In the backyard of the Yu family, under the sacrifice of the spirit Yu Ling Frost, Yu Feng sat cross-legged in the void.

Today is more than a month after Zhao Zhixin returned to the Yu family, and this month Yu Feng has been accompanying Zhao Zhixin.

However, he also knew that the current Yu family could not relax, so he expelled all Yu Zhangtian and his party from the Yu family a week ago.

And set a small goal for everyone, if the combat power does not surpass the Absolute Immortal Realm Second Heaven, none of them will think of coming back.

For this condition, Yu Zhangtian didn’t care, as long as his realm could be elevated to the Heavenly Realm Fivefold Heaven or above, this condition was naturally very simple.

After all, his Artistic Realm cultivation was already extremely rapid, but it was a little distressing for several other people, especially Yu Batian, thinking about it carefully, even Yu Zhanling, who had not been out of the house, had entered the Dao with literature and reached the realm of a generation of literary heroes, and when he fought, even the Fourth and Fifth Heavens of the Heavenly Realm were not his opponents.

However, his realm and strength have always been very garbage, except for the improvement of the ancestral hall, he wants to have no physique, and he does not understand the artistic conception.

If Yu Feng hadn’t given him the Heavenly Rank Double Awakening Horror Weapon, he would be struggling to fight a Heavenly Realm One or Two Heavenly Beings now!

Unfortunately, Yu Feng’s words, he couldn’t help but listen, and finally he could only force himself to go out.



At this moment, Yu Feng below the sacrifice spirit slowly opened his eyes.

Then he took out a one-meter-square black ball of light from his storage ring.


A palpitating breath emanated from this ball of light, and at the same time, Yu Feng could feel the pure power of destruction in this ball of light.

The surrounding space shattered the moment the ball of light appeared.

However, in the Yu family, this ball of light can do only that.

The Yu Family Guardian Formation directly erupted with all the suppression power that compressed the entire light ball back into the light ball.

“It is also a bonus that the self-detonation power of the Holy Spirit Thunder Sword is so powerful, and it can also produce such a pure destructive power!”

Yu Feng looked at this ball of light with some anticipation in his heart, such a pure power of destruction, coupled with the epiphany function possessed by the sacrifice spirit, did not know if he could successfully control the power of destruction.

If you know that from the perspective of destructive power, the destructive force, which is also one of the four special energies, is definitely much more powerful than the death force.

After all, the power of destruction is born purely for the destruction of everything, and the power of death has other uses.

Each of the four special energies has its own unique use and each of them is the most important force in heaven and earth.

If Yu Feng could control both of them and integrate them all into his own physique, although his physique level would not increase, it would definitely not be comparable to the ordinary Saint Rank physique.

Thinking of this, Yu Feng slowly closed his eyes.

Immediately, Yu Feng’s divine soul power began to spread out, directly enveloping the entire Destruction Light Sphere in it.

The pure power of destruction contains the path of destruction of heaven and earth.

It’s very difficult to understand.

However, with Yu Feng’s talent now, he quickly found an entry point.


At the same time, a mysterious and mysterious force emanated from the body of the sacrifice, and Yu Feng’s body instantly bloomed with a trace of brilliance, and this trace of light directly made Yu Feng enter the epiphany.

In the midst of the epiphany, Yu Feng’s understanding of the power of destruction began to skyrocket wildly.

“Ding… Congratulations to the host for starting to explore the Power of Destruction! Exploratory: 1%! Once the Exploration Level reaches 100%, the host will completely control the power of destruction! ”

“Ding… The host explores the power of destruction by 1%! Get upgrade points: 100 trillion! ”

At the same time, the prompt tone of the two-tone system was also transmitted to Yu Feng’s mind.

Next, Yu Feng began to fall into this time of cultivation.



The edge of the Dragon Continent, the Endless Blood Domain!!!


A black arrow light instantly pierced through the void.

Everywhere this arrow light went, everything was instantly shattered into nothingness.

Even space shattered in an instant.


As this arrow instantly shot onto a huge beast composed of blood, a huge crater was instantly blasted out.


The blood beast erupted with a terrifying roar.

The space around them was shattered by this roar.

On the opposite side of this blood beast, Yu Zhanyun, who was holding a longbow, was looking at the roaring blood beast with a solemn face.

“The strength of the Blood Beast King of the Fifth Heaven of the Heavenly Realm is indeed terrifying, and my current strength still needs a little means to kill him in a second!!”

Yu Zhanyun said with a slight shake of his right hand, and the magic arrow that had just been shot out instantly cut through the void and returned to his hand.

After coming out of the Yu family, he came directly towards the Endless Blood Domain.

There are many forbidden places in the Dragon Continent, such as the Endless Fire Domain, which is said to be the place where the Creation God Fire was shattered into an Endless Fire in that year.

From time to time there, powerful fires are born, and even where the legend is that Mars has the Creation God Fire is, of course, this is just a legend.

Another place is the Endless Blood Domain, which is said to be the only place where the only fatal wound was located before the fall of the Dragon God.

From the geographical point of view, it is at the reverse scale of the dragon-shaped dragon continent.

And here are also countless blood beasts, these blood beasts are incomparably powerful, and even the strongest people in the Immortal Realm may not be able to come out alive after coming here.

Of course, in addition to these two places, there is also the Star Domain Canyon, that is, the Demon Domain.

There are also endless minefields, and so on for a total of ten forbidden places.

You must know that these ten places except for the Star Abyss Canyon are all places that existed in ancient times, and in the ancient times, some great times even had hundreds of Absolute Immortal Realm strong people.

And in that era, these nine places are all forbidden places, and it is conceivable that each forbidden place is no less than the horror of the Demon Domain, and some places are even more terrifying than the Demon Domain.

At the beginning, Zhao Zhixin fused with the Endless Fire Domain to go to the Endless Fire Domain, however, she was only in the depths outside the Endless Fire Domain.

Because if you go deeper into the depths, there will be countless creatures of the Fire Realm.

The same is true of the Endless Blood Domain, the Broken Arrow Emperor of that year came here to explore for hundreds of thousands of years, and finally could not break through and could only return.

But this is not to say that there are not enough resources here, it can only be said that the Broken Arrow Emperor does not have enough luck and strength!


With a roar, the Blood Beast King, who was tens of thousands of feet tall, frantically rushed towards Yu Zhanyun.

Yu Zhanyun snorted coldly and immediately put three magic arrows directly on top of his bow and arrow.

“Three-star !!!!”

With a low sigh, three jets of inky black arrow light instantly pierced through the void and slammed into the Blood Beast King who slapped at him.

“Boom! Rumble! Rumble!! ”

With an earth-shaking roar, this Heavenly Realm Five-Fold Heaven Blood Beast King instantly exploded and turned into a heavenly blood light.

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