And as the minutes and seconds passed, Yu Feng could find that the destructive power contained in the huge black hole in front of him was actually becoming more and more pure.

When he transformed into a black ball of light with a diameter of 100 meters, its mass was terrifying, probably enough to be equivalent to the weight of an earth.

At the same time, if it were not for Yu Feng’s isolation, the gravitational force contained in it would be enough to surpass the gravitational pull of the Dragon Teng Continent by millions of times.

“Interestingly, such a pure power of destruction, I don’t know if I can comprehend the pure power of destruction from it, if I can, my strength will also increase!”

Yu Feng touched his chin.

The four special energies, death, destruction, life, and destiny, each of which is something powerful enough to upend an entire continent and an era.

And now, Yu Feng already had death, and at the same time, the pure power of destruction that was now appearing, if he could understand it, then his dragon divine body with two special powers would definitely increase in power.

At that time, their own strength will become more powerful!

Thinking of this, Yu Feng suppressed the black Destruction Light Sphere to the point where it could not be suppressed, and then directly collected it into his storage ring and sealed it using the Heavenly Order Formation.

That’s right, it was the Heavenly Order Formation, and he raised the Heavenly Order to the Heavenly Rank when he was bored.

After all, it is also a very practical ability, and Yu Feng will naturally not let go!

“I’ll give you a Heavenly Order weapon, and you’ll use it as a bomb!?” You boy can! ”

Yu Feng turned his head and said wordlessly to Yu Zhangtian.

Yu Zhangtian’s heart suddenly jumped, facing Yu Feng’s fear made him prefer to go head-to-head with a Absolute Wonderland.

“Daddy… You listen to my explanation, that thing is an angel, a legendary angel, how can I kill your son without using a weapon! ”

Yu Zhangtian said excitedly.

“This is not a reason for you to damage a Heavenly Order weapon!” Do you know how much effort I put into refining that weapon!? Three hours! Don’t even say that after going back, I honestly copied the house rules ten times! ”

Yu Feng glanced at Yu Zhangtian.

However, the conversation between the two of them instantly made Yan Hong, who had just come to prepare to meet Yu Feng’s Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor, stumble and almost fall.

Three hours!? , three hours can refine the kind of weapon used by Yu Zhangtian? Is there still a royal law in this world!?

It takes at least thousands of years for an ordinary Ground Level Alchemist to refine a Ground Level Grade weapon.

Yu Feng was good, refining the Heavenly Order weapon or the Heavenly Order weapon that could instantly obliterate the Absolute Immortal Fourth Heavenly Super Powerful after the self-explosion, it only took three hours.

As for the possibility of Yu Feng bragging is almost zero, why brag!? I am so bullish, bragging or something is no longer necessary, this is really bullish!

“The juniors have seen the seniors, thank you for their life-saving grace!!”

The Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor rushed to Yu Feng’s face and arched his hand respectfully, and the old waist was directly bent to a full ninety degrees!

Such respect was really the reason why Yu Feng’s strength was too terrifying, and at the same time, he didn’t know why after seeing Yu Feng, he had a trace of fear, a fear from his bloodline.

He knew that it was the breath of the mother fire.

“The junior Heavenly Fire Sect Yanhong, has seen the seniors!!!”

Yan Hong was also respectfully about to perform a great salute to Yu Feng, but an invisible force held it in the air so that he could not worship.

In an instant, Yan Hong’s cold sweat came out.

Don’t let him worship? Doesn’t that mean that not accepting his prostration will absolutely destroy him!? Thinking of this, Yan Hong’s hole contracted violently, and his fist was also instantly clenched.

“Senior, my grandson…”

The Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor was about to hurry to intercede, but Yu Feng slightly waved his hand to stop his words.

“The Heavenly Fire Elders don’t need to explain, things are not what you think!” I have no grievances or vendetta against Lord Yanhong, and I will not do anything to him! It’s just his kneeling, Yu can’t stand it! ”

Yu Feng smiled slightly, and looked deeply at Yan Hong.

His words immediately made everyone present confused.

The Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor and Yan Hong suddenly looked at each other and did not know what medicine was sold in the Yu Feng gourd, but after knowing that the Yu Family and their own Heavenly Fire Sect had no revenge, the two of them were suddenly excited.

Doesn’t that mean you don’t have to die!?

“Daddy Daddy!! Your old man has finally come, and if we don’t come again, we will all be killed by the big brother!! ”

However, just at this moment, an excited voice came from below.

Only to see Yu Batian’s weeping face rush to Yu Feng and start to tell Yu Zhangtian.

As soon as Yu Zhangtian heard this, he was furious and wanted to give the dirty Yu Batian.

“After you go back, when your eldest brother punishes the house rules, you keep it, and if you make a mistake, you can add a penalty ten times!”

Looking at the gray-headed Yu Batian and Yu Zhanyun, the three Yu Feng suddenly said helplessly.

And hearing Yu Feng’s words Yu Batian’s eyes suddenly lit up, this paragraph he was familiar with, but when he was a child, it was he who was more skinny, it was he who punished the family rules, Yu Zhangtian was the supervisor, once he was punished by Yu Zhangtian more than two hundred times of the family rules, that is a few thousand words at a time!

“Dude, I’m sorry!!”

He smiled triumphantly at Yu Zhangtian, and saw that the corners of Yu Zhangtian’s mouth twitched slightly, and it seemed that he would not be able to end if he did not copy it thousands of times this time.

Looking at the Yu family’s happy and harmonious appearance, Yan Hong and the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor were somewhat envious, and the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor as a different cremation spirit did not have much experience in this aspect of family affection, so he did not pay much attention to his sons and grandsons.

By the time he experienced all the changes in his life, his sons and grandchildren were dead.

And Yan Hong is even more so, he also has part of the responsibility for the death of his wife, if he had not ignored his wife for the sake of Zongmen when Zhao Zhixin was born, Zhao Zhixin’s mother would not have died.

Even after Zhao Zhixin was born, he did not pay much attention to Zhao Zhixin because of his sadness.

As a result, Zhao Zhixin went out directly to practice after becoming an adult, and eventually disappeared.

At this moment, Yu Feng glanced at the tattered Heavenly Fire Sect below. His brow furrowed instantly.

“Xiao Yanzi, come here!!!”

A low drink suddenly emanated from Yu Feng’s mouth.

In an instant, the spirit of several members of the Yu family was shocked.

“Xiao Yanzi is cold!!!”

Such a thought came to mind at the same time in the minds of all the Yu family members present.

Yu Yanxiao’s face was also suddenly white, he originally wanted to directly snatch away his grandmother, who knew that now not only did not rob people, but also led out the mythical birds of the angels, this next blow to himself is absolutely inevitable.

In desperation, he could only fly to the front of Yu Feng.

“How did I explain it in the first place!?”

Yu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly!!

And his calm and not hearing any angry words made Yu Yanxiao’s heart beat even more violently.

“Grandpa, I… You listen to my explanation! I’m not all for the sake of…”

Yu Yanxiao wanted to explain.

Unfortunately, Yu Feng had a look in his eyes that made him dare not speak again.

However, at this moment, Yu Feng’s next sentence was instantly confused by Yu Yanxiao and everyone in the Yu family.

“Come over and apologize to your grandpa!!”

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