“Little maniac! Do you want a wife or not!? If you want, as long as you open your mouth, the old man will send it to you!” ”

The old beggar came in shakily from outside the cabin.

Yu Feng, who was still practicing his sword in the courtyard, was speechless after hearing this.

“Then you will send it, but you must wait until I return from Lan Tianzong!”

Yu Feng naturally did not answer the old beggar’s words casually.

“This is what your boy said, don’t regret it when the time comes!!”

The old beggar burped as he spoke, and finally fell to the ground before he could return to his room.

Fortunately, Yu Feng quickly supported the other party.

“If you don’t drink so much every day, no matter how much a warrior will not be mixed up to this extent!”

Yu Feng helplessly helped the old beggar up and walked towards the cabin.



A hundred years later, before the same log cabin, Yu Feng looked at the maple tree in front of him, as if he had returned to the day when he was taken away by the old beggar.

“Wait, this old man said to send me a wife, and when I came back a few months later he disappeared, and then I met Zhixin!”

Suddenly, Yu Feng’s hole began to shrink violently, and an aura instantly flashed from his mind.


Yu Feng couldn’t help but explode a foul mouth, and then hurried towards the front yard of the Yu family.

After passing through several small courtyards, Yu Feng came to the small courtyard where Yu Lingxuan’s family was located.

Yu Feng, who had just arrived, saw Yu Lingxuan start learning landscape painting under Zhao Zhixin’s teaching.

Yu Feng slowly walked over, but found that this landscape was vivid, and at a glance, it could be seen that it was the back mountain of the Yu family.

In the painting, a young woman is holding a child.

A drop of rain drifted in the sky, and the young woman still held an oil-paper umbrella in her hand.

However, what made Yu Feng’s brow frown was that there was a small grave bag in front of the two of them.

I think that Yu Lingxuan’s mother often took Yu Lingxuan to the back mountain, so the young Yu Lingxuan painted this picture.

However, Yu Feng only stood quietly next to the two and did not disturb the two.

“Xuan’er’s painting is awesome, I didn’t expect Xuan’er to be so talented in painting!!”

Finally, when the last stroke fell, Yu Feng also slowly opened his mouth.

After seeing Yu Feng, Yu Lingxuan immediately stood up excitedly and ran towards Yu Feng.


Yu Lingxuan jumped into Yu Feng’s arms excitedly.

“You little girl, you still like sticky people so much!!”

Yu Feng hugged this little guy and said helplessly.

“Brother Feng, how did you get here!!?”

Zhao Zhixin smiled slightly, and also walked over.

A long white robe fluttered with the wind.

“Oh, there’s something to ask you!!!”

Yu Feng teased Xiao Xuanxuan for a moment and then smiled and said to Zhao Zhixin.

“Huh? What’s the matter? ”

Zhao Zhixin was slightly stunned.

“Nothing major, I just want to ask you, have you ever seen this person since you came to my Yunhai Town!?”

Yu Feng said and immediately began to use his aura to condense the image of a tattered old man in the void.

To tell the truth, after Yu Feng was ten years old, he would go out hunting to make money and buy a lot of good clothes for the old beggar, but unfortunately, the old beggar scolded Yu Feng every time, saying that his clothes were good but he didn’t wear them!

He wore his ragged shirt every day.

The helpless Yu Feng could only put it away, but after the old beggar disappeared, the clothes were also gone.

Zhao Zhixin’s eyebrows frowned when she saw the image of this old beggar, not to mention that she really had a little impression.

“On the third day I came to Yunhai Town, it was like giving a grandfather a few pieces of silver on the side of the road! That’s right! I also had a few words with him! ”

Suddenly, Zhao Zhixin’s eyes lit up and she spoke hurriedly.

At the same time, Zhao Zhixin also instantly remembered that Yufeng was adopted by an old beggar since she was a child.

“Could this be Grandpa!?”

Zhao Zhixin quickly covered her small mouth and said in disbelief.

After Yu Feng listened, Yu Kong suddenly shrank.

“That’s right, he was the old beggar who picked me up and raised me, by the way, what did you say to him in the first place!?”

Yu Feng said solemnly, since Zhao Zhixin had admitted it, then his guess seemed to be inseparable.

After Zhao Zhixin heard it, she was also shocked and did not expect to see Yu Feng’s grandfather before she saw Yu Feng.

Then she began to think back.

Fortunately, she was originally a strong person at the peak of the Theosophical Realm, so her memory was also very clear.

I quickly remembered the original conversation.

“Grandpa seemed very happy to see me at that time, and didn’t seem to care much about the silver I gave him, but just asked me if I had a crush or something, and finally said that if his stinky boy could marry a little girl like me, he would be able to leave with confidence!!”

Zhao Zhixin slowly told Yu Feng what had happened, but in the end she was stunned.

She looked at Yu Feng in disbelief, and Yu Feng couldn’t help but pat her head with her hand after hearing it.

“Rub, is it really that old man!!!”

Yu Feng was speechless, and even now even the fools knew that the person who had sealed Zhao Zhixin’s memory and sent it to his hand was an old beggar.

And that seal is the current Yu Feng without a trace of the gap,

The person who can do this, the entire Dragon Continent, maybe there is only one person.

“Forget it, don’t mention this matter for the time being, whether the old man did it or not, I’m going to go to the underworld, and the family affairs will be handed over to you first!”

Yu Feng shook his head helplessly, this time he went to the underworld for the last time to confirm, if there was no old man’s soul in the underworld, the identity of the old man Yu Feng also roughly knew who it was.

Of course, when he went to the underworld, he also had a purpose, that is, to find the soul of Yu Yanling and resurrect it.

“Well, I know, with me at home, you can rest assured, be careful if you go to the underworld!!”

Zhao Zhixin reached out and slowly touched Yu Feng’s cheek, while smiling.

What Yu Feng was going to do, as Yu Lingxuan’s guide, she naturally knew, but in the underworld, she was still difficult to rest assured.

“Rest assured, at present, it can hurt my people, almost nothing!”

Yu Feng slowly shook Zhao Zhixin’s small hand and said, and then handed Yu Lingxuan to Zhao Zhixin.

Then he smiled and said to Yu Lingxuan:

“Xiao Xuanxuan is so obedient at home, wait for Grandpa to come back and bring you a big gift!!”

After speaking, Yu Feng’s right hand went directly towards the void, and in the next instant, his figure disappeared directly into the void.



In the endless void, a pair of eyes that had been looking at the direction of the Yu family also slowly disappeared at this time.

“Little madman, you still found out, but if you want to find me, your current strength is still a little bit worse!!”

An old voice also came from the endless void.

Everywhere this one voice went, even the Heavenly Dao of the Dragon Teng Continent began to tremble madly.

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