Erpin, Yu Yanxiao’s combat power bonus was definitely stronger than Zhao Zhixin, of course, Yu Yanxiao was only a Divine Bridge Realm Fifth Heaven, while Zhao Zhixin was the Fifth Heaven of the Heavenly Realm.

The gap between the two was like a Heavenly Barrier, but in the face of the other Heavenly Fire Sect’s others, Yu Yanxiao’s combat strength of almost reaching the Heavenly Realm Third and Fourth Heavens alone was already extremely terrifying, you know, he was also a Grade Alchemist on the Earth Level! Moreover, his sword intent had also reached a powerful forty percent sword intention!

If we add the power of the five rounds away from the fire, the horror of combat effectiveness is definitely not what ordinary people can imagine.

And the newly refined Xuan Wei Ruler behind him was his weapon, and the grade had also reached the Heavenly Level, and it was also a terrifying double awakening weapon. 、

“Since they are all coming, let’s say hello first, wait for Uncle and Grandpa to come and then take a step and calculate one step.”

The reason why Yu Yanxiao took the lead this time was very simple, that is, in fact, he sneaked out first, in order to see if he could snatch his grandmother back first, and then it would be a great achievement.

Unfortunately, what he didn’t know was that what awaited him might not be credit.

Thinking of this, Yu Yanxiao directly unwrapped the Xuan Wei ruler behind him.

“Come on a big one!!”

Yu Yanxiao smiled, and then the power of the strange fire in his whole body began to frantically pour into the Five Elements Xuan Wei Ruler in his hand.

The next moment, the terrifying power of the Five Elements erupted from the Xuan Wei Ruler.

In an instant, the whole heaven and earth began to be wildly turbulent.

The core elders of the entire Heavenly Fire Sect’s dozens of Heavenly Realms felt this terrifying force and their faces suddenly changed dramatically.

“No, someone broke into the sect!!!”

“Quick, the person who came here is at least a strong person above the Fifth Heaven of the Heavenly Realm, and activate the Sect Gate Guardian Array!!”

“What kind of person actually dares to come to my Heavenly Fire Sect to make trouble, and he can’t find death!?”

A roar of anger came from the entire sect.

At the same time, the Sect Gate Guardian Formation also began to start slowly at this time, but a ground level limit formation absolutely needed a lot of time to fully start.

At this time, the terrifying power in Yu Yanxiao’s hand had already been condensed.

“Heavenly Fire Sect, Heavenly Fire Sect, are you only ready to defend now?” It’s late!!! ”

Yu Yanxiao sneered, since he was a child, he had seen his grandfather Yu Zhangtian stand alone under the maple tree at the door of Yu Feng in a daze.

Let his grandfather lose the pain of his mother, he Yu Yanxiao will never let go, and now the initiator is the Heavenly Fire Sect in front of him.

If it weren’t for his own grandfather, Yu Feng would have had a plan long ago, he would have killed the Heavenly Fire Sect a month ago.

At this moment, Yu Yan roared, and as he slashed the Xuan Heavy Ruler in his hand towards the main peak below, all the terrifying power contained in the Xuan Wei Ruler was instantly released.

“Five rounds away from the fire!!!!”

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