“Here it comes!!!”

Yu Zhanyun knew that what he had been waiting for had finally arrived, and the next moment, he began to find that his whole body began to tremble wildly.

The heartbeat also accelerates one by one.

This time, however, he was surprised to find that the endless violent factor in the violent qi and blood power that was tens of times greater than the pure qi and blood power he had absorbed was actually extracted in an instant.

And this furious force instantly merged into his own blood, and finally converged into the endless demonic qi in his own dantian.

At this moment, he finally knew why his magic qi had increased in purity.

Because after pouring into this violent force, his own demonic qi also began to be slowly purified.


At this moment, another loud noise came to his mind.

His consciousness was blasted directly into the dim space just now.

“Sure enough! Not again!!! ”

As soon as Yu Zhanyun regained consciousness, he quickly checked his surroundings, and in an instant he found the crack left in the sky!


And just at this moment, the earth-shaking dragon groan once again came from the depths of the endless void, and this time, Yu Zhanyun could hear it more clearly than before.



Yujia! Yu Feng under the sacrifice spirit had already been trapped in comprehending the power of destruction for three full days at this time.

At this moment, his brow frowned slightly.

The next moment, he was directly out of his grasp and slowly opened his eyes.

“The breath of the dragon!? Impossible, is there any other Dragon Clan bloodline on the continent!? ”

Yu Feng stood up solemnly and slowly, you know, if the Dragon Clan bloodline is fully developed, it is a Sacred Order bloodline that surpasses the Supreme Body, and the strength of such a bloodline is definitely not something that ordinary people can imagine.

“Go check it out!!!”

Yu Feng’s hole shrank slightly, and then he directly used the sealing technique to seal all the destructive forces once again, and then directly broke through the void and teleported towards the place where he sensed the Divine Dragon Bloodline.


With a burst of spatial fluctuations, he appeared in the Endless Blood Domain.

“Here it is! Endless Blood Domain!? ”

After seeing the surrounding environment, Yu Feng’s brow frowned slightly, and suddenly, his brow was raised.

“The breath of the battle clouds!?”

Yu Feng was suddenly surprised to find that he actually felt the breath of Yu Zhanyun from a cave below.

The next moment, a little below his feet, he appeared directly in the cave, but he found that a longbow and ten magic arrows at the entrance of the cave were emitting a protective force.

It can be predicted that if there are blinding blood beasts or warriors who come here, they will definitely be directly killed by these two weapons that are strictly speaking, two Heavenly Order Magic Weapons.

Unfortunately, it was Yu Feng who came, and seeing Yu Feng, the two weapons that were created, suddenly flew upside down like a child meeting his parents.

And Yu Feng did not pay attention to the two, but looked at the Yu Zhan Cloud in the depths of the cave.

At the same time, a thick stream of Dragon Clan blood breath also emerged from his body.

“It’s actually this kid who is awakening the Dragon Clan’s bloodline!!”

When Yu Feng saw this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly!

However, he also felt a breath from Yu Zhanyun that did not belong to the Dragon Clan’s bloodline.

“Even the Arrow Demon Bloodline is about to be upgraded to Yipin!?”

Yu Feng raised an eyebrow.

You must know from his understanding, the strength of the powerful arrow demons in the ancient period is not as simple as it was on the surface before, the arrow demon clan with ten heavenly level magic arrows was not only five in addition to the arrow demons.

And the Arrow Demon itself was also the most terrifying strong man of that era.

Legend has it that he alone suppressed the entire continent for hundreds of millions of years.

From this legend, it can be seen that the strength of the Arrow Demon is definitely above the Fifth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm.

Even higher.

And the arrow demon’s arrow demon bloodline, the previous Yu Zhanyun only initially awakened to reach the powerful three products, although it was promoted to the second product by itself in the later stage, but it definitely did not reach the limit.

“It seems that this Arrow Demon Bloodline is also one of the Supreme Bloodlines!” Reaching a pin, sure enough, the bloodlines of those who suppressed an era one by one were not so simple.

And the Divine Dragon Bloodline that has not been fully developed is also a product, and the strength and talent of the two combined Battle Cloud may reach the most powerful level of the Yu Family besides me!! ”

Yu Feng thought of this and nodded with satisfaction.

As for surpassing his grandfather, don’t say that strength is impossible, even touching Yu Feng’s ass is delusional.

You know, the Yu family’s descendants seem to have developed at an extremely terrifying speed, and even seem to be faster than Yu Feng originally grew to this extent, but don’t forget a little.

All the Yu family members began to cultivate by standing on Yu Feng’s shoulders.

Just with a holy place, even if the disciples of garbage want to become a divine bridge realm, it is extremely simple.

And if it is spawned by the cramming madness of the Holy Land like Yu Feng, it is very simple to grow to the Heavenly Realm.

Therefore, their growth rate was extremely terrifying, based on Yu Feng’s increase at an even more terrifying speed.

If Yu Feng does not upgrade from now on, the growth rate of all Yu family members will be reduced by countless times in an instant.

Therefore, if you want to surpass Yu Feng, it is absolutely impossible for everyone in the entire Yu family.

Of course, from Yu Feng’s point of view, the faster the Yu family’s people improve, the better it will be for him!

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao came, and just after Yu Feng had finished thinking about it, he sensed that all the demonic qi in Yu Zhanyun’s body had been transformed into pure dark power!

With the complete transformation of the Dark Force, his Arrow Demon Constitution also directly reached the extreme.


Suddenly, an invisible wave instantly erupted from Yu Zhanyun’s body.

Everywhere this force went, everything began to be shrouded in endless darkness.

And in this darkness there is a terrible corrosive force, and this corrosive force begins to rapidly corrode everything around it.


Yu Feng, on the other hand, was a little slight, and immediately destroyed all this corrosive force.

This was how he had grasped the use of a hint of the power of destruction in the past few days.

In the face of one of the four special energies, even the dark elements were too far apart.

Although Yu Zhanyun’s current control of the Dark Force had made his physique reach a pin, it could not be said that the power of the Dark Element could be comparable to the Power of Death and the Power of the Will.

To know that the body of death can be called a physique to do, in fact, just by relying on the power of death to reach such a terrifying level.

The reason why the peak Arrow Demon Body was able to achieve a product was because of his own blessing on those who possessed this physique, just like the soul-terrifying heavy pupil and the undead body added together to reach a product.

The power of the Dark Element is only an auxiliary.

If the person who has understood the power of death still possesses some kind of physique, maybe he can raise his physique to the quasi-holy level!

At this moment, a cold prompt sound of the system was transmitted to Yu Feng’s mind.

“Ding… Congratulations to the host, the Yu family has the first descendant with a blood vein! Get upgrade points: 1000 trillion! ”

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