I don’t know how long the explosion will gradually disappear!

However, this attack made most of the blood beasts in the Endless Blood Domain sense, and almost all the Blood Beasts looked in horror in the direction where the explosion was located, and the horror of the power that had just erupted there was that the Blood Beasts at the Limit of the Celestial Realm felt a hint of danger.

Even a few Blood Beast Emperors living in the depths of the Blood Domain slowly raised their heads and glanced in this direction.

However, for these Blood Beast Emperors, this force could not yet threaten their existence.



At the core of the explosion, a terrifying pit tens of kilometers deep and covering hundreds of thousands of kilometers around appeared where Yu Zhanyun’s magic arrow had erupted before.


Just at this moment, ten black arrows soared into the sky and rushed directly towards the Yu Zhan Cloud in the sky.

I saw that his right hand was shaking slightly, and the ten arrows were directly squeezed by him in his hand.

“I hope that blood essence has not been crushed by me!!”

Looking at the terrifying power Yu Zhanyun caused by his all-out blow, he also had some regrets, he obviously had three or four magic arrows to kill the other party in a second, why did he use full strength because he wanted to test his current strength!?

Now, if you accidentally destroy the other party along with the blood essence, you will have to find the next target.

Helplessly, he rushed towards the center of the pothole, where the Blood Beast King was before.

Unfortunately, the fact was that the Blood Beast King not only disappeared along with the Blood Essence, but even any trace of soul fragment was directly shattered by him.

“Grass! Busy in vain!! ”

Yu Zhanyun couldn’t wait to give himself a slap, if he wanted to test his full strength, he could find a more powerful blood beast experiment, why did he directly come to this blood beast whose strength was not very powerful!?

If the blood beast that had just died knew that he was dead, and if he was still disliked and too weak after being frustrated and raised to ashes, he was afraid that he would be angry to death even if he lived.


However, at this moment, a furious roar directly made the surrounding space tremble in an instant.

Yu Zhanyun was overjoyed when he heard this roar of the blood beast, which was full of anger and contained endless anger, and quickly looked at the place where the blood beast’s voice had just come from.

In an instant, a huge shadow had already appeared above him.

Only to see a gray-headed and earthy face of the blood beast angrily rushing towards the direction where Yu Zhanyun was located.

The blood beast was very angry at this time, he was sleeping in his own station, when suddenly a loud noise mixed with a terrifying shock wave slammed into him.

Before he could react, not only was the cave where he lived destroyed.

Even he himself was blown away by the shock wave and flew out and smashed on the ground.

Originally, his head was not very bright, and he was suddenly blinded by anger.

Rushing directly towards the core of the explosion.

After seeing Yu Zhanyun looking at himself with excitement, this blood beast’s heart suddenly had a feeling that something was wrong.

At the same time, it was at this time that it was horrified to find the terrible pit below.

You must know that the wisdom of the blood beast is not high originally, because he is only condensed by the power of the blood qi that is free in the air.

Like the kind of blood beast with a good IQ that Yu Zhanyun had just killed, it could be regarded as the existence of one of the billions of miles, and the future achievements might reach the Blood Beast Emperor of the Immortal Realm, but it was a pity that there was no ashes left in the second directly by Yu Zhanyun.

“Celestial Realm Seventh Heaven!? Hahaha, just what I wanted!!! ”

After feeling the other party’s realm, Yu Zhanyun couldn’t help but smile.

Now he could say that he was the most suitable for the blood beast of this realm.

And with his laughter, the seven arrows that had just returned to his quiver instantly appeared in his hand.

The next moment a wave of terror came from around again.

At this moment, feeling the changing sky around him again, this blood beast finally knew that something was wrong.


After roaring, the blood beast instantly began to frantically flee towards the distance, and at the same time, he also released an endless blood mist with innocent intention to hide his body.

And all this is so fancy for the magic arrow with tracking function.

Yu Zhanyun swiped at his feet and instantly took the arrow.

“Seven Stars!!!”

With a loud roar, seven arrows transformed into black dragons soared into the sky.

This time, without any fancy movements, the arrows instantly crossed the blood mist and directly hit the blood beast of the Seventh Heaven Realm in the sky.


With an earth-shaking loud noise, the blood beast instantly exploded into a blood mist.

In just an instant, the soul of the Blood Beast was shattered.

And the endless blood mist began to converge madly in the sky.

In the end, it transformed into a blood essence that Yu Zhanyun needed most at this time.


A little below Yu Zhanyun’s feet, his figure suddenly appeared near the blood essence, and he directly took the blood essence into his hand, at the same time, he could feel that the terrifying energy contained in the blood essence was definitely more than four times more powerful than the previous blood essence’s energy.

“I don’t know, this blood essence can make my guess come true!!”

Thinking of this, Yu Zhanyun’s figure fled directly into the distance.

After all, there had just been a terrible explosion here, didn’t you see this blood beast that was sent to death just to find trouble?

If there were blood beasts to sneak in when they were absorbing the power of flesh qi, even if they had the strength to kill the other party, they might also be attacked by those violent qi and blood forces in their bodies.

So Yu Zhanyun still left here, and finally came to tens of millions of kilometers away and found a hidden cave.

Of course, here he had killed a fierce beast of the Fourth Heaven of the Celestial Realm.

Talk is better than nothing!

“Don’t let me down!!”

Yu Zhanyun’s eyes flickered slightly, and then he directly swallowed the two blood essences in one bite.


The blood essence had just been swallowed, and a terrifying force of qi and blood instantly dissolved in his body.

And he, as before, began to divide the pure qi and blood power and the violent qi and blood power into two parts.

The next moment, he began to refine the pure power of qi and blood.

His breath also rose rapidly in the process of refining.

The Qi and Blood Force, which had reached four times the original, wanted to refine at this time, but it also consumed a lot of time for Yu Zhanyun, and it took him a full day and a half to completely refine all the Qi and Blood Forces.


As his eyes slowly opened, his realm also directly reached the terrifying Divine Bridge Realm Eightfold Heaven!

“Now it’s time to experiment with my conjecture!!”

When Yu Zhanyun thought of this, he immediately used the qi and blood power of his whole body to start expelling the harmful violent qi and blood power in his body as before!


At this moment, the roar of a heartbeat also reached Yu Zhanyun’s mind.

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