
Chinese New Year’s Eve this day, everyone in the Yu family returned, and even Yan Hong came here cheekily to celebrate the reunion of the Yu family.

“Xiao Yanzi, come and come, pour a glass of wine for your grandfather and grandfather!!”

Yan Hong unceremoniously called out to Yu Yan.

“Here it comes!!!”

Yu Yanxiao trotted over with a bitter face and poured the wine.

The Yu family almost laughed when they looked at Yu Yanxiao.

At first, Yu Feng had prepared several holy places plus two major guilds to come to the door to confess their relatives, but Yu Yanxiao actually killed this boy directly alone.

Not to mention destroying several main peaks of the Heavenly Fire Sect, he almost killed a core elder of the Heavenly Fire Sect.

The reason for this was that Yu Feng was speechless.

You must know that he has already explained Yu Zhanyun in advance to make him optimistic about Yu Yanxiao, who knows that he has still exploited the loophole.

“Alas! Xiao Yanzi, this kid, just didn’t know how to stop!!! ”

Yu Zhangtian also sighed helplessly.

However, he was a little embarrassed to think of his grandfather in seconds.

Fortunately, after knowing that Yu Zhangtian was his grandson, Yan Hong was also relieved, after all, Yu Zhangtian had always been relatively polite.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yanzi was miserable, and in the past few days, Yan Hong had not been pulled to practice his fighting skills.

Although he was beaten a lot, Yan Hong did not teach him anything less, which was also a blessing in disguise.

The reunion dinner can be said to be the most complete one from the establishment of the Yu family to the present.

However, Yu Feng’s gaze intentionally or unintentionally swept to Yu Lingxuan and her mother who were not far away, and her brow was also slightly wrinkled.

His eldest grandson, Yu Yanling, became an orphan after Yu Yanling was assassinated.

But fortunately, the Yu family also poured a lot of love into Xiao Xuanxuan, so that her childhood was still very happy.

But even so, the Yu family is still forever one less.

“I don’t know if the legendary undead world exists or not, but if it does, it looks like I’m going to go through it!!”

Yu Feng thought to himself in his heart.


However, at this moment, a strange wave swept in from afar.

This wave was very obscure, and everyone present felt it except Yu Feng.

And even Yu Feng felt this wave because he understood the power of death.

“What a strong smell of death! What the hell is going on? ”

Yu Feng raised an eyebrow, and his eyes suddenly looked in the direction where the Xingyuan Canyon was located.

It was absolutely reasonable for such a terrible breath of death to come from that direction, after all, there were not as many strong people in the whole continent as there were dead in that place.

However, the Death Breath was sealed in the other space very stable, and no one would ever have such a big fluctuation if he did not touch him.

“Brother Feng, what’s wrong!?”

Zhao Zhixin, who was beside Yu Feng, asked in confusion after seeing Yu Feng’s unusualness.

Her words immediately made everyone in the Yu family look at Yu Feng with curious eyes.

Yu Feng, on the other hand, was slightly raised at the corner of his mouth.

“No problem, no big deal, just something that doesn’t have long eyes goes to a place that shouldn’t go, let’s keep eating!!”

Yu Feng smiled slightly, and then did not pay attention to the place again. ‘

Today is the first time that Zhao Zhixin has had a reunion dinner with the Yu family after returning home, even if the sky fell down, Yu Feng did not bother to pay attention.

Of course, even if something big happens, it can be solved with his current strength.

Moreover, the fluctuations he had just felt were only fluctuations around the Second Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm, not to mention that the Second Heaven was the Fourth Heaven, and the Fifth Heaven had only one death in the face of Yu Feng.



In the Demon Domain on this side, many Demon Emperor-level strong people also sensed that powerful fluctuation.

Several Demon Emperors of the First and Second Heavens suddenly soared into the sky and rushed towards the place where the Alien Space was located.

Even the Demon Emperor of the Absolute Immortal Triple Heaven was alarmed.

“Boom boom!!!! boom boom

However, at this moment, at the entrance of the alien space, a white bone covering the sky was frantically attacking a cloud of black mist.

Every collision of the two figures will make the surrounding space, the earth collapse for tens of thousands of meters.

If the battle between the two is placed on the earth within a few minutes, the earth will disintegrate.

“Ten Thousand Bones Dynasty Sect !!!”

And at this moment, with a low roar of anger the white bone giant transformed into an undead ancestor, slammed into the earth with one punch.

His fist slammed into the ground.

Just when the Soul Heavenly Emperor didn’t know what was happening, huge white bone spikes were growing madly on the earth.

These spikes instantly overgrew this mountain of broken boundaries.

“Boom boom boom!!!! boom boom

In the next instant, countless spikes were like white streamers frantically blasting towards the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

The speed was so fast, even if a strong person of the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s level was hit once, he would definitely lose a great deal of combat effectiveness.

“Nice ability, such a wide range of attacks and such power!!”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor stared at these white streamers and kept praising.

However, at this moment, a mighty soul power in his eyes instantly began to riot wildly.

“Hitomi! The devil is coming! A calm low drink erupted from his mouth.

Endless soul power began to emerge around his body, and soon a shadow of armor transformed by soul power enveloped the Soul Heavenly Emperor in it.

Soon, the armor shadow directly transformed into a magic general who exuded endless soul power.

The demon general held a spear and smashed it directly into the void.

“Boom boom!!!! boom boom

In an instant, the white bone spikes that burst out from around were smashed to pieces!

The huge spear in the hands of the demon general for thousands of miles danced like a fierce wind, completely unwielding because of his huge body.


After seeing that his countless white bone spikes were destroyed in an instant, the undead old ancestor snorted coldly, and the next moment, his white bone true body condensed into a white bone long knife in his hand, and the entire huge real body directly soared into the sky.

The sheer speed of the real body is extremely terrifying.

In an instant, it came to the front of the Soul Heaven and Earth and immediately slashed out.


With an earth-shaking roar, the Demon General’s spear instantly slashed together with the White Bone Giant Sword of the Undead Old Ancestor.

The space of tens of thousands of kilometers around it was shattered by the battle between the two men in an instant.

However, at this moment, a sound that made the undead ancestor’s face change dramatically actually came from behind him.

“Hitomi! The Holy Light of the Firmament!!! ”

After this low drink containing endless divine might, a dazzling light instantly enveloped the surrounding heavens and earth.

However, he saw that the Soul Heavenly Emperor did not know when he had come to the back of the White Bone Giant, and a world-destroying divine light burst out of his heavy pupils.

This Heavenly Divine Light directly hit the White Bone Giant’s spine.


In just an instant, the huge body of the White Bone Giant was directly blasted into a huge crater.

However, the center of the pit was actually where the body of the undead ancestor was located.


That heavenly holy light instantly penetrated from the back of the undead ancestor to his chest!!

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