“Ding… Congratulations to the host, the Yu family has the first descendant with a blood vein! Get upgrade points: 1000 trillion! ”

“Ding… Congratulations to the host, the Yu family appeared as the first descendant to awaken the bloodline of the Otherworldly Divine Dragon! Get upgrade points: 2000 trillion! ”

However, at this time, the prompt tone of the two-tone system was also transmitted to Yu Feng’s mind.

Just this moment has improved himself by a full thirty trillion upgrade points, which is enough to see that this promotion is absolutely of great significance to the Yu family.

“Otherworldly Dragon Bloodline!? It seems that this Dragon Clan bloodline was indeed brought by me from the earth, and the level may be much stronger than the Dragon Clan bloodline of this century! ”

Yu Feng’s eyes flickered slightly when he thought of this, and the upgrade point of three hundred billion yuan was also a huge number of points for Yu Feng now.

Moreover, when Yu Zhanyun’s Dragon God Bloodline fully awakened, only Yu Feng could definitely get more upgrade points, and his realm would be able to increase at least three or four times.

“If that’s the case, then Grandpa, I’ll help you!!”

Yu Feng looked at the blood force that Yu Zhanyun had already silenced at this time, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Quite simply, the power of the flesh qi in his body was no longer enough to raise his realm again.

“Endless Blood Domain, I don’t know how powerful your blood beasts here can be!”

Yu Feng’s eyes flashed, and then, his gaze looked into the distance, his gaze seemed to have crossed countless mountains, and countless spaces landed directly on the nearest Blood Beast Emperor!

“That’s it! The Qi and Blood value contained in the Immortal Realm One Heaven Realm should be enough!! ”

Yu Feng thought that the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and the next moment his feet were a little more direct, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.



“Purr!! Purr!! ”

One purr after another echoed through the endless blood field.

The space around them was trembling for a while.

Only to see a very huge terrifying blood beast sleeping on the earth at this moment, no blood beast within a radius of tens of millions of kilometers dared to offend him!


Suddenly, a terrifying pressure descended from the sky.

This terrifying pressure was like a huge hammer that slammed this Blood Beast Emperor directly into the earth.


The next moment, a roar of endless anger and pain came from the pit.

“Who!?” Who dares to sneak up on me!! ”

The next moment a thick scolding echoed at the bottom of the pit.

This terrifying beast with a length of tens of thousands of kilometers directly bombarded the earth to a depth of tens of thousands of kilometers under the bombardment of the pressure.

Endless underground magma completely submerged him.

At this time, the Blood Beast Emperor was furious at this time, he had lived for eighty million years in this forbidden land, and no one dared to disturb him, even those warriors on the Dragon Teng Continent did not dare to come here to touch his moldy head, but today he was actually attacked directly to the ground by someone sneaking up.

You must know that although they are the strongest people of the Absolute Immortal Realm, the beings of these Forbidden Lands cannot leave the Forbidden Land because of the reason of the place of birth, and they will be frantically hunted down and killed after being imprisoned from birth to the present, who are already very tyrannical.

“The strength is not good, but the temper is not small!!”

However, at this moment, a voice like heaven and earth fell from the sky, and this voice containing endless majesty did not know why his heart suddenly jumped.

A nameless fear actually appeared in the heart of this Blood Beast Emperor.

“Human warriors!? Why are you coming to my Endless Blood Domain!? Aren’t you afraid of my Blood Domain Emperor’s pursuit!? ”

Looking up, he saw Yu Feng’s Blood Beast Emperor roaring in a low voice, he actually did not move towards Yu Feng in anger, you must know that just a few seconds ago, he was eager to kill the sneak attackers directly.

And the reason why he didn’t do it was very simple, reaching his realm of spiritual wisdom was not low, but the fear in his heart after seeing Yu Feng was always lingering.

“Blood Emperor? You’re talking about a blood beast whose strength has reached the Fifth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm!? ”

Yu Feng smiled indifferently.

To tell the truth, there is not much record of the information on several forbidden places, not to mention that he is all the holy places.

Because there aren’t many people who can come out of it alive.

And these people actually have a very one-sided understanding of the Forbidden Land after they come out, because only those who dare not go deep into the place of promotion have the opportunity to survive.

And all this after Yu Feng came to this endless blood realm today, he suddenly had some understanding.

In his detection, the number of Absolute Immortal Blood Beast Emperors in the entire Endless Blood Realm was more than twenty.

At the same time, the most powerful thing was that it had already reached the level of terror of the Fifth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm.

If such strength had not been sealed by the Formation, the entire Dragon Teng Continent would have been a dish in their eyes.

“You actually know that I am the Blood Domain Emperor, so why don’t you hurry up!?” The scope of your Terran activities has long been banned, and now the strongest person cannot surpass the Absolute Immortal Realm Second Heaven, although you are powerful, you are definitely not an opponent in the face of my Blood Domain Emperor! ”

This Blood Beast Emperor was only a Absolute Immortal Realm One Heavy Heaven, so he just thought that Yu Feng was at most the Absolute Immortal Realm Second Heaven.

“Banned!? It turned out that my Dragon Teng Continent was banned, but where did those Immortal Realm Dual Heaven warriors go!? ”

Yu Feng frowned slightly when he heard this.

“Isn’t there a ready-made man here!?”

Suddenly, Yu Feng’s eyes lit up and he looked at this Blood Beast Emperor, and then his right hand shook slightly towards the void in front of him.

A terrifying thought force directly erupted, and this Blood Beast Emperor was instantly squeezed by Yu Feng’s mind power like a huge chicken boy.

“Roar! Humans, what are you going to do!? You are playing with fire, you are looking for death!! ”

After seeing Yu Feng’s movements, the Blood Beast Emperor suddenly roared in horror, but the endless fear in his expression was vividly expressed.

“It seems that you know a lot of things! I don’t think you’re a good person to deal with, so let’s die!! ”

However, Yu Feng’s next sentence was suddenly difficult to see the ultimate in the face of the Blood Beast Emperor.

Why don’t you ask anything and say you won’t give it up! Where is he so tough, don’t make up your own mind!

“Don’t… Don’t, I say! I………”


The Blood Beast Emperor roared in horror, but in the next instant, a terrifying force was generated out of thin air.

In just a split second, the Blood Beast Emperor was crushed into a blood mist in the sky.

And his soul was also pinched by Yu Feng.

“Soul Search!!!!”

Yu Feng’s mind moved, and he cast a power that almost all soul cultivators would use!

The next moment, Yu Feng’s majestic Divine Soul Power surged towards the Blood Beast Emperor’s soul, and in an instant his soul defense was shattered.

Countless memories instantly surged into Yu Feng’s mind.

And in the next instant, Yu Feng’s face changed slightly.

“And such things!?”

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