If the owner of this ghost city knew that there was such a terrible god in his ghost town, he would be frightened and scattered.

However, Yu Yanling did not care about these things in the slightest, but his gaze looked at the blood-colored sky of the underworld in the sky and fell into meditation.

The blood-colored clouds in the sky seemed to take on the appearance of a baby who had just been able to walk.

“Xuan’er, you’re five years old now!” You wait for Daddy, and before long, Daddy may be able to reach the strength they say and come back to you! Xuan Mo, wait for me to come back!! ”

When Yu Yanling thought of this, his fist slowly clenched, and the space around him was actually directly squeezed and shattered by his power.

There was only one driving force for him to come to the underworld to support his crazy cultivation, and that was his own daughter and his own wife.

How he wanted to return to Yu’s house in his lifetime and see his daughter and his wife again.

In four years he had been beaten so hard countless times that he had almost given up, but from half a year ago, he finally saw hope.

This hope has been supporting him for half a year.

Now that his strength has become so strong, perhaps, it may go or not.

However, at this moment, a voice that Yu Yanling would never forget came from the endless void.

“I didn’t expect Ling Er’s strength to reach this level now!” Sure enough, it was my son of Yu Zhanling! ”

This calm sound seemed to penetrate Yu Yanling’s soul, instantly making Yu Yanling’s face change.

Yu Yanling couldn’t believe that he looked back, but he found that a polite middle-aged man was actually flying behind him at this time.

At the same time, from the man’s body, he felt the breath of the scrolls.

And middle-aged is actually an entity, that is, the other party is not dead!

Of course, what makes Yu Yanling sluggish is the appearance of middle age.

“Father! Father!? True…… Is it really you!? ”

Yu Yanling said in disbelief, and at the same time, his spirit began to frantically sweep Yu Zhanling’s body, however, he did not find anything wrong.

His eyes instantly turned red.

“Nature is the Father, and all these years have made you suffer!!”

Yu Zhanling smiled slightly, and then slowly came to the front of Yu Yanling, and his hands couldn’t help but pat Yu Yanling’s shoulders.

“Hahaha, you boy is still as solid as before!! Good, good, good!! ”

Yu Zhanling said a pair of eyes but couldn’t help but blush.

If you look closely, you will find that Yu Zhanling’s sideburns have all turned white, and Yu Zhanling’s hair was white overnight after Yu Yanling’s death.

Unfortunately, the four major families were deeply rooted in Yunhai Town, and as long as they did anything to any disciple in Yunhai Town, it would definitely be his Yu family that would be wiped out at that time.

Therefore, from four years ago to the present, Yu Zhanling has always had endless guilt for Yu Yanling.


And Yu Yanling also fell to his knees on the ground for four years, and he did not expect to see his father.

Yu Zhanling saw this and quickly helped his eldest son up.

What shocked Yu Yanling was that the image of his father, a weak scholar, actually made his ghost king not even have the strength to kneel, and such a terrifying strength made him feel a little incredulous in his heart.

“The thing of that year was to apologize for your father, if I didn’t have the strength back then, I wouldn’t have let your family be separated by yin and yang!!”

Yu Zhanling’s tone was gentle, but Yu Yanling could hear endless guilt from it.

After seeing Yu Zhanling’s white hair again, Yu Yanling’s heart was also twitching.

“You two fathers and sons are enough, I’m embarrassed to see this old bone here!”

However, at this moment, a helpless voice reached the ears of Yu Yanling and Yu Zhanling.

Yu Yanling’s face suddenly changed and hurriedly blocked in front of Yu Zhanling, looking towards the source of the sound.

But he found a young man standing not far from the two at this time.

And the man’s appearance suddenly made Yu Yanling’s face change.

It was almost exactly the same as the portrait of Yu Feng when he was young.

“Ling Er don’t need to be vigilant, this is your grandfather!!”

Yu Zhanling said with a smile, Also, Yu Feng was an old man in his nineties when Yu Yanling died.

Now restored young Yu Yanling naturally did not know.

“What? Too grandpa!? Grandpa you eat plastic surgery Dan!? How did you get so young!? ”

However, Yu Yanling’s words immediately made Yu Zhanling’s face darken.

“Ling’er, how do you talk to your grandfather?” Your grandfather is now the strongest man in the fairyland!! ”

Yu Zhanling said helplessly.

Yu Yanling’s neck shrank suddenly, of course, he didn’t know what the Absolute Immortal Realm was, he couldn’t touch it when he was alive, after he died, he directly closed it for four years, and he didn’t understand what realm was above the Heavenly Realm.

However, he knew that the current grandfather was much stronger than him.

He even had some doubts about whether he had fallen into a magic practice half a year ago, these were all fantasies of his own, otherwise his strength would have improved so quickly, and his father and grandfather had also become super strong.

Of course, even if he fantasizes, he doesn’t want to let himself out of the fantasy, at least, let him meet his daughter to wake him up!

“Forget it, this boy and Xiao Yanzi have a virtue, let’s go, it’s time to go home!!”

Yu Feng looked at Yu Yanling’s appearance and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

As a person who watched the Yu family grow up, Yu Feng is naturally very happy to be alive now.

As for the identity of the other party’s ghost cultivator, since the soul strength of the other party had reached the Ghost King, as long as he returned to the Dragon Teng Continent, he could naturally rely on the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi of the Dragon Teng Continent to reshape the flesh.

This was still extremely simple for the powerful people of the Celestial Realm.

“Go home?” Yeah, since Daddy and Grandpa can come to the underworld, can I also be taken out by them!? ”

Yu Yanling’s eyes lit up when he thought of this, and his heart was extremely excited!

“But before I go home, I have one more thing to do, come with me!!”

Suddenly Yu Feng slowly opened his mouth, and Yu Yanling and Yu Zhanling were slightly stunned, but they still flew towards the sky with Yu Feng.

“By the way, Father, why don’t I feel a trace of aura or ghost qi in you?”

On the way, Yu Yanling asked Yu Zhanling doubtfully.

“What I cultivate for my father is the Wen Dao, and the Wen Dao is different, unlike the ordinary cultivator’s cultivation system, if you reach the limit of the Heavenly Realm in front of you according to your strength, you are much weaker than your grandfather!”

Yu Zhanling sighed slightly, after all, from Yu Feng’s mouth, he already knew that Yu Zhangtian’s strength had reached the terrifying level of the Absolute Immortal Triple Heaven at this time.

This kind of strength is the most powerful in the Dragon Teng Continent except for Yu Feng,

“What!? Grandpa is so powerful!? What about Grandpa!? How powerful is Grandpa Tai!? Can you slap a city and destroy it? ”

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