Time goes back a few minutes ago.

When Yu Zhangtian opened his eyes again, he found that he had entered a dark space from the center of the main hall of the previous temple.

“Where is this place!?”

Yu Zhangtian’s brow frowned slightly, and it was dark around him, and he didn’t know where he had come.

“I didn’t expect that after so many years, someone would come again!!”

However, at this moment, an old and weak voice came from the depths of space.

After Yu Zhangtian heard this, he instantly drew out the Holy Spirit Thunder Sword in his hand.

The terrifying sword intent also burst out directly from the body in an instant.


Yu Zhangtian solemnly whispered!

The next moment, however, a hunched old man slowly walked out of the depths of the dim space.

The breath emanating from the old man’s body reached the Absolute Immortal Realm, but it was very weak, as if it would fall at any moment.

The long white beard was almost dragged to the ground, and the dirty robe on his body was also slightly trembling as he walked.

The long sword full of cracks in the old man’s hand was extremely conspicuous.

“Little friend don’t panic, the old man is the lone cloud of the Excalibur Alliance!” Others call me a lone sword saint, maybe the little friend has heard of it!! ”

However, Du Guyun’s words made Yu Zhang’s Heavenly Dawn Kong shrink slightly.

The person in front of him was actually the lone cloud that the Excalibur Alliance had been missing for tens of millions of years.

Legend has it that Lone Cloud went to the Demon Domain to seek a breakthrough opportunity when the limit was approaching, and finally never returned.

Looking at it now, there seems to be no breakthrough.

“Junior Yu Zhangtian, the 1979th Sect Leader of the Excalibur Alliance, has seen the Lone Old Ancestor!!”

Although the strength of Du Guyun was far inferior to that of Yu Zhangtian, as a junior, Yu Zhangtian still slightly surrendered to Du Guyun.

However, after hearing Yu Zhangtian’s words, Du Guyun’s eyes, which had been deeply sunken, suddenly widened in disbelief.

“Are you the Excalibur Alliance?” No way, no way! ”

Du Loneyun’s face changed drastically.

“Damn, isn’t it true that the thief God is going to kill my Excalibur Alliance and can’t do it!!”

Du Guyun roared angrily, and his body emitted a burst of madness.

However, his words made Yu Zhangtian slightly stunned.

“What does Lao Zu mean!?”

Yu Zhangtian asked doubtfully.

And the lone cloud, which seemed to have confessed his fate after a long time here, soon calmed down.

Then he talked to Yu Zhangtian about his tragic fate.

When he came to the Demon Domain, he had already successfully found a broken Heavenly Order Sword Spectrum, and he thought that even if he was crippled, he could make a breakthrough in his strength, but the next moment he was discovered by the Demon Emperor of the Demon Domain.

The helpless lone cloud could only begin to escape.

In the end, there was no way to escape, and he finally decided to fight the other party to the death.

However, just after the two had been fighting for several days, Du Guyun, who was about to kill the other party, was suddenly attacked by another Demon Emperor.

It ended up on top of a big mountain.

Waking up again, I came to this ancient battlefield, and was eventually sent here by the gods in the temple.

Originally, he thought that he could obtain the inheritance of super power, but he did not expect to be imprisoned in this dark space after arriving here.

And this was not the most miserable, after looking at the Heavenly Order Sword Spectrum, I found that if I wanted to cultivate, I could only cultivate myself.

Because this is a practice that only a female monk can cultivate.

“Twenty million years, do you know how my husband and I have come to this twenty million years!?”

Lone Cloud roared with exhaustion.

After Yu Zhangtian listened, a cold sweat suddenly dripped from his sideburns, which was also too tragic, right?

After Du Guyun finished speaking, Yu Zhangtian couldn’t help but glance at the crotch of the other party’s pants.

I don’t know if in the past 20 million years, Du Guyun will give himself a knife.


However, at this moment, a wave of fluctuations came out from all directions of the entire space in an instant.

“Click, click, click!!!!”

The next moment, the whole space began to shatter rapidly, as if something sealed was about to break out of the trap.

“Old man, didn’t you say that nothing has changed since you came here?” What’s going on!? ”

Yu Zhangtian asked solemnly.

However, the Lone Sword Saint was also confused at this time.

“The old man also did not know that this situation had not happened once in 20 million years.”

The Lone Sword Saint said solemnly.

Suddenly his eyes lit up.

“By the way, was it because I wasn’t talented enough to trigger the inheritance of this place?” You are so talented that you came to trigger the true inheritance of this secret realm!? ”

Dugu Sword Saint said excitedly, although he had no reason to inherit, but Yu Zhangtian was different, he was also the Sect Leader of the Excalibur Alliance, and Yu Zhangtian was also happy to be inherited.


However, at this moment, the entire space shattered.

In the next instant, the two reappeared and came to a deserted desert.


However, in the next instant, the earth began to make a loud flowing sound, and soon a desert beast crawled out of the ground.

The smallest of these giant beasts made of sand is tens of thousands of kilometers high.

Like a big mountain.

“Roar, roar!!!”

Roars of rage erupted from the bodies of these desert beasts.

Then all the desert beasts began to rush towards Yu Zhangtian and the two of them.

“Hahaha, finally I can do it!” Boy, attack with all your might!!! ”

Du Guyun let out a low sigh and the next moment his body instantly erupted into a powerful sword intent Under this sword intention, his breath also began to rise wildly.

Seeing a glimmer of hope for freedom, his already silent sword heart also began to burn in the next instant.


And Yu Zhangtian also instantly pulled the long sword in his hand out of its scabbard.

After an instantaneous crisp sound, a sword intent that was several times more powerful than the lone cloud burst out from his body.

“Good boy, he actually has the strength of the Absolute Wonderland!!”

Du Lonely Cloud, who shrank slightly, said with some surprise.

This descendant of his own seems to be terrifying in strength.

But now it wasn’t this time when the two of them used their powerful sword intent and began to frantically rush towards several desert beasts in front of them.

Although the flesh of these giant beasts was very large, the realm was only just reaching the Immortal Realm.

Although there were a full five of them, it did not take long for them to fall into the hands of the two with a terrifying roar.

“Whew! It’s finally over!! ”

Yu Zhangtian was slightly relieved.

“If you want to end, it’s still early!!”

However, the lone sword on the other side was not at all happy, and at the same time, his eyes were still looking around solemnly.

“Roar, roar!!!!”

Sure enough, after the five giant beasts disappeared, the earth once again began to stir wildly.

At the same time, a roar erupted from the earth.

The original desert began to burn with fire.

A giant beast of flame rushed towards the two of them from the ground.


And in the endless void, Yu Feng couldn’t help but raise slightly as he looked at the corners of his mouth!

“If you want to pass the examination of the Heavenly Sword Sword Emperor, it is not so simple!”

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