When the Celestial Elder saw this scene, his face was like ashes.

“It’s over!!!”

Such a desperate thought came to his mind.

His most powerful move was actually just to smash the opponent’s attack from one blast to two attacks.

The first move had already exhausted most of his strength, and it was too late to make another move, but he was not waiting for death!

“Damn, want to kill me, dream!!!”

The Celestial Elder snorted coldly, and the next moment he directly condensed the last shred of strength in his whole body.

The tens of thousands of angry King Kong behind him had already shrunk to thousands of feet due to the disappearance of his power.

But even so, the breath emanating from the body of the Angry Eye King Kong was also very powerful, and at this moment, the six huge arms of the Angry Eye King Kong began to slowly form a Buddha seal.


At the same time, a Buddhist sound also erupted from its mouth.

The Buddha’s voice and the Buddha seal instantly transformed into a swastika Buddha seal, and the swastika Buddha seal instantly shrouded in front of the Elder of the Heavenly Oracle.


It was also at this time that one of the two terrifying swords also landed violently on the seal of the Elder of the Heavenly Oracle.

The other one crossed the Buddha seal and slammed into the Heavenly Oracle’s Peak in the rear.

“Guys, please help me block that attack!!”


The Elder of the Celestial Oracles roared angrily, and in the next instant, he was directly overwhelmed by the explosion of the swastika Buddha Seal and the half-cut sword.

The next moment his figure shot backwards like a missile, and at this time he was covered in blood and his bones were broken.

It can be predicted that if he smashes towards the Celestial Oracle’s Peak at this speed, this main peak of thousands of kilometers will definitely be shattered in an instant.

Moreover, there were still half-cut swords that had already slammed into the Heavenly Oracle’s Peak one step ahead of him.

The core elders who realized the seriousness of the matter also rushed towards the Heavenly Oracle’s Peak.

Where could they have imagined that the Celestial Elder who possessed the Ground Rank Ultimate Technique was not only defeated in an instant, but also did not even have the power to block that sword.

The gap is really too big, right!?

Therefore, the people who had only rushed towards the Heavenly Oracle’s Peak now were already too late!

Everyone rushed over with extremely terrifying speed, but in the end they could only watch in vain as the sword fell on the top of the Heavenly Oracle’s Peak.

However, at this moment, Yu Yanxiao, who was outside the Heavenly Fire Sect’s protective range, frowned.


Suddenly, a crashing sound spread throughout the Heavenly Fire Sect, only to see that the terrifying sword that was already about to fall on the mountain peak actually stopped in the void in an instant.

“Yan Hong!! Finally meet again!! ”

The corner of Yu Yanxiao’s mouth rose slightly, yes, the person who appeared was Yan Hong. At the same time, he not only had expectations in his heart, but also a trace of vigilance!

Only to see that at this moment, Yan Hong directly caught Yu Yanxiao’s sword with one hand, and at the same time, with a slight wave of his left hand, a mysterious power surged out and directly caught the Heavenly Oracle’s Elder who flew out backwards!

After looking at the bloodied Elder of the Heavenly Oracle, Yan Hongyao shrank slightly, and an extreme anger in his heart rose directly.

Deceiving people too much, simply deceiving people too much, his Yu family actually killed him in the Heavenly Fire Sect and directly injured the core elder of the Heavenly Fire Sect.

His face was very ugly.


With a cold hum from Yan Hong, he directly crushed that blade into a point of flame light in an instant.

Such a terrifying strength also made Yu Yanxiao slightly vigilant.

“Sure enough, the suzerainty of a holy land, the super powerful strength of the peak of the Heavenly Realm, is indeed terrifying!!”

Yu Yanxiao slightly squeezed the Five Elements Xuan Heavy Ruler in his hand.

“Yu Yan Whoops! You are a Alchemist Guild, so you have insulted my Heavenly Fire Sect, is it not possible for your Alchemist Guild to make enemies with my Heavenly Fire Sect!? ”

Yan Hong snorted coldly, his loud words were mixed with endless anger, and the space around him was directly shattered by his voice.

However, his words made all the people in the entire Heavenly Fire Sect suddenly change their faces!

“What? The person who came was Master Yu Yanxiao, the new president of the Alchemist’s Guild!? How is this possible!? ”

“No, if you offend the Alchemist’s Guild, then don’t all the people of my Heavenly Fire Sect have no elixir!?”

“Offended? Just kidding, people hit it!! ”



All the elders and disciples changed their faces after hearing each other’s identities, and those earth level alchemists in the Heavenly Fire Sect also changed their faces after they looked into the sky.

Because almost all the alchemists above the ground level of the Dragon Teng Continent had been known by Yu Yanxiao.

Naturally, they recognized Yu Yanxiao’s identity at a glance.

Everyone knew what it would be to offend the current president of the Alchemist’s Guild.

It will definitely be resisted by all the alchemists above the ground level of the entire alchemist realm.

This is not to say that the president of the Alchemist Guild can do whatever he wants, on the contrary, as the president of the Alchemist Guild, he also represents the face of the entire Alchemist Guild and many things cannot be done.

But Yu Yanxiao was different, he was now the idol of all the alchemists of the earth level, even the legend of the gods, and almost everyone was awarded some alchemist techniques that had been lost for countless years by Yu Yanxiao.

Equivalent to the current Yu Yanxiao is the teacher of all alchemists above the ground level.

With such a high status, as long as Yu Yanxiao didn’t do anything that would make everyone in the world angry, all the alchemists would definitely support him.

And against him as a Heavenly Fire Sect is definitely not in this ranks.

That is to say, if this matter is not solved well, from now on, the Heavenly Fire Sect’s elixir can only rely on self-production and self-sales.

And the elixirs above the earth level can only be refined by those members of the Alchemist Guild, and he doesn’t have a single Heavenly Fire Sect!

Such a blow during the million-year period before Yu Yanxiao’s death would definitely bring the rising star of his Heavenly Fire Sect to a halt.

After all, Dan Yao definitely has something crucial in the process of refining medicine.

At the same time, under the struggle for some super geniuses, the Heavenly Fire Sect was absolutely difficult to win.

After all, a sect gate that alchemists in the world are resisting is that there are medicinal materials that cannot buy any Dan Medicine, and no matter how talented they are, it is difficult to catch up with their peers who have the same talent and Dan Medicine supply!

In the long run, the entire Heavenly Fire Sect will most likely be cool!

And this is the position of Yu Yanxiao above the Dragon Teng Continent at this time!

On this side, Yu Yanxiao was smiling.

“Lord Yan Hong said with a smile, although I represent the Alchemist Guild, this time I am definitely not representing the Alchemist Guild to declare war on your Heavenly Fire Sect!”

At this moment, Yu Yanxiao opened his mouth with a smile, and his words spread through the surrounding space throughout the entire Heavenly Fire Sect.

And the entire Heavenly Fire Sect was shocked after hearing it, was it just that there was some misunderstanding?

Even Yan Hong was slightly stunned.

However, the next moment, Yu Yanxiao’s words instantly made everyone present look miserable.

“After all, the Heavenly Fire Sect is also a holy place, so this time I am representing, the Alchemist Guild, the Alchemist Guild, the Heavenly Arrow Sect, the Excalibur Alliance, and the Wind and Snow City, the three holy places, and the two major guilds have declared war on your Heavenly Fire Sect!”

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