“Five rounds away from the fire!!!!”

With a low sigh, a terrifying five-colored sword instantly cut through the void, turning into a suffocating horror sword and falling down violently downwards.

The sword was tens of thousands of miles long, and if it crashed above the Heavenly Fire Sect station, at least one main peak would be shattered in an instant, and there were nearly 100 million disciples living on top of the main peak.

The sword directly and dangerously crossed the formation that was about to close, and it looked like it was about to fall on a main peak.

“Hmm, want to destroy my Heavenly Oracle’s Peak and find a dead !!!”

Just then, however, a cold voice came from above the main peak.

Those Heavenly Pride Sons above the Heavenly Oracle’s Peak, who were already frightened and pale, were immediately relieved to hear this sentence.

“If you dare to do something to my Heavenly Oracle’s Peak, don’t you know that my Heavenly Oracle’s Peak is guarded by Elder Celestial Oracle?”

“That’s right, it is said that the Elder of the Celestial Oracles reached the Fifth Heaven of the Celestial Realm more than 100,000 years ago, and it is simply impossible for him to destroy my Heavenly Oracle’s Peak under his eyelids!”

“Look, it’s just a beam-jumping clown, and you’ll be killed by the elders of my Heavenly Fire Sect in a moment!”



Looking at the figure that soared into the sky and directly blocked the five rounds of fire slashing, all the disciples above the Heavenly Oracle’s Peak and the other main peaks, the elders were relieved.

Although the other party’s breath was powerful, it was basically impossible to face the Celestial Oracle’s elder’s desire to hurt the Heavenly Oracle’s peak.

After all, the Elder of the Heavenly Oracles was also the top five core elders of the entire Heavenly Fire Sect.


At this time, the Celestial Elder looked at the sword that was falling down and smiled disdainfully.

Immediately he directly mobilized his own strange fire in an instant.

The Alien Fire controlled by the Celestial Elder was Luo Yun Burning Flame, the thirteenth in the Alien Fire Ranking!

The power is also very powerful.

The blue Luo Yun Burning Yan erupted directly from his body and transformed into an angry-eyed King Kong with six arms and ten thousand arms.

Yes, Luo Yun Yanyan is the flame of the Buddha’s Gate, although in this world the Buddha’s Gate is not as huge as the Light God Sect, but this is only now, in the ancient times, the Buddha’s Gate is also a very terrifying existence.

At the most powerful time, it is said that in addition to the Buddha, the other four great bodhisattvas are all strong in the Immortal Realm.

The limelight is the best in the world, and Luo Yun Yanyan is a different fire born from the Buddha’s Gate.

It’s just that now the level has dropped, and at the most powerful time, Luo Yunyan’s power even ranked fourth.

“Oh? Luo Yunyan, who had been lost for so many years, actually had the Heavenly Fire Sect, and the Heavenly Fire Sect lived up to its name! ”

Yu Yanxiao in the sky raised an eyebrow after seeing Luo Yunyan, but then a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Unfortunately, you still underestimated the power of the current five rounds of fire plus forty percent of the sword intention!”

Yu Yanxiao inserted the Five Elements Xuan Heavy Ruler in his hand directly into the void, staring dead at the Elder of Heaven not far ahead.

“Buddha Fury Fire Lotus !!!!”

However, at this moment, a roar erupted from the mouth of the Celestial Elder.

In the next instant, the angry-eyed King Kong behind him suddenly opened his eyes.

At the same time, King Kong’s six arms were all placed on his chest and held in the void.

A terrifying burst of flame power erupted madly from his angry Kong’s body and began to condense a blue flame lotus platform on his chest.

The breath emanating from this lotus platform directly caused the temperature of the entire Heavenly Fire Sect to rise in a straight line.

Even Yu Yanxiao was slightly raised in the eyebrows.

“This martial art is actually the limit of the ground level!?” Such a terrible martial art actually has an elder!? Is this day the Fire Sect so generous!? ”

Yu Yanxiao was a little confused, to know that the martial art of the Ground Rank Limit was that his ancestors of the Danhuo Sect did not have it.

Of course, he didn’t know that this martial art was obtained by the Elder of the Heavenly Oracles hundreds of thousands of years ago when he received Luo Yunyan’s fire.

The only recently completed cultivation was that no one in the entire Heavenly Fire Sect knew that he possessed such a powerful fire attribute martial art.

Of course, this martial art has a characteristic, that is, only those who have the aura of the Buddha, plus the Buddha’s Gate Alien Fire Luo Yun Burning Yan can be used.

“Unfortunately, although the martial arts are powerful, they can only resist the five rounds of fire slashes slightly!!”

However, Yu Yanxiao shook his head slightly, for the simple reason that the five rounds he used to slash away from the fire were Heavenly Order Martial Arts!

At this moment, the Buddha Fury Fire Lotus below was also condensed at this time.

A palpitating blue lotus platform flew towards the sky with a slight wave of the six arms of the angry King Kong.

The breath that bloomed from the lotus platform made dozens of core elders not far away change their faces slightly.

“When did the Elder of the Celestial Oracles get such a terrible martial art!?”

“Sizzle! The power of this martial art seems to be the limit of the ground level? How is this possible, my Heavenly Fire Sect’s only Ground Level Ultimate Martial Art is only qualified to be cultivated by successive Sect Lords! ”

“It seems that the ranking of the Elder of the Celestial Oracles will be raised to the top three from now on!!”



Each of the core elders was a little emotional, and even some elders had a hint of jealousy.

You must know that even if they are all Heavenly Fire Sect people, they also have the heart to compare, others have become more powerful than themselves, and they have obtained such a terrible martial art, they are naturally a little envious and jealous.

At this moment, what they cared most about was to see if this Buddha Fury Fire Lotus could crush the terrifying sword in the sky.

Because, at this time, as the five rounds of the sword were getting closer and closer to the fire chop, he also felt the terrifying breath of the five rounds away from the fire chop.


However, it was at this time that the two attacks also collided together in an instant.

The sound of a terrifying explosion carried a shock wave and spread wildly around.


Countless Heavenly Fire Sect disciples directly spewed blood from their mouths after being swept away by the shock wave.

Endless light and heat directly turn into a huge ball of light in the sky like a small sun burning the earth, and the peaks are directly ignited by the terrifying temperature.

You must know that the Heavenly Fire Sect is a sect for cultivating flames, and these trees and flowers and plants all have extremely terrifying heat resistance, that is, some fine iron is melted and these flowers and trees will be fine.

But now it is all set on fire.

Some sect disciples were even burned instantaneously, and those with weak strength and bad luck were directly burned into serious injuries.

Fortunately, the formation in the sky began to emit bursts of array power and began to calm down the terrifying heat wave, so that the Heavenly Fire Sect disciples did not die.

However, the harm caused by Yu Yanxiao was that all the core elders were blackened.


However, something even more unexpected happened to them.

That terrifying sword actually rushed out of the ball of light in an instant, and although it was smashed in the middle by the previous Buddha Fury Fire Lotus, at this moment, it was directly transformed into two small sword rays towards the Heavenly Oracle’s Peak at an extremely terrifying speed.

When the Celestial Elder saw this scene, his face was like ashes.

“It’s over!!!”

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