“Sizzle!! 50% sword meaning! What the hell is this evil!? ”

Yan Hong was completely desperate at this time, this Yu family person was more terrifying than the other, and the fifty percent sword intent could kill a powerful person of the fifth and sixth heavens of the Heavenly Realm just by virtue of the sword intention.

Although it was much weaker than his current strength at the peak of the Heavenly Realm, you must know that Yu Zhanyun had just made himself so embarrassed with only forty percent of his arrow intent.

Now here comes another 50% sword-meaning Yu Zhangtian!?


However, what answered Yan Hong was a terrifying breath.

A soaring sword intent on Yu Zhangtian’s body directly soared into the sky as if it were about to tear apart the heavens and the earth.

Its horror directly tore the boundless thunderclouds in the sky into a crack, as if the sky had been cut open.

“Yu family, Yu Zhangtian! Please teach!! ”

And Yu Zhangtian also opened his mouth! The long sword in his hand trembled slightly, and a stream of palpitating sword intent flew rapidly around him, and at this time, Yu Zhangtian was like the whole person had turned into a supreme divine sword.

“What a terrifying sword! The purity of this son’s sword intent was definitely above that of Sword Cloud Heaven!! ”

Feeling Yu Zhangtian’s sword Yi Yan Hong’s heart couldn’t help but sigh in admiration.

But then his face darkened.

Because he knew that the current Yu Zhangtian was not the Yu Zhan Yun he had faced before, and his strength might be that of him or his opponent.

“Yu family, they are all monsters!!”

Helplessly thinking of this, Yan Hong immediately drew out his Blazing Blood Demon Sword again.

However, he was helpless to find that his Blazing Blood Demon Sword Body actually had ten small pits because he had directly used it to slash ten magic arrows before.

However, he soon ignored it, after all, it did not affect the use.

“Oh? Is your weapon damaged!? ”

However, Yu Zhangtian on the other side was stunned, and the next moment, in Yan Hong’s confused gaze, Yu Zhangtian actually directly put away his Holy Spirit Thunder Sword.

The next moment an ordinary iron sword appeared in his hand.

Yes, it is the iron sword, the kind of iron sword that ordinary people can buy at any time in the blacksmith’s shop.

However, in the next instant, Yan Hong’s face darkened.

“Is it too much for your excellency to look down on Yan Mou so much!?”

Yan Hong said coldly.

“Lord Yan Hong has misunderstood, the juniors just don’t want to take advantage!!”

Yu Zhangtian explained calmly.

Of course, Yan Hong naturally didn’t believe it, but he immediately sneered at the corners of his mouth.

“Since Lord Yu doesn’t care, then I’m not welcome!” Hope you don’t regret it! ”

After Yan Hong finished speaking, his feet instantly turned towards the void, and the whole person disappeared directly in place. When he appeared again, Yan Hong had already come to Yu Zhangtian’s face.

Yan Hong’s sword slashed out, and the terrifying power carried by the terrifying Ground Rank Ultimate Weapon, the Blazing Blood Yan Demon Sword, directly slammed into Yu Zhangtian in front of him.

However, Yu Zhangtian still did not make the slightest movement, just stood calmly in the same place.

And just as Yan Hong’s all-out blow slammed down on Yu Zhangtian’s head, a sharp sword intent instantly poured into the iron sword in Yu Zhangtian’s hand.

“Brush !!!!!”

A dazzling light instantly pierced through the void.

This ray of light directly caused the dozens of core elders and the three Yu Family members who were not far away to watch the battle can’t help but close their eyes.

When the light was restored again, everyone found that Yu Zhangtian did not know when he stood behind Yan Hong’s back and the two turned their backs on each other.


With a sword sound, Yu Zhangtian actually inserted the iron sword in his hand directly into the original wooden sword scabbard.


Suddenly, the sound of cracking reached the ears of everyone present.

Only to see that the Blazing Blood Demon Sword in Yan Hong’s hand actually broke directly from the middle.

The sword fell directly above the earth.

Yan Hong, on the other hand, slowly lowered his head in disbelief with wide eyes.

I saw that the clothes on his chest had been cut open.

But his body was only a faint trace of blood.

“It is indeed difficult for ordinary iron swords to hurt the peak of the Heavenly Realm, and it seems that the juniors are still entrusted!!”

And Yu Zhangtian also opened his mouth at this time.


In an instant, everyone was taking a breath of cool air.

What did they see!?

Yu Zhangtian instantly cut off the Blazing Blood Demon Sword in Yan Hong’s hand just by relying on an iron sword? He almost killed Yan Hong!

As for Yu Zhangtian’s so-called ordinary iron sword, it was difficult to hurt the peak of the Heavenly Realm, as long as he was not a fool, he knew that he had saved face for Yan Hong.

The terrifying power that can instantly cut off the Ground Rank Ultimate Weapon into two pieces will not be able to cut Yan Hong’s waist?

However, Yan Hong listened to Yu Zhangtian’s words but his eyes were momentarily distracted.

He lost, and there was no suspense in losing.

At that moment, he didn’t even have the slightest strength to react.

His hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation could not even withstand a boy who had not been a hundred years old.

Even the other party just used an iron sword that can be found everywhere to give himself a second.

At this moment, he even wondered if he had lost his heart and gone crazy, whether he had been schizophrenic since the death of Zhao Zhixin’s mother!?

“I lost!!!”

A faint sigh came out of his mouth.

His whole person’s spirit seemed to be reduced by dozens of grades in an instant.

As soon as his words came out, all the Heavenly Fire Sect Core Elders who originally regarded Yan Hong as the main heart bone were also suddenly sluggish.

Yan Hong lost! Losing so thoroughly, so unbelievable.

“My Heavenly Fire Sect is coming to an end!!!”

Such a thought instantly came to the minds of everyone present.

“Since the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor has already come, then he hasn’t come out yet!?”

However, at this moment, Yu Zhangtian calmly looked into the void.

And his words instantly made everyone present change their faces!

“Old man!? By the way, there is a grandfather!? Is Lao Zu coming!? ”

“There is salvation, as long as the old ancestor comes, there will be salvation!!”



One by one, the core elders were overjoyed when they heard Yu Zhangtian’s words.

The strength of the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor had reached the peak of the entire continent, and it could be said that no matter how powerful the people on the continent were, they were at most equal to the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor.

It was basically impossible to surpass the Heavenly Fire Ancestor.

Now that the Heavenly Fire Ancestor had come, then his Heavenly Fire Sect would be saved.

“You are the son of that adult, Yu Zhangtian, and your strength is indeed terrifying!!”

Sure enough, in the place where Yu Zhangtian was looking, an old man covered in golden robes and with long blond hair and long beard slowly stepped out of the endless void.

With his appearance, Yu Yanxiao instantly felt that the five rounds of fire in his body that had been raised to the top three of the different fire rankings could compete with each other actually began to tremble slightly.

“Di Yan! Is this old man Di Yan? If I absorb it, I don’t know how far my realm will rise!? ”

However, Yu Yanxiao looked longingly at the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor in the sky.

Even the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor felt his gaze.

“Whew! This kid actually fused out the Five Elements Fire on his own? And there are such powerful energy fluctuations! It is more than the candle day embers to extinguish the inflammation! ”

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