However, at this moment, despite such a flurry, the black Exterminating Dragon God Fire instantly soared into the sky and directly enveloped the Heavenly Sword in flames.

In the next instant, something even more terrifying happened to the Death Saint King.

In his eyes, the Annihilation Dragon Divine Yan actually melted the Heavenly Sword in just a few moments.

“Sleeper! What’s going on here? Isn’t the Heavenly Sword the terrifying weapon that the Lord gave to the Heavenly Sword God Emperor of the Heavenly Order!? How did it become so? ”

The Death Saint Emperor couldn’t help but let out a foul mouth, and his gaze watched in horror as the flames in the sky began to reshape the Heavenly Sword.

The Heavenly Sword had now turned into a ball of molten iron of the Heavenly Order.

However, this time, Yu Feng did not intend to casually refine an ordinary Heavenly Rank Grade Magic Weapon.

“The Heavenly Order Ultimate Array Mage profession is finally useful!!”

The corners of Yu Feng’s mouth rose slightly.

The next moment his hands began to frantically strike at one handprint after another in the void.

The endless handprints began to frantically pour into the molten iron in the sky.

Under the horrified gaze of the Death Saint King, one formation node after another began to form rapidly.

After living for almost 900 million years, the Death Saint Emperor still had some research on the Fa Fa, and he was also a Ground Level Elite Mage.

He could naturally see that these aura nodes that were beginning to emerge in the molten iron were definitely nodes of a powerful formation.

It’s just that he has no clue how to recognize any of the nodes or the name of the handprint used by Yu Feng.

It’s like a schoolboy looking at a math professor analytic function, knowing that the Arabic numbers written in them are numbers, but not knowing what these numbers together represent!

Therefore, apart from shouting 666 in his heart, the current Death Saint King had nothing else to do.

“Why, I thought I was a super genius of this era, but I didn’t expect to be like a sand sculpture in front of Yu Feng!?”

The Death Saint was a little helpless.

Do you know that every super strong person who has the strength to become an emperor level is the master of an era, once the Yan Emperor, the Death God Emperor, the Heavenly Sword God Emperor, etc. are all terrifying beings that dominate an era, but in his era, there is a terrifying existence like Yu Feng that makes him unable to catch up with even the slightest!?

If he had the chance, he even wanted to ask his predecessors if they had encountered such a situation.

He even suspected that he was not the protagonist of this era, that he was just a soy sauce player, or that he was a stepping stone for the real protagonist.

Unfortunately, he didn’t know that he didn’t even have the strength and qualifications to be a stepping stone, and even the descendants of the Yu family who let him do the stepping stones might dislike his strength.

And when Yu Feng’s countless handprints began to rapidly penetrate into the molten iron, one formation after another was slowly activated.

You must know that under the blessing of the Yu Family’s Formation Cultivation Hall, Yu Feng’s Formation Cultivation is also an alchemist level and an alchemist level that has been raised by a small realm.

Reached the terrifying Heavenly Order Extreme.

And the Heavenly Order Elite represents that Yu Feng can build the Heavenly Order Elite formation at will, of course, it needs the corresponding carrier.

Now this carrier is just a Heavenly Rank Grade Product, but it is also enough for Yu Feng to build at least dozens of Heavenly Rank Grade Formations.

Under the joint blessing of these formations, the level of this formation group has definitely reached the limit of the Heavenly Order.

Even the ordinary Heavenly Order Elite Formation Technique could not be compared.

And when Yu Feng built the forty-ninth formation, he also stopped all his movements in an instant, because he felt that if he built the formation again, this material would explode in all likelihood!

That is to say, the forty-nine Heavenly Rank Upper Grade Formation Methods were already the limit.

“Next is refining!! With the blessing of these formations, perhaps the Dan Furnace level refined could reach the Heavenly Rank Elite! ”

Yu Feng thought of this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

You must know that the Heavenly Order Ultimate he said is a Heavenly Order Ultimate that has awakened twice, not an ordinary Heavenly Order Ultimate Product!

The next moment, the style of the handprints in his hands changed instantaneously.

Originally, it was difficult to understand that Yu Feng was playing the Formation Mudra, and the Death Saint Jun was suddenly confused. 、

“What is this mudra?” How it feels like a refining handprint!! ”

The Death Saint Jun was a little confused, didn’t Yu Feng want to build a formation?!?

What’s the matter with punching out one refinery handprint after another now1?

Suddenly, he thought that many alchemists would find some mages to burn the next buff formation on top of the magic weapon after the magic weapon was refined.

This act is called enchantment.

But like Yu Feng’s behavior of punching the formation into it at the same time as refining the instrument, he had heard about it for the first time.

However, after remembering the level of the Yu Feng Heavenly Order Alchemist, he was relieved.

“I don’t know what exactly he wants to refine, is it true that he said that he was a Heavenly Order Ultimate Alchemist and an Array Mage!?”

Such an impossible possibility appeared in the mind of the Death Saint King.

However, he quickly vetoed this speculation.

Isn’t that? How could a Celestial Elite Practitioner appear in one person at the same time?

This point is definitely much more ridiculous than the fact that Yu Feng has reached the strength close to the Emperor level in one year.

He would rather believe the latter than the former, because if the three Heavenly Rank Elite professionals were the same person, it was absolutely possible to cultivate an emperor within a year!

Don’t say it’s close to the strength of the Emperor.

However, as the fluctuations around him became more and more terrifying, his heart began to be a little uncertain.

The surrounding space began to fill with a breath that made the Death Saint Emperor feel depressed.

“How can this thing be so terrible, isn’t it just a magic weapon?”

Even the Heavenly Rank Grade could not have such a terrifying aura, moreover, he had just begun to take shape!! ”

Seeing that there was a magic weapon of the appearance of the Silk Dan Furnace in the midst of the black Death Dragon God Fire Fire, the Death Saint Jun’s hole shrank slightly.

He began to believe what Yu Feng was saying.

In fact, even if you think about it with your feet, you know that there is no need for such a being as Yu Feng to brag about it!

But it wasn’t that he didn’t believe twenty or couldn’t believe it.

Nonsense is the real emperor is coming, you and he said that someone is the three major professional people have reached the heavenly level of the horror existence, the emperor is just laughing at you as a neurosis.


However, at this moment, the entire Demon Domain actually began to resound with one thunderous roar after another.

Countless Demon Emperors raised their heads to look at the sky, and in an instant they were shocked to find that the entire sky above the Demon Domain was actually shrouded in endless black thunderclouds.

At the same time, the entire Demon Domain Continent began to tremble madly, and if you carefully perceive it, you will find that not only the Demon Domain Continent, but also the entire Demon Domain space is located under this power and began to tremble madly.

“Click, click, click!!!”

However, at this moment, the entire Demon Domain Continent actually began to crack rapidly!!

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