Inside the Heavenly Sword Shrine, the Lone Sword Saint sat cross-legged in the void and quickly recovered his lost strength!

After all, in the previous great battle, it can be said that the strength of his whole body was almost consumed.

At their level, if they want to restore their full body strength, it will take as little as a hundred years, and if they are more, it will take thousands, or even tens of thousands of years.

This is also the reason why the strong people who have generally reached the Absolute Immortal Realm do not do anything to cultivate in their own caves, originally the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is not very much, if they are vented at will, the loss is really too terrifying.


However, at this moment, the entire Heavenly Sword Shrine actually began to vibrate wildly, and the statue of the Heavenly Sword God Emperor in front of him instantly burst out a burst of golden light, and the light of the Dao Dao burst out instantly, illuminating the entire Heavenly Sword Shrine for it.

And these rays of light instantly turned into billions of golden rays of light under the tug of a force and burst into the distance.

The Lone Sword Saint saw that his face suddenly changed here, and he rushed out of the Heavenly Sword Shrine, however, he saw that these billions of golden rays of light had directly sprung up in the entire continent.

Every power was instantly integrated into the bodies of those ancient alien strongmen, and in an instant, the breath on these alien strongmen began to slowly recover.

“Resurrected? How is this possible? What the hell is going on!? ”

The Lone Sword Saint was stunned to see the shock in the hearts of the alien strongmen who began to move.

At this time, he also saw Yu Zhangtian standing with an old man in the sky.

“Is this kid still alive?” But who’s next to him? How could it feel that the breath in his body was so terrifying!? ”

The Lone Sword Saint Dawn shrank slightly, and looking at the Heavenly Sword God Emperor in the sky, he actually felt that the sword intent in his body actually began to worship the other party.

Such a terrifying kendo strength, so to speak, is at least a super strong person with seventy or eighty percent sword intent, right!?

The lone sword saint who thought of this couldn’t help but swallow.

At this time, Yu Zhangtian in the sky also saw the Lone Sword Saint, and Yu Zhangtian was slightly relieved to see that the other party was not dead.

However, soon he looked at the strong people who began to slowly recover above the earth, and Yu Zhangtian felt a strange breath from the bodies of these strong people, as if the other party was not resurrected, but from the life breath of the other party, it seemed as if it was really resurrected, which made him a little confused.

If he said that there were still so many resurrection of the ancient strong, he didn’t believe that a great emperor could do it.

After all, although the Emperor-level strong person is terrifying, it is absolutely impossible to resurrect a strong person who has died for more than 100 billion years.

“These ancient aliens, I just used a formation to seal all their heroic spirits in my side of the century.”

At the same time, with all the power supply of the entire Heavenly Sword Art Domain, they could have a chance to recover.

And the price is that my Heavenly Sword Art Online can’t give birth to a corresponding race! ”

The Heavenly Sword God Emperor said calmly to Yu Zhangtian.

You know, the small world created by an emperor has the ability to give birth to a new race, although this race can never reach the emperor realm, but the good villains are also a powerful race.

However, the reason why the Heavenly Sword God Emperor was unable to conceive a race and preserve the heroic souls of these ancient alien strongmen was very simple, that is, he wanted to cultivate a terrifying strong person who could understand the meaning of the Heavenly Sword.

You must know that if you can comprehend the Heavenly Sword Intention and achieve the Emperor level at the same time, the combat effectiveness is no weaker than that of the super strong person who has comprehended the Death Force or the Power of Destruction to achieve the Great Emperor.

Even if you understand a higher law yourself, it is extremely simple to defeat the Death Law Emperor or the Destruction Law Emperor.

Of course, this was also a little bit of his selfishness, after all, if the inheritors of the Heavenly Sword Intention wanted to awaken the Heavenly Sword Intention, they would need to slaughter at least the population of a small world.

After he had done such a slaughter, he didn’t want his disciples to do it again, after all, it could be said that among all the Emperor-level strongmen, he was the one who died the most.

After all, he was not a being who understood the power of the law of death, and could not resist such a terrible force of cause and effect.

And now he had preserved so many ancient heroic spirits in order to let him successfully find the corresponding inheritors.

At the same time, there is no need to make too many killings, but just pull out the people he killed once and whip the corpses once.

Of course, this also requires that the inheritor of his choice has enough terrifying kendo talent.

The nine levels he set up were actually not tests, but it was convenient for the Heavenly Sword God Emperor to see if the other party’s talent was up to standard when the trialist was testing.

If he does not meet the standard, even if the other party passes the ninth examination, he will not let the other party conduct the last examination, because the tenth examination is only once.

If he fails, his inheritance will be broken, so he does not dare to gamble!

“What do the seniors want me to do!?”

At this time, Yu Zhangtian looked down and opened his mouth calmly.

“Roar roar!!”

A roar that did not seem to be able to be emitted by intelligent beings came from below, and the next moment, a figure emitting an extremely terrifying aura on his body also flew rapidly in this direction.

You must know that the most powerful beings among these powerful beings even have the Fifth and Sixth Heavens of the Absolute Immortal Realm! Of course, the combat power is not much stronger than that Destruction Giant, but there are more than a trillion alien strongmen here.

The weakest ones are all the Shenqiao Realm!

Even the Celestial Realm has reached hundreds of millions.

Wonderland is even more than thousands.

Looking at this familiar scene, the corners of the Heavenly Sword God Emperor’s mouth rose slightly.

“Nature is to live! And, clean up all these things! By then, you’ll be able to leave!! ”

The Heavenly Sword God Emperor opened his mouth calmly, and there was not much information contained in his words, and Yu Zhangtian shrank slightly after hearing it.

“Is that so!? So, I get it!! ”

Yu Zhangtian nodded calmly, and then directly drew out the Holy Spirit Thunder Sword behind him!


A terrifying thunder sound instantly spread throughout the whole world.

The next moment, Yu Zhangtian instantly rushed into the trillions of strong people who covered the sky.

“Boom boom boom!!!! boom boom

In the next instant, an endless roar spread throughout the heavens and the earth.

And the Heavenly Sword God Emperor looked at Yu Zhangtian, who was frantically killing the alien strong man in the distance, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

“Endless killing will be accompanied by the impact of the force of death and the power of destruction, and I have understood the power of rage and therefore have not understood the power of death, but now you are different.

As long as you can comprehend either of the two elemental powers, your future achievements will definitely be no less than mine!! ”

The Heavenly Sword God Emperor thought solemnly in his heart.

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