“You lost!!!!”

A calm voice reached the ears of the undead ancestor.

The undead old ancestor looked at the runes that emerged from his wounds and his face changed slightly.

“Seal, when are you going to !!!”

The undead ancestor looked at the runes that spread from his wounds to his whole body in disbelief.

Know that his injuries will definitely not have any burden on him who has the body of the undead, and he will be able to recover in an instant.

However, this seal instantly broke all the recovery power of the undead ancestor.

The seal not only sealed his power of recovery, but his power also began to flow rapidly.

Even flying in the air has become a reluctant thing.

“This seal, even the seal, was incorporated into your body when I separated the two of us!” Originally, I thought that with your strength, this seal might not be needed for a lifetime, but I didn’t expect that you would have such luck to get such a divine object of the Heavenly Rank of Manju Shahua! ”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor slowly landed next to the undead ancestor, and the shadow of the demon general around his body had disappeared.

Of course, the true body of the White Bone of the Undead Old Ancestor also collapsed at the moment when he was sealed.

However, after hearing the words of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, the undead ancestor smiled miserably.

“Hahahahaha, I didn’t expect it, I have been suppressed by you since I was born, it turns out that I have only been your wedding dress all my life!”

He laughed maniacally.

The undead ancestor’s gaze stared dead at the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

Since he was a child, the Soul Heavenly Emperor has been his shadow, but the Soul Heavenly Emperor has always cared about him, only because of the rejection in his heart that he cannot accept this kind of concern.

Originally, he had also wondered if the Soul Heavenly Emperor was really so good to his younger brother, but now he knew that the Soul Heavenly Emperor had been counting on him since the two were even before they were born.

Even the flesh is infused with the so-called Supreme Seal.

Now he was defeated, defeated without suspense, but his defeat was not defeat above cultivation, but defeat was that he was a spirit wisdom born later, and he could not fight with the Soul Heavenly Emperor from the innate.


As his power was all sealed, his body slammed into the earth.

Lying at the bottom of the pit, he looked at the sky and couldn’t help but think back to the things from childhood to adulthood.

From the first time the Soul Heavenly Emperor led him on his walk, to his own soul death because he had no parents, he wanted to avenge himself.

There were even many times when the soul was almost killed by the strong in order to save himself.

Unfortunately, those that now seem to be souls are just containers for defending themselves.

“Since you lost, then I can start accepting my original body!”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor said calmly, and then his hands began to reach out towards the eyes of the undead ancestor.


With the sound of two consecutive eyeballs bursting, a sharp pain spread to the body of the undead ancestor.

The sharp pain made his body twitch slightly.

And the endless nothingness beyond suffering is even more frightening.

Of course, at his level, especially the system he cultivated was crushed to pieces, it was commonplace.

What terrified him, however, was what was about to happen in the next moment.

However, at this moment, he felt that a pair of eyes were stuffed in his eye sockets.

As the eyes were implanted into his body, a force that made the heavens and the earth begin to tremble emerged madly from those eyes.


Streams of majestic energy began to sweep towards his body, and the endless power was still frantically combined with his undead body.

What made the undead ancestor’s face change slightly, was that the sealing power on his body disappeared instantly.

Not only that, but after the power that emerged from his eyes began to merge towards his undead body, he could clearly feel that his physical strength began to increase rapidly.

In just an instant, it broke through from the original two-product physique to the one-product physique.

Endless power was also surging in his body.

He struggled to stand up with a confused face.

And at this moment, as those eyes began to merge with his flesh, a faint ray of light was perceived by him.

At the same time, the picture in front of you is getting clearer and clearer.

When he fully recovered his eyesight, he found that the Soul Heavenly Emperor was just sitting quietly on the sidelines.

Two lines of blood remained in his closed eyes.

“You! What the hell did you do, the soul was destroyed!!! ”

At this time, the undead ancestor not only instantly broke through to the Absolute Immortal Realm Triple Heaven that no one in the world could reach, but also reached the peak, and at the same time obtained a double pupil.

Coupled with his undead body, his physique also reached a terrifying quality.

However, at this time, he was not at all happy, he did not know why the Soul Heavenly Emperor did this.

“Yes, your body is perfectly adapted to your eyes! As I had imagined with your mother! ”

However, the Soul Heavenly Emperor said something that the Undead Old Ancestor couldn’t understand at all.

“Soul destroyer, what the hell are you going to say?” What my mother!! ”

The undead old ancestor said coldly.

The Soul Heavenly Emperor smiled slightly.

“Some of the things I told you before are true, and some of them are deceitful to you, and your mother Soul Lingling was indeed pregnant with a supreme body after she became pregnant, that is, you!”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor spoke slowly.

His words made the undead old ancestor frown.

“However, your mother’s realm at that time was the Heavenly Realm, and even if she exhausted all the resources of my Soul Clan, she would not be able to successfully conceive you.”

In the end, your father, the soul dye, decided to divide you into two individuals, because a double pupil contains 40% of the power, so he uses the heavy pupil to conceive a new individual, and you, as the supreme body, are implanted with the power of the undead and conceive your own eyes.

Unfortunately, the body conceived by that heavy pupil has not been able to produce its own spiritual wisdom, and your father decided to inject his soul into this body! ”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor paused at this point, as if he thought of the decision he had made when he had made all this.

The hole of the undead ancestor’s aperture contracted violently.

He couldn’t believe looking at the man in front of him who was exactly the same as himself but had a completely different personality.

According to the Soul Heavenly Emperor, that is to say, the brother he had always thought was his father!?

“Everything was planned by me and your mother, your mother died after the birth of two bodies, and I, now after injecting all my strength into the heavy pupil, can also go to her, tens of millions of years, I didn’t expect this day to finally arrive!” 」

The Soul Heavenly Emperor struggled to stand up.

However, the undead ancestor could also feel the trace of life force that had disappeared in his body.

At this moment, he knew that the Soul Heavenly Emperor had not deceived him.

“But! Why are you doing this!? ”

The undead old ancestor clenched his fists and whispered, there was a trace of madness in his eyes.

“Soul annihilation, soul extinction, extinction of vitality, snatching a glimmer of heavenly opportunity, I did not expect that my Soul Heavenly Emperor finally did it!” The soul clan with the supreme body will inevitably go to the peak of the world!! ”

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