“Cracked? What’s going on? How could it crack!? ”

“The abomination has just been split apart and now even the continent has begun to split, what the hell is going on1?”

Countless Demon Emperors who had lived on the Demon Domain since they were born saw this scene with a drastic change in their faces.

Endless anger devoured them, but in the face of the terrifying breath coming from the far away that was the Demon Temple, they did not have much courage to run to find trouble for the initiator.

Just the breath can have such a mighty power, if you really move your hands, I am afraid that they are not enough to slap each other together.

And the Death Saint King in the Demon God Temple also watched the endless thunder pain that was constantly rolling in the sky shrink slightly.

“This is the Emperor’s Raid! No, it is even more terrifying than the Emperor Raid, although this side of the small world is only a small world created by the Great Demon Heavenly King, it is not even impossible to carry an Emperor Raid!

This thunderstorm is definitely more terrifying than the emperor!

What magic weapon does Yu Feng want to refine! ”

The Death Saint King’s face was very solemn, of course, he didn’t care much about whether the Demon Domain would be destroyed or not, after all, although he was the current ruler here, it was only because he was inconvenient to appear in the Dragon Continent.


At this moment, the thunderclouds that seemed to have been conceived and completed finally broke out.

With an earth-shaking thunderclap, the whole heaven and earth were shaken, and the next moment a terrifying thunder storm fell violently.

This lightning raid actually took on a purple-gold color.

There was also a terrifying force of heaven and earth laws in the midst of the thunderstorm.

With the flash of thunder, the thunderbolt had already crashed on top of the Dan Furnace refined by Yu Feng.


However, at this moment, the Dan Furnace was slightly shaken, and in the next instant, an invisible wave slowly erupted from above the Dan Furnace.

This wave actually shook this thunder and thunder in an instant.

The next moment, a wave of the formation appeared around the Dan Furnace.


As if angered by Dan Lu’s behavior, the endless thunderclouds in the sky once again erupted into a terrifying aura, and the next moment, a thunder raid that was much more powerful than before once again slammed into the general.

The Death Saint King on the side looked at the power of this thunder raid and was slightly horrified in his heart, if this thunder raid crashed on his body, he was afraid that he would absolutely die.

After all, now he was facing the ordinary Emperor Raid without any certainty that the current Thunder Raid was stronger than the Emperor Raid and didn’t know much.


However, in the face of this terrible heavenly calamity, Dan Furnace was still only emitting the power of the formation that it had inscribed.

The power of the Array emitted a trace of fluctuation and instantly blasted this thunder and thunder away.

“Boom boom boom!!!!! boom boom boom

And then, one after another thunder raids in the sky fell violently, and the entire heaven and earth were vibrating madly under the power of this thunderbolt, and the entire Demon Realm space was rapidly shattering and disintegrating.

Countless demon clans indirectly died in this thunderstorm.

However, as the protagonist of the Thunder Raid, the Dan Furnace that exuded the supreme aura on that Yiding’s body was still unscathed.

No matter how the thunder bombardment was, the layer of array power on his body was still strong in the void.

The power of the thunder could not even split the formation, let alone damage the Dan Furnace.

In the end, the thunder robbery was over, and it did not give Dan Furnace the slightest damage.


After a total of eighty-one thunderstorms fell, the thunderclouds in the sky finally faded slowly.

Although most of the power contained in the thundercloud was consumed, there was still one point that had not been consumed, and these energies slowly converged into the void and turned into a golden light and shot towards the Dan Furnace.

This time, however, the Dan Furnace slowly opened the formation to absorb all of this power without leaving a trace.

“Sizzle! What a huge gift! If I were to give such a terrifying gift power, I am afraid that I would be able to directly advance to the level of the Emperor! ”

The Death Saint King’s eyes were red as he looked at the Heavenly Dao Gift that had been absorbed by the Dan Furnace.

The apocalypse is not only a test, but also a reward, but many people die before the reward is awarded.

Even after surviving it, most of the time the gifts of the Heavenly Dao were used to repair the injuries under the Heavenly Disaster.

However, the unscathed Dan Furnace absorbed all the gifts of the Heavenly Dao without fail.


At this moment, a change occurred, and after absorbing that golden light, the Dan Furnace actually began to bloom with a terrifying aura.

These breaths actually began to draw a law rune one by one around the Dan Furnace.

The law runes are all-encompassing, and each one represents the power of the law of an attribute.

And the endless power of the law between heaven and earth also poured into some runes.

“Law Spirit, as long as it is completed, this Dan Furnace can become a Heavenly Rank Ultimate Dan Furnace, and it will be much simpler to refine a Heavenly Rank Ultimate Dan Furnace at that time!”

The corners of Yu Feng’s mouth rose slightly.

That’s right, the reason he refined this Dan Furnace was because he needed to use it to refine a Heavenly Grade Ultimate Dan Medicine: Death Breaking Emperor Dan!

As long as such a elixir could make a Absolute Immortal Realm that had comprehended the power of death directly ascend to the Great Emperor Realm.

Even if the other party is just a fairyland, it can do it.

That’s right, it’s so horrible.

And the level of the Death Breaking Emperor Dan is also very terrifying, it is a Heavenly Grade Ultimate Dan Medicine.

You must know that every Heavenly Grade Ultimate Dan Medicine needs to be refined, and it needs extremely terrifying medicinal materials!

The lowest is to reach the level of Heavenly Grade Elite.

And this medicinal herb, even if you look all over the entire Dragon Continent, you can’t find one.

However, Death Breaking Emperor Dan is a little different, he needs only one raw material, that is, the Endless Death Force.

Just enough death power.


And it was at this moment that after a flurry of fluctuations, the red Dan Furnace in the sky slowly flew towards the direction where Yu Feng was located.

The Death Saint King beside him actually felt a hint of the breath of life existence from the Dan Furnace.

Suddenly his face changed.

Although the spirit already has the spiritual wisdom, it is almost impossible to reach the level of life, and having spiritual wisdom and having a living soul are two different things.

One is just a speck of a thinking object, but the other already has the right to samsara.

It is equivalent to that as long as the Dan furnace is destroyed, his spirit can reincarnate into other beings through reincarnation.

That is to say, Yu Feng created a life with his own hands.

A completely different life from the Blood Beast in the Endless Blood Domain.

You must know that the beings in the other ten forbidden places except for the Dragon Continent are actually just slightly more advanced artifacts.

“This… How could it be!! ”

The Death Saint Emperor was a little confused, and to do this, perhaps only the Creator Dragon God had done it in the first place!

“The law infuses the spirit, and the soul created is a real life!!”

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