Yu Feng raised an eyebrow, and he actually found that the entire Flame Divine Mountain was shrouded in a Heavenly Rank Formation.

At the same time, in the core part of the formation, Yu Feng sensed a terrifying flame force that far exceeded the sum of all the different fires in the heavens and the earth.

Combined with the Endless Fire Domain, the Yan Emperor created Yu Feng instantly knew that this Flame Divine Mountain was the place where the Yan Emperor fell.

And if Yu Yanxiao can enter, there is a good chance that he will have a chance to obtain the inheritance.

“There is such a coincidence in the world, no, absolutely wrong!”

Yu Feng frowned, this side of Yu Zhang genius was just preparing to obtain the inheritance of the Heavenly Sword God Emperor, and now Xiao Yanzi had actually obtained the inheritance!

There are definitely people who are secretly manipulating behind their backs.

“The Lord of the Demon God Domain?” I would like to see what you are going to do, you can survive from before the Yan Emperor to the existence of this period, absolutely the level of the Emperor, but can cultivate more than a dozen emperors, this so-called master, the strength is absolutely terrifying to the extreme, but no matter what you want to do, if you dare to be unfavorable to my Yu family, I Yu Feng will not let you go! ”

A trace of coldness flashed in Yu Feng’s eyes.

Immediately he stepped directly out of the Sacrifice Continent in the backyard of the Yu Family and appeared in the backyard of the Yu Family.

Looking at this small courtyard, Yu Feng remembered the scene after he crossed over.



A hundred years ago!!

In the woods outside the town of Yunhai, a swaddled baby was looking at the surrounding trees with a confused face.

“I’ll go along, little master, I’ve crossed it!?” Also become a child that no one wants, what is this operation!? ”

The baby is the Yufeng who has just crossed.

However, just after he became conscious, he found himself under a maple tree, looking at the red leaves, Yu Feng had the heart to die at this time!

“Anyone? Help, I’m going to die!! ”

“Wow wow wow wow

He cried out one by one, and of course, after the words came out, it turned into the cry of a baby.

Unfortunately, in this kind of wilderness, his cry can attract not only people, but only some wild beasts!

This wild wolf was attracted by Yu Feng’s cry.


After seeing Yu Feng’s delicate meal, the wild wolf couldn’t help but howl.

“Sleeper, such a big wolf?” Dead dead, I didn’t expect to just cross the little master I was going to die! ”

When Yu Feng was an infant, he looked at the wolf who came to his side, and the wild wolf, which was two meters high, suddenly turned pale.

I didn’t expect that he, the crosser, was about to die just after he arrived.

However, just when he thought he was going to die, a tattered, dirty old man came out of the side with a dog stick.

The red nose lets people know that the old man is definitely drunk.

“Yay, dead dog, don’t you know this is my old beggar’s turf?” Dare to come here and fight… Tooth Sacrifice, Roll Roll!! ”

The old beggar cursed angrily and walked toward the wolf shakily.

Yu Feng quickly twisted his small head and looked to the side, however, after seeing the old beggar, he was suddenly confused, and it seemed that this wild wolf was going to kill twice.


Sure enough, after seeing the scruffy old man, the wolves all showed a hint of disgust, but they still roared in anger and immediately bit the old man.

The old beggar also came over breathlessly, waving the stick in his hand and about to hit the wolf.

Unfortunately, a dog stick is difficult to hit even a dog, let alone a wild wolf that is more than two meters tall.

Yu Feng, who originally thought that the old beggar was going to burp, was confused the next second.

I saw that the old beggar was walking and stumbling, and suddenly fell to the ground.


A cloud of dust rose from the ground, and when he saw the wild wolf here, he immediately disdained it, and immediately jumped up to smash the old beggar directly on the top of Tarzan.

“Oh, I fell to my death, blame this dead dog!!”

At this moment, however, the old beggar was on crutches and ready to get up.

What made Yu Feng speechless was that the old beggar’s dog stick was actually very sharp at one end, and it just faced the wild wolf that pounced on him.

The wild wolf in the sky suddenly panicked, but unfortunately, even if he twisted with all his strength, his body could not escape.


With the sound of a sharp object breaking the body after the old beggar slowly looked up.

Suddenly, his face changed, only to see a huge black shadow smashing directly at him.


In an instant, the old man was directly pressed to the ground by the wild wolf, fortunately there was a cushion of the stick, otherwise the old man would have died a long time ago.

“Hey, something so heavy that it wants to crush me!”

In the end, it took a lot of effort for the old beggar to struggle to crawl out from under the wolf’s body, but after seeing the wolf, the old beggar was suddenly confused.

Now that he was drunk, his face turned pale after looking at the wild wolf that was more than two meters tall and nearly three or four meters long.

“Be obedient, fortunately the old beggar I practiced when I was young, otherwise I would have been smashed to death!”

The old beggar said happily.

“Wow!!!, wow wow wo

Just then, however, a baby’s cry reached the old beggar’s ear.

The natural one who cries is Yu Feng.

It’s better to follow the old beggar and become a little beggar than to starve to death or be eaten by a beast here!

“Hey, which little doll is this, and is everyone going to leave it here or what!?”

The old beggar also walked over, and looking at the water spirit of Yu Feng with a pair of big eyes excitedly looking at his old beggar, he couldn’t help but smile on his face.

“This child is so watery, the price of selling to a large family as a coolie should not be low!!”

However, the old beggar’s next sentence suddenly made Yu Feng’s cute face collapse as hard as he could.

“To be a coolie? , old man or baby, this old thing is so fierce!? ”

Yu Feng couldn’t help but wave his small hand like a few punches at the old man.

“Yo yo yo, you little thing is still angry, let’s go, old man, I just lack a pension to send the end, if your boy can survive, then give the old beggar me to beg along the street together!”

The old beggar smiled, and then slowly hugged Yu Feng, and the next moment, a sour smell almost sent Yu Feng away, who had just opened his eyes.

“Oh, that’s a lot more lethal than that wolf.”

Yu Feng couldn’t help but think of the feeling of spitting it out.

That is, from this day on, Yufeng was successfully adopted by the old beggar.

The home where the two lived was the original log cabin in the backyard of the Yu family.

Even if it was located on the edge of the city, there were still wild beasts to harass from time to time, but fortunately, the old beggar seemed to have practiced when he was young, and he was also the weakest warrior in the flesh realm. 、

So it’s usually nothing.

Yu Feng eventually survived, and was appointed by the old beggar as the family’s husband from the age of three.

It wasn’t until he was eight or nine years old that the old beggar gave him a basic exercise, of course, that one was replaced after Yu Feng cultivated to the Triple Heaven of the Flesh Realm, after all, it was only a non-flowing exercise.

The last time Yu Feng saw the old beggar was the day before he was ready to go to Lan Tianzong to see if he could pass Lan Tianzong’s examination by chance.

That day, the old beggar staggered home drunk and staggered.

“Little maniac! Do you want a wife or not!? If you want, as long as you open your mouth, the old man will send it to you!” ”

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