The Heavenly Sword displaced, and the continent shook.

It can be said that at this moment, the people of the entire continent felt this change, and the people who were hundreds of millions of kilometers away looked in the direction where the Heavenly Sword was located, and suddenly their faces changed drastically!

“What’s that!?” What a big sword!! ”

“Sizzle! That is the symbol of the Excalibur Alliance, the only Heavenly Sword on the continent in the legend!! ”

“How is this possible!? It’s actually the Heavenly Sword!? How could the Heavenly Sword fly!?? ”



The Heavenly Sword is too huge, that is, ordinary people have seen the terrifying figure of the Heavenly Sword within hundreds of millions of kilometers.

Countless people were horrified.

But only those top Sect Gate Heavenly Realm Strongmen’s faces changed drastically.

Because they know what it means.

For countless years, no one could shake it up in the slightest.

And the only few Absolute Immortal Realm Strongmen on the continent were also very solemn.

You must know that all the forces combined by the original Ten Holy Places can only summon the Heavenly Sword to attack the Death Saint King in a free-fall way!

And now the Heavenly Sword had actually been pulled out.

“Could it be the handwriting of the old ancestor of the Yu family!?”

Above the Dark Soul Hall, the equally powerful Soul Heaven watched the Heavenly Sword Hole rising from the distance shrink slightly.

Only he knew how terrifying the Yu family ancestor really was.

However, at this moment, something even more frightening happened to everyone, only to see the Heavenly Sword actually disappear into the sky with a burst of space distortion.

In an instant, the whole continent boiled over again.




In the Demon God Temple where the Demon Emperor was located, the Death Saint King watched the Heavenly Sword Hole that rushed out from the void crack that Yu Feng casually burst out of the void and contracted violently.

The horror of the Heavenly Sword had been taught by him at the beginning, and just by falling freely, it had destroyed his body once.

Of course, outsiders seem to be unscathed, because what they understand is the power of death, and it is too simple to repair their bodies in an instant.

Even now, with his strength soaring, he didn’t have much certainty about the Heavenly Sword, and if Yu Feng could use the Heavenly Sword, it might not be impossible to kill himself.

Of course, he didn’t know that Yu Feng’s weapon was also an artifact of the Heavenly Order, and at the same time, he had awakened a powerful existence twice, and he didn’t know how many times more powerful it was than the Heavenly Sword.

It was only used by Yu Feng to suppress the formation outside the Heavenly Sword Shrine!

Interestingly, because the weapon used by Yu Feng was more powerful than the Heavenly Sword, the power of the formation was also a lot stronger, and the difficulty of the examination inside actually increased.

If Yu Zhangtian knew that his father had secretly poked and poked his own wave, he didn’t know if he would be angry to death.

As the Heavenly Sword slowly came out, the entire Demon God Temple could not be put down, so Yu Feng grabbed it casually.

A powerful force instantly poured into the core of the Heavenly Sword and he found something that surprised him a little.

“The death of the spirit of the Instrument!!”

Yes, the Heavenly Sword’s spirit is dead, which means that as long as Yu Feng creates an instrument spirit for him now, this sword can be forcibly recognized by Yu Feng.

Of course, Yu Feng didn’t have the mood to engage in such a thing, after all, for him the Heavenly Sword level of weapons as long as they were materials, he could make a bunch.

And now that he didn’t lack a sword-type weapon, Yu Zhangtian couldn’t use it, so he decided to refine it into something he needed.

As Yu Feng’s power began to control the Heavenly Sword, the terrifying Heavenly Sword that was originally millions of kilometers long actually began to shrink rapidly.

At the same time, it was also said before that the Heavenly Sword material after becoming larger became not very powerful, but at this time, the Heavenly Sword began to shrink rapidly in size, and his material level actually began to rise wildly.

From the original Heavenly Rank Lower Grade, it was only instantly upgraded to the Heavenly Rank Intermediate Grade, and at this time, the size of the Heavenly Sword was still more than a thousand kilometers long.

And the next moment, his size was still shrinking rapidly.

Miles…… Barry!

A mile… 100 meters!

In the end, the length of the Heavenly Sword was also transformed into a normal long sword size, and his material level had also risen from the original Heavenly Rank Lower Grade to the terrifying level of the Heavenly Rank Upper Grade.

And the power emanating from his body was also terrifying to the extreme, and the sharpness level had also increased by more than ten thousand times.

“Sure enough, it was as long as he had the energy in it!” Therefore, the attack power has decreased, and I think in the opinion, the workmanship of this long sword is still quite good! ”

Yu Feng nodded with satisfaction.

At the same time, holding this long sword in his hand, he swung it slightly towards the void, and in the next instant, a world-destroying sword intent instantly poured into the long sword from Yu Feng’s hand.

In an instant, a dazzling black light flashed away from the void space. The light turned into a sword and instantly shot into the distance.


A terrifying sound that made the entire Demon Realm vibrate wildly exploded in an instant.

Countless demon clans, and even demon emperors, were trembling with horror, and all of them were horrified to see where the sound came from.

A picture that made all the Demon Emperors unforgettable appeared in an instant.

Although the Demon Domain was not as big as the Dragon Continent, it was almost the same, but an endless crack appeared on the entire Demon Domain Continent after that roar.

The continent is directly divided into two.

In the abyss of terror, there is only the endless void after the space has been smashed.

Don’t say that he was the Demon Emperor, or even the Death Saint Emperor was stunned at this moment.

Such a terrifying power is that he may also have to go all out to burst out, however, Yu Feng can do it with just a random wave.

“Yes! Yu Feng, what are you going to do!!? The Heavenly Sword is a bit dangerous! ”

Looking at Yu Feng, who was still fiddling with the Heavenly Sword, the Death Saint Jun rushed over and held Yu Feng’s hand.

If he did this a few more times, the foundation he had so hard to lay would all be ruined by Yu Feng.

“It turns out that his name is Xue Tianjian, a good name!!”

Yu Feng smiled slightly, and then with a wave of his hand, he threw the Heavenly Sword into the air, and the next moment a black Exterminating Divine Dragon Fire in his hand instantly burst out.

As soon as this flame came out, the Death Saint Emperor’s hole shrank slightly.

Because he actually felt a breath of threat from this flame.

“The level of this flame is absolutely not ordinary, what is the origin of this Yu Feng, is it really the reincarnation of some invincible emperor?” By the way, he still has the blood of the Dragon God, is he the powerful reincarnation of the Dragon God Clan in the Dragon God Era!?

But even so, it can’t explain that Yu Feng has reached this level in less than a year!? ”

The Death Saint frowned.

At this time, he was even wondering, if he wasn’t the master of the Death Force, just an ordinary Immortal Realm Limit Strongman, would he not be Yu Feng’s opponent!?

With this idea, he shook his head helplessly.

The most urgent thing at the moment was to rely on the method given to him by the lord to raise his strength to the realm of the emperor!


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