The Death Saint King spoke to Yu Feng with great solemnity, but when he heard Yu Feng’s hole shrink slightly.

“Who is he!?”

Yu Feng asked solemnly.

Being able to capture the Death Saint King’s original such a powerful strength, the strength of the other party was definitely beyond the Absolute Immortal Realm Seven or Eight Heavens, and may even be a great emperor.

Speaking of the identity of the old man, the Death Saint King smiled helplessly.

“I don’t know, but I just know that all of this seems to have been planned by the old man, and every strong person who has the slightest hint of possible strength to reach the level of the emperor will be taken away by him.”

The so-called ban on the Dragon Teng Continent was just a means for the old man.

What he wanted was to cultivate twenty emperors, and finally combine their full body strength to break the seal of this world!

Those ancient emperors disappeared not by disappearing, but by voluntarily giving all their power to the old man!

Later, I lived in the Demon God Domain he opened up for 300 million years, and my strength reached the limit of the Absolute Immortal Realm before I came out!

And the countless powerful people who had disappeared from the Dragon Teng Continent to the Triple Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm should all be in the Demon God Domain at this time.

As for not going back to give him all my strength after the breakthrough, the old man let me make my own decisions. ”

The Death Saint said quietly.

However, when he said this, he looked at Yu Feng doubtfully.

At this time, Yu Feng’s strength had far surpassed the Absolute Immortal Realm Triple Heaven, but he had not yet been captured

Could it be that the adult has turned sexual?

Yu Feng smiled slightly, without too much explanation.

No wonder the Death Saint Emperor could walk on the Dragon Teng Continent at will, it turned out that the people had already been released after completing their sentences, and it seemed that his talent was absolutely very simple to break through to the level of the Great Emperor in the eyes of that adult.

“Wait, then why didn’t the other small worlds opened up by the Great Emperor take away the powerful ones who surpassed the Triple Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm?”

Yu Feng suddenly frowned and asked doubtfully.

The Death Saint Jun, who seemed to have known that Yu Feng was going to ask such a question, smiled slightly.

“Of the eighteen small worlds, including the Dragon Continent, only twelve small worlds have beings, and the beings of these twelve small worlds are only the natives on the Dragon Continent who have the talent to break through to the Emperor level.

The reason was simple, although the beings in the remaining eleven small worlds were powerful, because the person who created them was only the emperor himself, he was born with a cripple and could not transform the power of the elements into the laws of heaven and earth!

If you want to become the Emperor, you must control the power of a kind of heaven and earth law, just like me, if I can transform the power of death into the law of death, I can finally break through to the Emperor Realm with death. ”

When he said this, Yu Feng also understood what the reason was.

“It turns out that the most important thing to reach the level of the Great Emperor is to transform the power of the elements into the laws of heaven and earth!?”

Just don’t know, in order to do so, what other conditions are needed!? ”

Yu Feng secretly thought to himself, of course, there is a system for him to inform him in the later stage.

So the most important thing now is to understand what the old man is going to do.

Unfortunately, even the Death Saint King didn’t know it, and the other party would not tell him until he successfully broke through to the Emperor.

“This chessboard was given to me by the old man, and every time I use him to play chess, my spiritual power will rise rapidly, which is why I can reach the current level in three hundred million years, but unfortunately, after reaching the limit of the Absolute Immortal Realm, my spiritual power will stop growing, unless I can successfully break through to the emperor.”

Otherwise, this board wouldn’t be of much use to me! ”

The Death Saint Emperor said helplessly that the Death Force was the top of all the elemental powers, and if the Death Force was used to break through to the Emperor level, the combat power was definitely not comparable to that of the ordinary Emperor.

You must know that the most stable of all the small worlds except the Dragon Continent is the Death Continent opened up by the Death God Emperor!

And there, there is another name, that is, the underworld!!!

“The underworld, it turns out that the underworld was originally in the blood realm, no wonder no one has ever been there!”

When he heard the Death Saint Jun speak of the Underworld, an aura flashed in Yu Feng’s mind.

Then his eyes turned to the Death Lord.

“Just a breakthrough to the Emperor?” Maybe not hard!!! ”

However, Yu Feng was slightly raised in the corner of his mouth and said calmly.

His words immediately stunned the Death Lord.

Isn’t that hard? Even the mysterious old man who understood the power of the law of death was not very sure that he would just let himself out and look for opportunities.

Yu Feng said not difficult!?

However, thinking that Yu Feng had only been born for a hundred years now, the Death Saint King’s eyes lit up.

To tell the truth, it wasn’t that he hadn’t noticed Yu Feng earlier, the time could be traced back to when Yu Feng had comprehended the power of death before!

And when he noticed Yu Feng, the other party was just a kid who had just grasped the power of death.

Although he hadn’t seen a second person who had comprehended the power of death in the past nine hundred million years, even so, Yu Feng’s existence didn’t make him care too much.

After all, although the comprehension of the Death Force was all powerful, it was many times more difficult to reach the Fifth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm than the average martial artist.

However, when he returned to God again, he found that Yu Feng’s strength had reached a level that even he could not see through, which was less than half a year.

Others may not know it, but the Death Saint King, who also understood the power of death, absolutely knew that Yu Feng had realized the state of the power of death when he first understood it.

He even knew the identity of the Yufeng Divine Dragon Clan.

However, there were not many descendants of the Shenlong clan in the Demon God Domain, of course, this was because he did not understand that the bloodline of the Shenlong clan was also hierarchical.

Yu Feng fused with the power of death, and the Holy Grade Bloodline of the Force of Destruction was that the bloodline of the Supreme Dragon God who created the entire Dragon God Continent could not be compared with Yu Feng’s from above the level, let alone just the strong people of these Dragon God Clan who were transformed by the Divine Dragon Essence Blood.

Of course, the strongest of them may also reach the Sacred Blood Bloodline, but it is difficult to compare with Yu Feng!

“You certainly don’t believe my words, but you don’t know my identity!”

The corners of Yu Feng’s mouth rose slightly, and his eyes once again glanced at the chessboard suspended in the void, and he also made a decision in his heart.

“Oh!? What identity? “

The Death Saint Emperor narrowed slightly, and asked with some interest, was Yu Feng going to say that he was the reincarnation of some ancient power? But what kind of powerful reincarnation can make a person reach the realm of the emperor?

“You should know that I am a Heavenly Order Alchemist, but you may not know it, but my Alchemist Rank is, Heavenly Rank Elite!!”

Yu Feng said calmly.

However, hearing Yu Feng’s words, the Death Saint King contracted violently.

Heavenly Order Ultimate Refiner, Grass, Heavenly Rank Elite Alchemist corresponds to the Emperor Level, Heavenly Order Ultimate Alchemist? What level of alchemist is that!?

However, Yu Feng’s words were not finished!

“Not only that, but I’m also a Heavenly Order Ultimate Array Mage, and, a Heavenly Order Ultimate Alchemist!!”

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