Dusky! Endless dimming!!

This was the only thought that came to the mind of Yu Zhanyun, who had once again regained consciousness, and the next moment, he began to explore the space around him.

But he found himself unable to move.


Suddenly, an earth-shaking roar came from the depths of the Endless Void, a roar that Yu Zhanyun had never heard of before!

If Yu Feng was there, he would definitely be surprised, because this roar was actually a dragon groan.


At the same time, with a loud noise, the entire space around him shook heavily, and Yu Zhanyun also felt some kind of shackles in his body being violently bumped.

“Boom! Rumble! Rumble!!!! ”

The next moment, one terrifying roar after another followed.

Yu Zhanyun also found that the space around him began to vibrate with a loud roar, and what kind of strange feeling in his body also came.

And this force only hit three or four times, and it calmed down again.


After the impact calmed down, Yu Zhanyun noticed that a crack had emerged in the dim space around him.


Without waiting for him to think about it, another huge force directly blasted his consciousness directly out of his dim space.

He had regained consciousness and had returned to his body, and he was still standing where he had been.

Time seemed to have just passed for a moment.

“What the hell is going on!? Why did I feel a hint of kindness in that roar!? ”

Yu Zhanyun looked at his hands and found that he didn’t seem to have changed at all.

“Wrong! Those violent qi and blood forces in my body are gone!? ”

Yu Zhanyun’s hole shrank slightly, and at this moment, there was not a trace of the power in his body that he was ready to expel before.

But the time around him had never passed more than three minutes, because none of the space around him that had been shattered by him had fully recovered.

“Could it be that it was just the impact!?” What’s going on here1? “

Yu Zhanyun’s brow furrowed, he didn’t know what was happening to him, but he vaguely felt that everything seemed to be of little harm to him.

“But in general, the violent qi and blood power in my body is gone, which means that I can take the next blood sperm!?”

At the thought of this, his eyes lit up.

If that’s the case, then he can save a lot of time.

Immediately he directly used the magic qi in his whole body to flee towards the distance.

At the same time, after he used the magic qi in his whole body, he found a difference, that is, his magic qi was actually more refined.

Demon Qi, in fact, is also called the Dark Element.

Or rather, the Demon Qi is an extremely powerful branch of the Dark Element, and the Light Element is an antithetical existence.

At this moment, he found that his magic qi was much closer to the pure dark element.

If he could transform it all into a pure dark element, his strength would definitely increase a lot.

“Found it!!!”

Just a few minutes after flying out, his eyes lit up.

Not far ahead of him was a terrifying blood beast thousands of miles high that was sleeping.

The body condensed by the power of the whole body of flesh and blood exudes a terrifying power of qi and blood.

And the level corresponding to this force of qi and blood was that the existence of the powerful Sixth Heaven Realm was just a small realm stronger than the previous blood beast.

At this time, Yu Zhanyun is also a small realm that is powerful, which can be said to be just right!

“Exactly, I’ll cut you!!”

The corners of Yu Zhanyun’s mouth rose slightly, and the next moment the ten magic arrows were directly pulled out of the quiver behind him, and the ten magic arrows just came out of the quiver and emitted a terrifying pressure, and the terror of this coercion directly shook the qi and blood forces that were floating in the surrounding space.

A series of mysterious Heavenly Dao runes emerged from these magic arrows and slowly flowed around the arrows.

Cultivators who were usually below the Celestial Realm would have endless fear if they looked at these magic arrows.

And this is the horror of the magic arrow.

At the same time, the blood beast below was also awakened by this amazing magic qi, and he jumped up in panic and a pair of huge blood-colored transparent eyes began to look around, and soon he saw the Yu Zhan Cloud suspended in the sky, and after seeing the ten magic arrows in Yu Zhan Yun’s hand, a trace of horror emerged from his heart.

He could feel the strong threat of death from these ten magic arrows.

It is conceivable that if you are hit by these ten magic arrows, you will absolutely only have one way to die.


Thinking of this, he directly roared angrily, and the next moment his huge body directly turned into a blood light and rushed towards Yu Zhanyun.

Only after killing Yu Zhanyun first could he hope to survive.

“Oh!? Your wisdom is much higher than that of the stupid blood beast before, and you even know how to strike first! Unfortunately, if you had met before, I might have survived, and now!! ”

The corners of Yu Zhanyun’s mouth rose slightly, in fact, he could solve the other party with three magic arrows like before, but now he only had one thought when he used ten magic arrows, that is, to make a quick decision and then test whether his guess was correct or not.

“Ten stars!!!!”

With a low sigh, the ten magic arrows were instantly put on top of his own longbow by Yu Zhanyun, and as the longbow was pulled to fifty percent, the terrifying magic qi was also the crazy emergence of the magic bow magic arrow.

The original blood-red sky of the Endless Blood Domain actually had hundreds of thousands of kilometers of sky that had been infected by this terrifying demonic qi into a pure black.

And these blacks are also expanding wildly towards the surroundings.

At the same time, a tyrannical pressure was also frantically crushing towards the blood beast below.


The blood beast’s original explosive figure flew out as if it had been hit by a huge hammer.

An endless fear began to spread out in his eyes.

Momentum, just the momentum will blow itself upside down, if it is hit what will happen to it, even a fool can imagine.


However, at this moment, Yu Zhanyun’s low drink broke out again.

The ten magic arrows in his hand roared down like ten black dragons.

The terrifying ten black dragons were still tens of thousands of meters away from the earth, and the earth began to collapse madly.


In the middle of the collapse, the blood beast, which was suppressed by the endless breath and could not even move in place, could only let out a roar of despair.

In the next instant, ten black wild dragons directly exploded into its body.

The massive body of the Blood Beast was instantly swallowed up by this terrifying dark force.


Then an earth-shaking loud noise was also transmitted from the core of the explosion in an instant.

At the same time, the shock wave set off by the explosion also spread towards the distance, and the endless black clouds in the sky were instantly blasted out of a huge hole.

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