The Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor also had a slight light in his eyes after seeing Yu Yanxiao, and then there was some pity, if Yu Yanxiao was a member of his Heavenly Fire Sect, he might be a powerful Immortal Realm warrior in the future.

Unfortunately, the other party came from the mysterious Yu family.

At the same time, he called Yu Feng that an adult, which also made all the core elders present change their faces.

“Is there any super strong person in the Yu family who is even more powerful than Lao Zu!?”

A core elder said in disbelief.

The other elders remembered Yan Hong’s previous performance and had never dared to hurt his Yu Family teenager’s heart suddenly jumped.

“It turns out that the Sect Leader has never been a killer because the Yu Family still has such a powerful and powerful person, so powerful that even the old ancestor is jealous!”

After thinking about this, the heart that had already been put down was instantly lifted again.

At the same time, they couldn’t help but think about what kind of family this so-called Yu family really was, and even such a super strong person had it.

What kind of existence did he Heavenly Fire Sect offend?

“The junior is Yu Zhangtian, and my father asked me to bring you a word: As long as the wound on your face does not use the power of different fire to resist, it will disappear immediately!”

Yu Zhangtian said calmly to the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor, and at the same time, he looked at the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor’s face curiously.

Suddenly, I found that there was really a trace of bruising, as if I had been beaten violently.

However, upon hearing Yu Zhangtian’s words, the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor was almost angry!

Feeling that it has taken a huge amount of strength these days to resist the spatial power planted by Yu Feng in the period of external incarnation is in vain?

However, he hesitated a little when he thought of the horror of the space force, but in the end he did as Yu Feng said, and withdrew all the strange fire forces that suppressed the space power.


However, just as soon as he withdrew, a supreme breath that made everyone present suffocate in an instant suddenly erupted from the face of the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor.

Fortunately, that force instantly melted into the surrounding space and disappeared, otherwise in a few minutes, I am afraid that someone will be crushed to death by that terrible force.

With the disappearance of the power of space, the bruises on the face of the Heavenly Fire Ancestor also disappeared.

“Damn, was played!!!”

Seeing where the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor was here, he didn’t know that he was being tricked by Yu Feng.

But in this way, his vigilance against Yu Feng was even more serious.

“Just by relying on such a force to torture me like this, if I really do something to me, can I resist the other party’s move!?”

The Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor thought of this and contracted violently.

“Say hello to Ling Zun for me!” Thank you Ling Zun for his original grace of not killing! ”

The Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor finally sighed slightly, and then said solemnly to Yu Zhangtian.

And his words also confirmed the speculations of all the Heavenly Fire Sect Core Elders!

“Hello don’t have to, my father will arrive soon, although today’s incident has offended, but it means a lot to my Yu family!!”

However, Yu Zhangtian’s words directly caused the face of the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor to change slightly.

The old ancestor of the Yu family is coming!?

What was the situation, and what was the matter, even the beings of the Yu Family Old Ancestor had to come to his Heavenly Fire Sect personally.

“Dare to ask, is there any misunderstanding, my Heavenly Fire Sect seems to have never offended the Yu Family!?”

However, the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor frowned slightly and then asked solemnly at Yu Zhangtian.

At the same time, he didn’t know why since he had seen Yu Zhangtian and Yu Batian, he had a faint sense of familiarity, as if he had seen them somewhere.

He suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, could it be that he had really accidentally offended their Yu family at some point!?

But no matter how he searched his memory, none of the enemies seemed to have the surname Yu.

But that familiar feeling lingered.

“No, everything will be revealed when my father comes!!”

However, Yu Zhangtian directly refused the question of the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor.

“Hahahahaha, I can’t imagine that the disciples of Sword Cloud Heaven will actually send them to the door, Heavenly Fire Sect Member, you are also too righteous!”

However, at this moment, a loud voice came from the endless void, and at the same time, a strange disgust that made everyone present feel strange came from the void.

Everyone was frowning and looking at the place where the sound came from.

I saw a silver-haired and silver-bearded, a gorgeous dress, and an old man with meticulously combed hair slowly coming out of the void.

At the same time, the old man’s hand also had a scepter embedded with a Heavenly Realm Peak Demon Beast Core embedded in it!

The necklace of the cross before his neck was extremely conspicuous.

“Pope, what have you come to do!?”

For the uninvited Pope Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor frowned.

“Dear Heavenly Fire Cultist, this is what is wrong with you, before you came to ask me to resist the so-called Yu family together, now that I have come, you really do not welcome the Pope, are you deceiving me!?”

With a wounded expression, the Pope looked at the Heavenly Fire Ancestor as if he had been abandoned by the other side.

However, for his words and expressions, the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor suddenly felt a tumbling in his stomach.

For the pope’s girlishness, he had long wanted to beat him up.

“You roll me, now is not the time to say this!”

At the same time, for the pope’s words, he couldn’t help but look at Yu Zhangtian as if he was not angry but stared at the pope with interest, and he was immediately relieved.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt Yu Feng’s terror and strength, so he had long forgotten the idea of uniting with the Great Absolute Immortal Realm to resist Yu Feng

Didn’t you see that the slightest trace of spatial power that Yu Feng had just stored in his body had just exploded and almost destroyed himself?

If you really do it, let alone if you have gathered three or five Absolute Wonderlands yourself, you will all gather the hundreds of Absolute Wonderlands that have appeared in the past billions of years to face Yu Feng, and there will not be many chances of winning.

“The God of Light is on top, and since the Heavenly Fire Sect members are in trouble now, the Pope will leave with the disciples of Sword Cloud Heaven!”

And the Pope did not care in the slightest about the insults of the Heavenly Fire Ancestor, and he came here for only one purpose, that is, to take away Yu Zhangtian.

He hadn’t forgotten that Sword Yuntian had not only killed the Sect Leader of the Divine Light Sect but had also severely injured himself.

“Oh? You’re here to take me!? It’s just that your badly injured body now wants to take away me, is it a bit of a fool’s dream! ”

However, Yu Zhangtian smiled, laughing disdainfully.

With the blessing of the ancestral hall and the joint improvement of his Heavenly Order martial arts and Heavenly Order weapons accomplices, his strength was definitely not without a chance of victory in the face of a pope who had been seriously injured by external strength.

However, the Pope sneered when he heard Yu Zhangtian’s words.

“The Pope dared to come here naturally prepared! Today, all the people here, none of them want to go!! ”

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