“Zhang Tian!!!”

Yu Feng felt this wave and suddenly frowned slightly.

Being able to make Yu Zhangtian crush the jade card to summon his own existence is definitely a super strong person above the Absolute Immortal Triple Heaven.

Thinking of this, Yu Feng’s mind moved instantly.

Consciousness is directly connected to the ancestral hall!



In the midst of the ancient battlefield!


With a flurry of fluctuations around him, a blurred figure instantly appeared on the ancient battlefield.

However, when you look at Yu Feng who came here, you saw countless dead ancient powerful people below.

And the waves that had disappeared from these powerful people and the life force let Yu Feng know that this was definitely a very long battlefield.

“Where is this place, and where is this boy Zhang Tian!?”

Yu Feng’s brow frowned slightly, but he knew that the most urgent thing was to find Yu Zhangtian first.

The next moment his eyes looked towards the all-encompassing temple in front of him.

“Heavenly Sword Temple!?”

Yu Feng’s gaze froze, and he immediately saw the temple plaque hidden in the void.

And Yu Feng also felt a terrifying array of power from this plaque.

“Heavenly Ladder Pinnacle Formation, interesting, it seems that the master here is not simple!!”

Yu Feng raised an eyebrow, but he was not in a hurry to understand these at this time, but the fluctuations emitted by the follower jade card instantly appeared inside the temple, but Yu Feng did not find Yu Zhangtian’s figure except for the jade card that had already shattered on the ground.


Yu Feng’s brow frowned, and then his face suddenly cooled.

At the same time, his terrifying thoughts instantly erupted from his body.


The terrifying divine thoughts went directly to the surroundings, and suddenly, he felt a strange breath from the statue of the god in the temple.

“Found it!! There is actually a space hidden here!! ”

Yu Feng raised an eyebrow, and then the endless power of destruction erupted directly from his body, enveloping the entire god statue.

Under the wrapping of Yu Feng’s destructive power, the huge god statue began to disintegrate rapidly.


However, at this moment, a supreme Heavenly Sword Intention instantly erupted from the Divine Image.

The terrifying sword intent instantly slammed into Yu Feng’s destructive element.


However, Yu Feng just snorted disdainfully, and the originally few destruction elements instantly began to surge wildly.

That Heavenly Sword Intention was directly shattered into nothingness by the Destruction Element.

“But just a masterless sword intention dares to clash with me!” It’s a lot of guts!! ”

Yu Feng smiled disdainfully, but his movements also slowly stopped.

Because from this Heavenly Sword Intention, Yu Feng caught a trace of information.

The reason why these sword intentions were suppressed by this temple plus the Heavenly Order Pinfa Formation here is very simple, that is, to find the corresponding heir, and now Yu Zhangtian is the tester of the heir.

If you pass the test, you will be able to obtain the Ancient Sword Emperor Lineage, and at the same time, you may be able to comprehend the Heavenly Sword Meaning!

“Ancient Sword Emperor?” Who the hell is that? It seems necessary to go and see!! ”

Yu Feng touched his chin, and then his head slowly lifted up.

He naturally could not rest assured that he would give Yu Zhangtian full power to the other party, and since this was the case, there was only one to hang on.

Soon he looked over to the Heavenly Ladder Formation that covered the entire temple not far away.

In an instant, he felt the powerful aura emanating from the formation.

“Evil spirits lock the heavenly array!? I didn’t expect this kind of formation! If this formation is to be arranged, it needs at least ten or more powerful evil spirits as a carrier! ”

Yu Feng thought of this and immediately explored his divine consciousness around the entire temple, and sure enough, in each of the ten corners below the entire temple, there lay a dead alien strongman.

There are fallen angel clans, demon clans, and so on, a total of ten super strong people who have reached the fifth heaven or above in the Immortal Realm.

The flesh of these powerful people did not hurt them in the slightest, and it seemed that their souls had really been extracted as the carrier of this evil spirit lock heavenly array.

“Huh? This formation seems to be missing one of the most important things!!!!! ”

Suddenly, Yu Feng’s brow frowned slightly.

The Evil Spirit Lock Heaven Array Law not only requires ten evil strong souls, but also an artifact that can suppress all ten souls.

But now this formation is missing this most important thing, that is to say, this formation is incomplete, and it is impossible for Yu Zhangtian’s inheritance to be completed!

Then Yu Feng had already flowed according to the fluctuations of the formation, and suddenly found the place that should have been the core of the formation!

Where, it is a huge pit.

The look of the deep pit Yu Feng was very familiar.

“Isn’t this the Heavenly Sword’s Sword Pit?” It turned out that the Heavenly Sword of the Excalibur Alliance was summoned from here, and I said that a powerful Heavenly Rank weapon of the Heavenly Rank could be summoned somewhere.

However, if you want to get the Heavenly Sword now, there is still some trouble, so let’s replace it with the Dragon Howling Gun first! ”

Yu Feng, who didn’t bother to run again, directly shook his right hand slightly, and the Dragon Howling Gun that had been upgraded to a powerful Heavenly Rank level by Yu Feng instantly appeared in his hand.

As soon as the Dragon Howling Gun appeared, the entire land of the Ancient Battlefield began to shake wildly.

Endless destructive power erupted from the dragon’s roaring gun.

You must know that the Dragon Howling Gun has been integrated into the four elements of destruction, death, darkness, and flame.

At the same time, it is also a powerful weapon that has awakened twice.

Replacing the Heavenly Sword is simply overkill.

Yu Feng casually threw the Dragon Howling Gun into the sky.


With a flurry of fluctuations, the size of the Dragon Howling Gun instantly began to soar wildly.

In just an instant, it transformed into a terrifying divine spear that was several times larger than the Heavenly Sword and reached a length of more than ten million kilometers.


Although the Dragon Howling Gun slowly landed on the earth, the whole heaven and earth began to tremble violently.

“Evil spirits lock the heavens, and the heavens and the earth are extinct!!!”

Yu Feng let out a low sigh, and then he punched out one Xuan’ao handprint after another in his hand.

This one handprint instantly merged into the Evil Spirit Lock Heaven Array.


Suddenly, the already dimmed formation began to fluctuate slowly.

Subsequently, the fluctuations of the formation are also becoming more and more terrifying, more and more powerful,

This wave of mysterious arcane began to move towards the Dragon Howling Gun cover.

And above the Dragon Howling Gun was also a trace of fluctuation and a slow link of the formation.


In an instant, the entire temple directly bloomed with a dazzling brilliance, and the entire ancient battlefield was enveloped by this light.

The Evil Spirit Lock Heavenly Array was also activated again.

However, at this time, the master of this formation had changed from the sword emperor of the ancient strong man to the current Yu Feng.

“Lock the heavens, it seems that this place is really blocking a piece of heaven!!”

Yu Feng’s eyes flickered slightly, and then his mind directly communicated with the entire formation, and his consciousness sank directly into the space blocked by the Evil Spirit Lock Heavenly Array.

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