However, Yu Yanling’s words without seeing the world almost made Yu Zhanling stumble in the air and fall.

He suddenly looked at his eldest son helplessly.

If it weren’t for the naïveté of the other party’s face, he would still think that the other party was joking about himself!

“How did you cultivate all this strength?” A city? Don’t say it’s your grandfather, even if you can destroy tens of thousands of cities with a slap. ”

Yu Zhanling said helplessly.

After Yu Yanling listened to the other party’s words, he was suddenly a little confused.

So powerful yourself!?

In fact, I didn’t blame him, after all, Yu Yanling had been cultivating in the underworld by himself from the beginning, and even the Gong Fa was only using the most basic ordinary Gong Fa.

The fact that it can be said that it can be said that it can be said that it is all because of the Yu family’s current ancestral hall and the horror bonus of the sacrifice.

Of course, compared to the people living in the Yu Family Mansion, Yu Yanling’s strength was already at the bottom, that is, his daughter Yu Lingxuan did not cultivate much at this time, and he also reached the Heavenly Realm!

“What about Grandpa?” How strong is Grandpa now!? ”

Yu Yanling looked curiously at this time, he had already flown to the highest place in the underworld, and his eyes scanned the entire underworld of Yu Feng!

From Yu Feng’s body, he felt the breath of endless majesty. ,

He knew that the horror of Yu Feng’s strength at this time was definitely not something he could resist.

And after listening to Yu Yanling’s words, Yu Zhanling fell into meditation!

“Your grandfather’s strength is like an endless starry sky, don’t say it’s your father and me, even your grandfather doesn’t know where your grandfather’s limits are, because the reason why my Yu family’s strength has increased so quickly is all thanks to your grandfather!”

Yu Zhanling sighed helplessly, the sky still has a roof, but Yu Feng’s strength is that no one can see where his limits are.

The only goal of all the children of the entire Yu family now was to reach a level where they could see Yu Feng’s strength.

Unfortunately, this goal seems to be getting farther and farther away.

After listening to his father’s words, Yu Yanling was suddenly horrified in his heart.

How terrifying was his own cultivation speed that it was actually his grandfather’s handiwork?



“Sure not!? That being the case, either the old man or the soul has been obliterated by the strong, but from what I know now, the old man is definitely not simple! ”

Yu Feng’s hole shrank slightly.

You know, if others know that the person who raised them is a hidden big guy, then there is a good chance that they will be very happy, but Yu Feng is different, Yu Feng is a crosser.

A crosser is adopted from an early age by a hidden power, and there is definitely something catty in this.

After all, the probability of crossing and being adopted by the hidden big guy was originally extremely low, and now if the two are combined, the reason for this is that Yu Feng is a bit solemn.

“No matter, anyway, so far the old man has not harmed me, when I see him, everything will be understood, and when the time comes, I will take the entire Yu family station with me, and I will not believe it, and the strength in the station will not be able to do the old man!”

Yu Feng slightly protruded a breath, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and the next moment he looked down at his gaze.

“Since this is the case, then we have begun to collect the power of death, which has been condensed for an unknown number of billions of years, and these forces of death should also be enough!”

Speaking of this, Yu Feng spread his palms with both hands and stretched out towards the Nether Continent below.


Suddenly, a terrifying breath erupted from Yu Feng’s body.

In an instant, endless terrifying power spread out from Yu Feng’s hands.

As soon as the power emerged, the two fathers and sons of the Yu family around them felt an air that made them terrifying.

The whole underworld also began to tremble madly in the next instant.

At this moment, Yu Yanling finally knew what his father meant by what he had said before, and Yu Feng’s strength was indeed terrifying.

It was even terrifying to the point where he was terrified.


The next moment, the entire continent began to rise one death force after another. ,

This stream of death force soared into the sky and rushed towards Yu Feng’s palm.

It then converged into a sphere in Yu Feng’s hand.

“Exterminating the Dragon Fire Flame!!”

Yu Feng’s mind moved in an instant, and the next moment, a black annihilation black fire appeared in his hand, and the flame instantly wrapped this huge blood-red sphere in it.

At the same time, a pitch-black statue carved into the Void Dragon Refining Heaven Furnace also appeared in the Void, and the flames and elixirs rushed into the Dan Furnace at the same time, and the next moment, the infinite power began to frantically refine this endless death force.

Moreover, there was also an endless death force in the entire heaven and earth that began to fly in the direction where Yu Feng was located.

That’s right, Yu Feng was ready to collect the power of death while refining the Death Breaking Emperor Dan!

And when Yu Feng made such a big move, the whole underworld also began to riot.

The entire Nether Realm Continent began to tremble madly, and countless Nether Realm strongmen all changed their faces after feeling this breath.

“Sizzle! Such a terrifying breath, as if it were not my underworld person!! ”

“But where would my underworld people come from?” Is there such a strong person in the world who can break through the boundaries of the underworld and the Dragon Continent and come to the underworld!? ”

“No matter what, such a terrible breath is not something we can resist, and Lord Pluto may solve it!!”



Even the terrifying beings of the Ghost Emperor level equivalent to the Absolute Immortal Realm were all instigated at this time, but the breath was too terrifying, and the entire underworld began to tremble, if they went, I was afraid that they would also deliver food.

Of course, the Underworld was the continent created by the Death God Emperor, and the strength of the Death God Emperor during his lifetime was the absolute first three of the more than ten emperors starting from the Yan Emperor.

Therefore, the strongest person born out of the world, the strength of the Pluto King, was also extremely terrifying, reaching the terrifying existence of the Seventh Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm, and even the comprehend of the power of death.

The number of Absolute Immortal Realm Ghost Emperors in the Underworld was the smallest of all the small worlds, but each of them was a powerful being who had realized the power of death, so the battle was actually the most powerful small world.



With the passage of time, in just one hour, the concentration of all death forces on the entire Death Continent had dropped by thirty percent.

Of course, with 30% of the death power, at this time, Yu Feng was enough to refine three Death Breaking Dan that emitted endless death power.

That’s right, it was three, if Yu Feng used the simple Death Dragon God Fire Refining, then these Death Powers could only refine one Death Breaking Emperor Dan at most.

These three, he naturally has corresponding uses.


When these three elixirs were formed, the entire underworld began to be turbulent, and the next moment, endless thunderclouds began to gather in the entire underworld.

“Click, click, click!!!”

The entire nether realm actually began to crack like the previous demon realm!

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