“Soul annihilation, soul extinction, extinction of vitality, snatching a glimmer of heavenly opportunity, I did not expect that my Soul Heavenly Emperor finally did it!” The soul clan with the supreme body will inevitably go to the peak of the world!! ”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor did not answer his son’s question, but looked at the direction of the exit of the alien space with his own empty eyes.

He turned his head to the undead ancestor, his son.

“Remember the name I gave you when you were a kid!?” Don’t forget, it was your mother who gave it to you before she died! ”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor seemed to have regained his sight at this moment, looking at the face of the undead old ancestor and smiling.

After listening to his words, the undead ancestor was stunned.

He has not used his name since he became famous.

Because the name was given to him by his brother.

And now, once again, he remembered the name that had been sealed for many years.

“Soul Destroying!! Your mother gave you this name and really earthy! Perhaps, from now on, you who have fully awakened the Supreme Body may really be able to break the sky! ”

Soul Heaven said slowly at the same time that his body also began to slowly crack.

All the life force had been exhausted, there was no way, the horror of the energy needed to successfully awaken the supreme body was that the strength of the two Absolute Immortal Realm Dual Heaven Peaks could only be barely reached by combined.

Suddenly, the Soul Heavenly Emperor seemed to think of something, and immediately said to the Soul Heaven:

“By the way, during this period of time when you were not in the Dragon Teng Continent, there were a lot of strong people in the continent, remember, don’t mess with that Yu family!!”

As his voice slowly fell, his figure slowly turned into a burst of flying sand and disappeared into the void.

Looking at the body of the vanished Soul Heavenly Emperor, the soul was terrified and silent.

In his heart, he also vaguely knew why he had been very resistant and a little afraid of the Soul Emperor since he was a child, for the simple reason.

From the time he was a fetus, he was forcibly separated into two individuals by the other party, and he was also occupied by the body of one of the individuals, so he instinctively resisted the other.

And as the other party disappears, those resistance and fears disappear.

All that remained was the memory of the two brothers living together in the Soul Clan.

However, when he thought of this, he laughed self-deprecatingly.

“It’s ridiculous, my soul has been traversing the continent for thousands of years, and the only person I was afraid and afraid of from beginning to end was my own father!” Hahahahaha! Amusing!!! ”

A loud burst of laughter erupted from his mouth, and the Boundary Mountain, which was already in a precarious state, collapsed in the midst of his wild laughter.

All the space within hundreds of millions of kilometers around him began to shatter wildly in his wild laughter.

At this time, the strength of the soul was already reaching the peak of the terrifying Absolute Immortal Realm Triple Heaven.

Moreover, at this time, his physical body and his heavy pupils had not yet fully fused together, and when he was all fused together, his realm would at least reach the Fourth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm.

“Who dares to come to my Demon Domain so rampant!!”

However, at this moment, a loud roar came from afar, and the next moment, a pair of huge blood-winged demons behind them flew rapidly from afar.

Headed by a powerful Demon Emperor of the Triple Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm.

The soul that heard this loud drink slowly stopped his wild laughter, and a trace of cold killing intent burst out from his heavy pupils.

A palpitating breath also made the seven Demon Emperor-level powerful people who came here secretly vigilant in their hearts.

Even the leader of the magic Ye was a slight change in his face.

“The people of the Dragon Teng Continent, I didn’t expect to just run one, and here comes another one!!”

Mo Ye’s face was cold and he said to the soul.

Hearing the other party’s words, the soul suddenly smiled with interest.

“You’re talking about the Apocalypse!” Didn’t expect him to be alive. ”

The corners of his mouth rose slightly.

At that time, knowing that the Broken Boundary Mountain had a Heavenly Order Formation, he slapped the wind and snow apocalypse that almost rushed in, which was also considered to have saved the other party’s life, but he did not expect that the other party really lived for ten million years!

That is to say, the other party successfully broke through.

“Terrans, if you leave now, I can not pursue this time, if you don’t leave, Hugh blames my demon clan for being ruthless!!”

However, Mo Ye said with a cold face.

But his words made the soul laugh in horror.

“Don’t measure up!!!”

After saying a calm word, the soul instantly erupted into a terrifying and extremely powerful force.

As soon as this force came out, all the Demon Emperor’s face changed drastically.

“Wonderland Triple Heaven!” Not good, let’s go!! ”

Mo Ye let out a cry of surprise, and the next moment it turned into a pure demonic qi and was about to flee.

“It’s late!!!!”

However, the soul was just sneering and a series of terrifying pupil forces erupted directly from his heavy pupils.

“Hitomi! Mirror image broken!!! ”

After a god-like groan, the space within hundreds of millions of kilometers around it was instantly frozen by this pupil force.

One by one, the Demon Emperor-level strong people were also fixed in the void and could not move.

Such a terrible thing suddenly made the faces of all the demons present change drastically.


The next moment, the space around it began to shatter as if a mirror was about to shatter.


Finally, with a cracking sound, the entire space instantly turned into endless fragments, and the seven demon emperors also all turned into debris in the same instant.

However, the soul that had done all this was shocked by the cold glance at these dead demon emperors and then flew directly towards the exit of the alien space not far away, and finally disappeared into the demon realm.

And just a few seconds after he left, a black shadow slowly emerged from the endless void.

The illusory figure of the black shadow glanced at the departing soul.

“Another move has fallen, and next, it’s the Arrow Demon’s move!!”

The illusory black shadow said a wordless and then disappeared into the same place again.




Through the exit of the alien space, the soul once again returned to the original Dragon Continent.

Feeling the familiar breath around him, he couldn’t help but close his eyes.

Ten million years, ten million years and he’s back.

“The Yu family, interesting, even the family that the father is afraid of, does not know what it is, with the wisdom of the father will definitely not be untargeted, it seems that it is still necessary to keep a low profile!”

The soul that returned to the Dragon Continent did not indulge in his own powerful power, he knew how such a powerful power came from, and his parents used their life expectancy to exchange it for it.

Therefore, for the Yu Family in the mouth of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, he was still somewhat jealous in his heart.

After all, after calculating his own life, the soul stain that had taken his life back from the hands of Heavenly Dao could never underestimate his own strength.

Thinking of this, the soul flew directly in the direction of the Dark Soul Hall.

But he did not notice, a pair of eyes were staring in the direction he had left.

“Interestingly, a Soul Clan Strongman with a Peerless Triple Heaven Peak and a physique of a pint, it seems that this Soul Clan is still hidden very deeply!”

Looking at the departing soul, Yu Feng touched his chin and thought curiously.

“Ding… Congratulations to the host for completing the main quest 1: Find a wife! Get upgrade points: 500 trillion! ”

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