“Oh! You’re talking about these eighteen little worlds being linked by a formation!? ”

Yu Feng suddenly said.

However, as soon as his words came out, the Death Saint King’s proud expression suddenly stiffened.

“You… You know!? How could you possibly know? Aren’t you only a hundred years old?! How would you know this!? ”

Death Saint Junmeng said these things that he had spent a lot of time at the same time and continued to explore in the subsequent nine hundred million years, and the layout had only known!

Now Yu Feng actually said it at once.

“Didn’t you use a chessboard to show me the situation of the eighteen worlds!?” If I am not mistaken, the order of the eighteen worlds should be the Ten Thousand Realms Luo Heavenly God Array! ”

Yu Feng wordlessly glanced at the fussy Death Saint King, and then said calmly.

However, as soon as his words came out, the Death Saint King was once again confused.

“What do you say? What else does this board contain? Isn’t he just a chessboard that can exercise the power of the mind!? ”

The Death Saint Jun looked at Yu Feng with a confused face, as if asking Yu Feng if he was teasing him.

This time, it was Yu Feng’s turn to be confused.

Feelings of this Death Saint Junte does not know what to do, just here to pretend to play the set of black hands behind the scenes.

Such an unreliable thing, can it be pulled a little more?

“Wait! You don’t know anything, so how did you learn that eighteen small worlds were linked by the Array!? Also, what are you doing with these things!? ”

Yu Feng then slowly put away the chess pieces, and helplessly said that at this time, the strength of the two had been triggered by the chessboard.

This one chessboard is definitely not a mortal thing!

The level may be even more powerful than the Heavenly Rank Ultimate Formation!

Otherwise, Yu Feng couldn’t possibly not recognize it!

“Oh, I just want to try it, according to the method on this chessboard, can I break that formation, what is the level of this formation you are talking about?” Could it be the legendary Heavenly Order Pinnacle!? ”

The image of the Death Saint King and the legendary horror and violence was completely different, it was a full comic, and Yu Feng had some doubts about how his strength had risen to the current level.

Is it because of love that generates electricity?

“How can the formation that can connect the eighteen small worlds be just a formation of the Heavenly Order?” This is the Heavenly Order Ultimate Formation, in addition, what you were going to tell me before is not said until now!? ”

Yu Feng said wordlessly to the Death Saint King, at the same time, his eyes were also looking at each other solemnly.

After all, the strength of the other party is no less than their own, and they cannot use violence.

Unless it is now the residence of the Yu family. 、

Looking at the Death Saint Jun’s alarming IQ Yu Feng even wanted to trick the other party into going to the Yu family for a good practice!

“I almost forgot, this is all the information I have obtained, and since you have reached the current state, you are entitled to know this.”

The Death Saint Emperor who knew all this instantly became serious, and then with a big wave of his hand, the death forces around him began to riot wildly.

The forces of death began to converge into the void for the next moment, and began to evolve into one thing after another.

“The small world I went to was the small world where the Death God Emperor finally fell, and the Death God Emperor was a being that was tens of billions of years older than the Heavenly Sword God Emperor.

And from where he I found a lot of records about the world. ”

When the Death Saint King said this, the power of death began to evolve into a divine dragon hovering between heaven and earth.

The blood-colored dragon hovered in the temple for a while and then began to flatten, eventually forming a virtual continent.

From the appearance, Yu Feng could see that it was very similar to the Dragon Teng Continent.

However, from the details, Yu Feng found that this continent was far larger than the Dragon Teng Continent and did not know how many times.

“This is the original continent, which people call the Dragon God Continent!” In the Dragon God Era, there was a great war that broke out on the Dragon God Continent.

No one knows what the specific content of the battle is, but after that big battle, the entire Dragon God Continent has been shattered.

Only the smallest continent remains, which is now the Dragon Continent. ”

The Death Saint King went on to speak, and when he said this, the entire Dragon God Continent instantly shattered into fragments.

One of the small inconspicuous fragments slowly transformed into another dragon-shaped continent.

This is the current Dragon Continent.

“After the birth of the Dragon Continent, the aura was also reduced to an extremely terrifying level.

You know, the original Dragon God Continent not only had a large population, but even possessed an extremely terrifying Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi content.

It can be said that every once in a while there will be a great emperor-level strongman.

However, the later Dragon Teng Continent was not so simple, and it was impossible to lose the terrifying aura content and want to re-re-establish the Emperor Level.

However, at this moment, a genius turned out to be born and successfully advanced to the emperor in one fell swoop with a Ten Thousand Yan Decisive Fusion Heaven and Earth Strange Fire that had originally been all the Heaven and Earth Alien Fires!

The strongest people in the entire Dragon Teng Continent were only the two or three strongest people of the Absolute Immortal Realm, and they all boiled in an instant.

Unfortunately, this success cannot be replicated.

And from an unknown time onwards, the first forbidden place appeared.

That’s the Endless Fire Zone! The Endless Fire Realm was created by Emperor Yan.

And it was from the moment the Endless Fire Domain appeared that the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi above the entire Dragon Teng Continent actually began to rise.

The whole continent was somewhat boiling.

Everyone thought that the Heaven and Earth Reiki would return to its original level again.

However, after a while, Emperor Yan disappeared.

Heaven and Earth Reiki also stopped rising. ”

Speaking of this, there was also a trace of respect in the eyes of the Death Saint King.

At this point, even fools knew that the rise of the Heaven and Earth Reiki was driven up by Emperor Yan expending all his strength.

No matter what the other party’s purpose is, such a matter of Huili Tiandi is worthy of respect.

“What about later? Are these forbidden places also opened up by emperor-level strongmen!? ”

Yu Feng frowned slightly, and asked doubtfully, how to reach the level of the Great Emperor, no one knows, maybe only this unreliable Death Saint King in front of him can achieve it!

“You guessed right, after the entire Dragon Continent was separated from the Dragon God Continent, a total of eighteen emperors have been born so far!”

And these eighteen emperors have also opened up a full eighteen forbidden places! ”

The Death Saint said solemnly.

At the same time, his gaze turned towards Youyu Feng.

His eyes were filled with solemnity.

Yu Feng knew that the next thing was the point.

“You should have heard of the fact that I disappeared after killing the Ten Holy Places!” At the beginning, when I destroyed the Ten Holy Lands, I wanted to bless my strength with boundless death power to break through to the Fifth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm, at that time, I would be able to open the Demon Realm that had been blocked with strength!

However, when I succeeded, a big hand took me away.

When I woke up again, what appeared in front of me was an old man! An old man who is playing chess! ”

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