At the same time, in the blood light of the sky, Yu Zhanyun saw a blood-colored sphere the size of a thumb appear in front.

With a wave of Yu Zhanyun’s big hand, the blood ball instantly flew towards his hand.

“Is this the legendary Blood Spirit!?” The power behind it is truly terrifying!! ”

Yu Zhanyun watched this one blood cell shrink slightly.

Blood essence is a specialty in the endless blood domain, and warriors can directly take it to improve their qi and blood value, but the time it takes to refine each blood essence is not a day or two.

The reason why those martial artists who had trained in the Endless Blood Realm were able to soar in strength after coming out was because they had taken a lot of blood essences, of course, the Heavenly Realm Ultimate Martial Artists who wanted to break through to the Absolute Immortal Realm like the Broken Arrow Emperor needed to take at least one Blood Essence transformed after the death of the Blood Beast Emperor of the Immortal Realm.

Obviously, the Broken Arrow Emperor did not have the strength to kill the Blood Beast Emperor of the Immortal Realm.

You must know that the strength of the blood beast is definitely much stronger than that of a warrior of the same level.

Of course, if you want to absorb these blood essences, it is also conditional that it takes a long time to dissolve all the tyrannical blood qi power contained in this blood essence before you can take the next blood essence.

Otherwise, if you can take it without restrictions, as long as you mix him here for a few months, a pig can become a super strong.

The premise is to give him enough blood sperm to do it.

“Let’s see if it helps!” If the speed of absorption of that furious blood qi force was faster, it might be able to increase my strength rapidly in a short period of time! ”

Yu Zhanyun thought of this and immediately took this blood essence in his hand and slowly swallowed it.

Of course, he didn’t have much expectation that he would be able to quickly absorb the power of flesh and blood, if it were really so simple, the Broken Arrow Emperor would not have been here for hundreds of thousands of years.


And as that ordinary blood essence was swallowed by him into his mouth, a furious and incomparable force of qi and blood instantly surged from his abdomen directly around his body.

The terrifying power of qi and blood began to rapidly strengthen his flesh.

You must know that the level of this Blood Essence is the level of the Fifth Heaven of the Heavenly Realm, and the realm of Yu Zhanyun at this time is only the Fifth Heaven of the Divine Bridge Realm.

A Heavenly Realm Fifth Heaven Blood Essence could be said to be far beyond his realm, and if it could absorb all of its Qi and Blood power, Yu Zhanyun’s realm would definitely improve a lot.


Yu Zhanyun snorted coldly, and immediately all the will in his whole body began to rapidly condense this violent force of qi and blood in his body.

He first extracted all the qi and blood forces that could be absorbed that were not very violent, according to the method given to him by the Breaking Arrow Emperor.

This not very violent force of qi and blood began to rapidly raise up Yu Zhanyun’s flesh.

Originally, the Fifth Heaven Realm of the Divine Bridge Realm was completely broken through in just a few minutes, and an even more terrifying momentum erupted from his body.

The breath of terror directly scatters space debris around thousands of kilometers.

Because of the power contained in the Blood Essence of the Fifth Heaven of the Heavenly Realm and its terror, Yu Zhanyun’s Qi and Blood Power was still rapidly increasing.

After the final ten or so disappeared, after he absorbed all the qi and blood power, his strength also reached the limit of the Sixth Heaven of the Shenqiao Realm.


A mouthful of turbid breath slowly spat out of his mouth.

“Sure enough, I now have the physique of Erpin to improve a small realm countless times more difficult than ordinary martial artists!!”

Yu Zhanyun, who felt the ascension of his own realm, smiled slightly.

If it were an ordinary warrior, if this blood essence was absorbed in full, it would definitely be able to directly raise his strength to the Ninth Heaven or even the Ten Heavens Realm of the Divine Bridge Realm.

However, the energy consumed by some geniuses with strong physiques to break through is often tens or even hundreds of times that of the same rank.

However, for many people, accumulating energy is the easiest thing, but the most important thing to break through is often talent.

At the same time, being able to absorb all the useful ingredients in this blood essence in more than ten hours was already an extremely terrifying thing.

It will take at least decades or even hundreds of years for ordinary people.

If it weren’t for the bonuses of the ancestral hall, sacrifices and other things, Yu Zhanyun wouldn’t have been able to improve so much in such a short period of time.

However, now Yu Zhanyun had only completed the simplest step of completely absorbing that blood essence.

The next step was to expel all the matchless and violent qi and blood forces in the body from his body, and if he did not expel it, this qi and blood force would begin to attack Yu Zhanyun’s flesh, and even completely corrode Yu Zhanyun’s body from the inside out.

This is the deadliest place for all the warriors who have taken the Blood Essence!

“Fortunately, with the blessing of Grandpa’s mysterious power, it will only take two or three days at most for me to expel all of this force!”

Thinking of this, the corners of Yu Zhanyun’s mouth rose slightly.

That is to say, in three days before and after your own realm, you can improve a small realm and a half?

If you do the math, it is ten times faster than your own cultivation before.

The next moment, Yu Zhanyun began to use his whole body qi and blood power to push the matchless and violent qi and blood power in his body towards his body.

It should be known that each person’s body has its own defense mechanism, for example, the body of the warrior who absorbs the aura for a long time will automatically evolve a mechanism to prevent the leakage of the aura.

Otherwise, if you absorb as much aura as you go, most of them will run out, and the cultivation speed will be extremely slow.

Although this violent force of qi and blood is harmful to the human body, it is also one of the products of the illusion of heaven and earth aura.

In the face of Yu Zhanyun’s exclusion, there will naturally be resistance.

This is why it is so difficult to exclude these violent qi and blood forces from the body.


However, at this moment, a thick heartbeat sound also reached Yu Zhanyun’s mind.

His hole suddenly contracted, because this thick heartbeat sound actually came from his body.

In the next instant, before he could react in the slightest, he felt his whole body blood begin to run wildly.


A roar of blood flow began to sound through his body, and the shattered space around him began to vibrate rapidly under the flow of his blood.

“Boom… Boom…”

He could also clearly feel the frequency of his heart beating and the movements were becoming more and more terrifying.

“Not good, something went wrong!!!”

Yu Zhanyun didn’t know where it was definitely something wrong with his body.


However, at the moment when this thought appeared, with an earth-shaking loud sound reaching his mind, his consciousness was instantly blasted into a dim space!

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