As a series of two systematic prompts reached Yu Feng’s mind, he also clearly felt a trace of destructive power beginning to emerge from his flesh and blood.

Under the transformation of this destructive force, Yu Feng could feel that his body could explode with endless destructive power between his hands and feet.

At the same time, a message about the Annihilation Dragon Divine Body also reached Yu Feng’s mind instantly.

“Annihilation Dragon Divine Body: The Divine Dragon Bloodline is the bloodline that can contain the most energy systems between heaven and earth.” After fusing the two major elemental forces of the Heaven and Earth Destruction Elemental Force and the Death Elemental Power, the Dragon God Body will evolve into the Annihilation Dragon God Body!

Grade: The peak of the Holy Order

Attributes: Physique*50, Cultivation Speed*10, Talent +1,

Talent Skills: Transform the dragon (the combat effectiveness is increased by 100 times after the dragon) and destroy the world (destroying anything can increase its own strength!) At the same time, understand the supreme artistic realm: the artistic conception of annihilation! )”

Looking at the attributes of the physique, Yu Feng Qiao Kong shrank slightly.

The passive physique improvement has increased from the original twenty times to the current fifty times, and the 50 times after the transformation of the dragon has also increased to 100 times now.

It can be said that Yu Feng’s combat effectiveness has directly soared fivefold.

And that’s just one of them.

The Annihilation Dragon Divine Body also increased its cultivation speed by ten times and its talent +1!

Together, the cultivation speed increased by a hundredfold.

What made Yu Feng most excited was the skill of annihilation.

Destroying anything will increase your own strength, that is to say, even if you don’t have a system in the future, you can quickly improve your strength by destroying yourself everywhere?

And there is also the blessing of the state of extinction.

More importantly, this extinction state of mind does not say what kind of artistic conception it is, that is, he can bless it on the gun method, and he can also bless it on the sword method, and even on the dragon’s claw.

It can be said that it fills the gap in the way of fighting after Yu Feng transformed into a dragon.

“The Supreme Artistic Realm, this Extinction Artistic Realm, seems to be extremely high in all the Supreme Artistic Realms!”

Yu Feng thought to herself.

“But all in all, my current strength has also improved a lot!” In terms of combat effectiveness, it directly soared into a small realm of the Absolute Immortal Realm, and if it was added to the artistic realm, it might be able to enhance the strength of the two small realms! ”

Yu Feng nodded with satisfaction at the thought of this.

Then I looked at my backstage and found that the upgrade point also soared by 150 million!

And with all the upgrade points accumulated by these days of Yu Feng, the total has reached a full 200 million!

“The system helped me raise my Qi and Blood attributes to the level of the Absolute Immortal Heaven Level!” The rest of the upgrade points are all used to upgrade the martial arts! All upgraded to the Heavenly Ladder!! ”

Yu Feng said directly to the system.

“Ding… Accept instructions!!! ”

The system also responded to Yu Feng’s voice, and the next moment, Yu Feng’s body bloomed with a terrifying glow.


Along with the terrifying brilliance, there was also an endless warm current, and a stream of violent warm currents began to flow madly towards Yu Feng’s body.

The next moment Yu Feng found that the cells in his whole body were beginning to be rapidly lifted up by this terrifying warm current.

The cells and flesh of the body began to rise up madly under the impact of this breath.

At the same time, the strength of the soul is also increasing rapidly.

Yu Feng closed his eyes and began to feel his rapidly strengthened body.

In the end, when Yu Feng’s strength and soul power had all reached 1,000 trillion, this ascension was completely over.

The attribute of 1000 trillion points also represents the lowest strength of the Absolute Immortal Realm, and the next time you want to improve the small realm again, you need Yu Feng’s strength to increase by five times!

Directly to the level of more than 5,000 trillion yuan.

At the same time, Yu Feng’s mind was also frantically emerging countless messages about the martial arts of the Heavenly Order, which made Yu Feng’s mind begin to turn wildly.

In just an instant, Yu Feng had completely mastered all the martial arts after the upgrade.

“Ding… Congratulations to the host realm for breaking through to the Absolute Wonderland One Heavy Heaven, the system began to better the power calculation system, upgrade the point calculation system! ”

However, at this moment, a systematic prompt tone also reached Yu Feng’s mind.

After hearing this system prompt of the system, Yu Feng was suddenly stunned.

“System, why change the computing system, and how do you change it!?”

Yu Feng asked the system doubtfully.

This was the first time he had heard of changing the system’s data calculation method.

“Ding… Because the current value of the host is too large, in order to facilitate the change of the point calculation method, there is no other change to the host1! ”

The system also quickly made an answer, and told Yu Feng how to change it.

“Ding… The power calculation system will be calculated according to the power unit of the ancient gods: the power of the gods! 1 point of divine power is exactly 100 million pounds of power, which is the ordinary value of 1000 trillion points.

That is, now the host’s power is transformed into the power of the god to 1 point of the power of the god!!

And the upgrade point is also converted into the upgrade point of the god in the ratio of 100 million points to one! ”

The introduction of the system to the revised version made Yu Feng nod slightly.

I didn’t expect that all my strength was only a little divine power.

But think about it is also relieved, after all, the current self can not move trillions, tens of billions of billions of upgrade points and attributes, calculated down a little too much trouble, now after the revision is also convenient to calculate!

“System, if that’s the case, open my property sheet!” I’d like to see what has changed in my property sheet!! ”

Yu Feng said directly to the system!

In the next instant, a virtual attribute table appeared in front of Yu Feng’s eyes.



Name: Yu Feng

Realm: Absolute Wonderland One Heavy Heaven!

Occupation: Alchemist, Alchemist, Array Mage (Heavenly Order +1, 0/1000)

Divine Power: 1 (1 Divine Power = 1 Divine Upgrade Point)

Soul of the Gods: 1 (1 Soul of the Gods = 1 Upgrade Point of the Gods)

Special Energy: Annihilation Dragon Divine Strength (Sacred Order Peak)

Master the elements: Fire, Death, Destruction, Darkness!

Annihilation: 70% (0/1)

Constitution: Annihilation Dragon Divine Body (Under development, Sacred Rank Peak)

Talent Skill: Dragon (Increases combat effectiveness by 100 times!) Annihilation Dragon Divine Fire (Mutant Dragon Clan Divine Fire, current level: Heavenly Order Premium)

Root Bone: Tao Body!

Exercises: Heavenly Fire Genki Technique (Heavenly Order Product, 0/1000) Forging Soul Crystal (Heavenly Order Upper Product, 0/1000)

Martial Arts: Broken Mountain Palm (Heavenly Rank Shangpin, 0/1000) Nine-Turn Soul Blade (Heavenly Order Shangpin, 0/1000) Chiyan Marksmanship (Heavenly Order Shangpin, 0/1000)

Item: Dragon Howling Gun (Double Awakening, Heavenly Ladder Item, 0/1000)

God’s upgrade point: 0.2

Status: Combat Strength*6500, Cultivation Speed*100,000, Talent +3



After looking at his attributes at this time, Yu Feng was naturally very satisfied, knowing that the corresponding level of the Heavenly Rank had surpassed the Absolute Immortal Realm and reached the Emperor level, and even the Emperor could not possess weapons and martial arts of this level!


However, at this moment, a wave of waves instantly came from the direction of the ancestral hall not far away and directly swept over Yu Feng’s body.

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