“Come over and apologize to your grandpa!!”

As soon as Yu Feng’s words came out, not only was Yu Yanxiao momentarily confused in place, but the Yu family members and Yan Hong and the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor around them were all sluggish.

In an instant, a thought of Yu Zhangtian’s heart jumped in his mind.

Looking at Yan Hong’s appearance, there was actually a slight resemblance to himself and Yu Batian.

“Yan… Lord Yan, the Heavenly Fire Sect Saint Daughter is your daughter!? ”

Yu Zhangtian couldn’t help but swallow his saliva, as soon as his words came out, all the Yu family members were suddenly struck by lightning, and then everyone subconsciously looked around.

Looking at the Heavenly Fire Sect’s resident, a bad premonition surfaced.

“Xiao Yanzi has run into a big disaster this time!!”

And Yan Hong was also still immersed in Yu Feng’s grandfather’s words and could not extricate himself.

When he reacted, he saw that all the juniors of the Yu family were staring at him deadly, and an unprecedented pressure suddenly arose.

“Zhixin is indeed a little girl!!”

Yan Hong subconsciously replied, but in the next instant he directly widened his eyes.

He looked at the Yu family with a look of disbelief.

The Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor was also momentarily stunned, no wonder he would have a trace of familiarity after seeing Yu Zhangtian, before he thought about it, all the people in his mind had not found the source of this sense of familiarity, but now look at it, this familiar feeling actually came from Yan Hong.

At this moment, he finally knew why Zhao Zhixin had returned with amnesia, and the memory could not be unlocked by a powerful seal.

“I should have thought of it a long time ago, who else could lay the seal that even I couldn’t unlock, except for this mysterious ancestor of the Yu family?”

The Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor sighed helplessly, but unfortunately he didn’t know that his seemingly solid conclusion was wrong.

After hearing Yan Hong’s words, all the children of the Yu family suddenly became serious.

Yu Zhang took a step forward from heaven.

“Yujia! Yu Zhangtian, I have seen Grandpa!! ”

“Yujia! Yu Batian, met Grandpa!! ”

“Yujia! Yu Zhanyun (Yu Yanxiao) has seen…………”



The four Yu Family disciples respectfully bowed their hands to Yan Hong, whose face was very complicated.

On the other side, Yu Feng also slowly stepped forward.

At this moment, Yan Hong finally couldn’t help it, and his heart went to his throat.

“Yujia! Yu Feng, met my father-in-law!! ”

Yu Feng’s white clothes fluttered, and then he bowed slightly towards Yan Hong.

With Yu Feng’s movements, the endless aura between the surrounding heavens and earth, the rules seemed to be pulled by Yu Feng, and a series of heaven and earth visions rose up throughout the Dragon Teng Continent.

At the level of Yu Feng, it was already extremely difficult for the Dragon Teng Continent to carry it, after all, the current Dragon Teng Continent was not in the ancient times.

Looking at the person who trembled for the heavens and the earth just for a slight prayer called his father-in-law, Yan Hong was momentarily confused.

He had thought countless times over the decades that if he found someone who had defiled his daughter in the first place, he would absolutely cramp and peel it, but now he couldn’t do it.

First, he didn’t have that strength, and second, he looked at his own grandsons around him, the terrible talent of his grandsons, and they killed the Heavenly Fire Sect just to find his daughter, and he suddenly wanted to know what really happened that year.

“Maybe my father-in-law has a lot of puzzles, in fact, it’s not just you, me and my Yu family have not once stopped looking for Zhixin in the past few decades, but unfortunately, the Dragon Teng Continent is so big, it is almost impossible to find it in the situation before my Yu family!”

Yu Feng slowly stood up straight, and said slowly, in fact, he had come to the Heavenly Fire Sect after his strength reached the peak of the Heavenly Realm, but he had inadvertently learned that the Heavenly Fire Sect Saint Daughter was actually the Heavenly Fire Sect Leader, and Zhao Zhixin had finally lost her memory when she returned from the outside world.

At that time, he was a little confused, but fortunately, knowing that Zhao Zhixin was not in danger of being taken away by the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor, he did not care, after all, the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor was the Yan Family Old Ancestor, and he was also a well-known righteous person on the Dragon Teng Continent, and it was impossible to harm his own family descendants, and Yu Feng also went back.

Originally planning to kill the Heavenly Fire Sect, he changed his mind and planned to pick up Zhao Zhixin again in a posture of crushing the entire continent, but he was disturbed by Yu Yanxiao!

However, his words made the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor and Yan Hong suddenly stunned, your Yu family is so powerful, and you have been looking for Zhao Zhixin for decades!?

However, after suddenly remembering his investigation of the Yu family, the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor Yao Kong suddenly contracted violently.

You know, in all the records, the old ancestor of the Yu family, Yu Feng, is just a hundred years old and is now as old as Zhao Zhixin.

And from all the records, the Yu family ancestor from birth to now is just an ordinary physical realm, you must know that in order to find this news, he has searched the entire Yunhai Town for souls.

At first, he just felt that these people in Yunhai Town were afraid that they had all been modified by the Yu Family Old Ancestor, or had been covering up.

However, now after looking at these descendants of the Yu Family who had a slight connection with themselves in the depths of their bloodlines, he suddenly understood.

The descendants of the Yu family can reach the point of killing Yan Hong in an instant at the age of sixty or seventy, so as the old ancestor’s Yu Feng, can’t he reach the age of one hundred years above the Fifth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm!?

Although it is impossible, but is Yu Zhangtian’s strength possible!?

Although he couldn’t check Yu Feng’s bone age, he could see Yu Zhangtian’s bone age.

That is to say, the boy in front of him who was full of sword qi and could kill Yan Hong in an instant was really the son of Yu Feng and Zhao Zhixin after Zhao Zhixin disappeared.

Everything together seems to be so reasonable to explain, but the most unreasonable of them is the talent of the Yu family and the speed of strength improvement.

However, after thinking about Zhao Zhixin, he also suddenly found that Zhao Zhixin, who was only a hundred years old, now did not she also have the strength of the Heavenly Realm Limit?

It didn’t seem difficult to defeat Yan Hong.

And the only person who knows the reason for all this may be the seemingly omniscient and omnipotent Yu Feng in front of him.


In the midst of endless fire! At this time, Zhao Zhixin was trapped in the medium size of the Fire Domain, but a faint barrier sealed her death here.

The Heavenly Fire Ancestor who knew that the Yu Family had killed the Heavenly Fire Sect had directly used the power of endless fire to block the surroundings, just in case Zhao Zhixin, an amazing genius.

In this period of time, Zhao Zhixin wanted to break the barrier here more than once, but with her strength, she could not do it.

After all, the strength of the Heavenly Fire Ancestor was beyond her reach.

At this moment, Zhao Zhixin, who had a blue robe, was recovering the true qi she had just lost.


However, at this moment, the environment around her suddenly twisted.

Sensing the change, Zhao Zhixin opened her star-like eyes.

“What’s going on!?”

Her face became solemn, and her eyebrows frowned slightly as she looked at the environment around her that began to twist.

And the next moment the surrounding environment instantly turns into a forest!

In the middle of this forest, a timid girl is curled up under a large tree, directly blocked by a fierce beast.

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