The Heavenly Sword Art Domain has been hundreds of billions of years since it was opened, but it has been sealed in these hundreds of billions of years.

And the power he had accumulated this time all exploded to revive almost all the ancient alien strongmen.

The power of terror directly brought the strength of these ancient aliens to the peak level, and even a little stronger than the peak.

However, the current Yu Zhangtian was only the existence of the Ninth Heaven of the Heavenly Realm.

Although the sword intent is terrifying, it is extremely difficult to defeat these ancient aliens.

However, Yu Zhangtian was different from ordinary martial artists, he had the protection of the Yu Family Ancestral Hall and the Yu Family Sacrifice Spirit, and the strength recovery speed was countless times that of the same level of martial artists, and even the recovery speed after injury was not comparable to that of ordinary martial artists.

He was slashed one second ago and recovered in the next instant.

Under such a terrible resilience, if you want to kill him, you can only destroy his soul and body in a short period of time.

However, in order to do this, at least these ancient aliens present could not do it for the time being.

Therefore, with the passage of time, trillions of ancient alien strongmen died one by one under Yu Zhangtian’s sword.

With each sword he slashed out, tens of thousands, if not millions, of ancient aliens died.

It seems like a lot, but under the base of trillions, it takes millions of swords to kill all the ancient alien strongmen.

Fortunately, with Yu Zhangtian’s strength, he could chop out hundreds of swords in an instant.

Countless alien strongmen fell towards the earth like flies, completely ashing and vanishing.

In this killing, the most challenging thing for Yu Zhangtian was not these alien strongmen, but the countless law riots that occurred with the killing.

The power of the Endless Law of Death, the power of the Law of Destruction, and at the same time, because of the extreme force of the Law of Life, even the power of the Law of Life was shrouded around Yu Zhangtian’s body.

The power of these laws was frantically bombarding Yu Zhangtian in the traction of this killing.

After being hit by the power of the Law of Death, the killing will in Yu Zhangtian’s heart was even more terrifying.

If one is not careful, he will be swallowed up by the power of death and eventually become a killing god.

If he was hit by the force of destruction, Yu Zhangtian’s hands and feet were shattered, and a serious one almost fell directly.

However, the most deadly is not the power of these two laws but the power of the law of life.

All along, the power of the Law of Life Force in the consciousness of many people was not strong, however, this time, Yu Zhangtian finally saw the horror of the Force of the Law of Life.

Just once he was hit, he felt his life being sucked out of his own life.

You must know that the body is destroyed, and the will to kill in the heart can resist, but if the life is directly extracted, it is absolutely fatal for a warrior, because the life force cannot be restored.

Even if the sacrifices of the Yu family have a recovery function, the recovery of the life force is extremely slow.

Therefore, Yu Zhangtian had given up dodging the power of the Law of Death that had already destroyed the power of the Law, and concentrated on dodging the attacks of all the forces of the Law of Life while killing the strong people of the alien race.

Looking at such a crazy Yu Zhang Heavenly Sword God Emperor in the endless void was also secretly stunned.

The pain of being bombarded by the power of the two laws he had experienced no less, and the feeling that life was worse than death, and the feeling of being swallowed up by death at any time, was absolutely uncomfortable.

However, now Yu Zhangtian’s face did not change color, allowing the power of the two laws to wash away.

“The tenacity of this son’s heart may be incomparable to that of me at that time, and if this time can be achieved, the adult’s plan is afraid that there is enough hope.”

The Heavenly Sword God Emperor slowly looked towards the sky, it could be said that it was absolutely inconceivable that such a god-like being who slaughtered the entire world just to comprehend a sword intent would sacrifice all his strength and lay down a large array of powerful people in the Demon God Domain for the sake of the entire heaven and earth.

“Boom boom!!!! boom boom

As the minutes and seconds of time passed, the Heavenly Sword God Emperor also made a solemn discovery, because Yu Zhangtian received more and more destructive power, so his whole body actually began to collapse on its own.

“Or did it fail!? In the end, the realm is still too low, if he can have the strength of the Absolute Immortal Realm, this time it may be! ”

The Heavenly Sword God Emperor’s face suddenly darkened, and he sighed helplessly.

To tell the truth, when he was able to successfully comprehend the Heavenly Sword Meaning, he was actually the one who helped himself behind his back, but now he was just a remnant soul, and it was impossible to help Yu Zhangtian.

This time he had already imagined the failure, after all, trying to understand a supreme sword meaning was definitely not a simple thing.

“Give me a !!!!”

However, at this moment, Yu Zhangtian below suddenly roared in anger, and at the same time, the long sword in his hand was frantically inserted into the earth by Yu Zhangtian with the tip of the sword pointing downwards.


An earth-shaking roar of terror instantly spread throughout the whole world.

The next moment, a shock wave containing the power of endless destruction actually exploded from the long sword in his hand.

“Roar, roar!!!!”

One by one, the ancient alien strongmen roared madly in their mouths, and those angel clans, demon clans, and Titans as high as mountains all roared and rushed towards the shock wave.

However, everywhere the shock wave went, everything turned into an endless nothingness in an instant.

In just an instant, these nearest alien strongmen all turned into ashes and disappeared into the sky.

The shock wave is still spreading far away.

Seeing this scene, the face of the Heavenly Sword God Emperor suddenly changed.

“The power of destruction, this boy has understood the power of destruction!? How can it be!? ”

The Heavenly Sword God Emperor exclaimed.

He had thought that Yu Zhangtian had a faint hope of comprehending the power of destruction, but he did not expect it to be so fast.

You must know that when the entire Dragon Teng Continent understood the law of destruction to the extreme, the Destruction Demon King understood the power of destruction, but it also experienced countless lives and deaths before he understood the power of destruction, one of the special energies.

And now Yu Zhangtian had successfully completed the accumulation of hundreds of thousands of years of destroying the Demon King in just a few hours.

With such a talent, the Heavenly Sword God Emperor was somewhat silent.

Is this kid better suited to go along the way? Not suitable for Kendo all the way?

The Heavenly Sword God Emperor did not know that the entire Heavenly Sword God Domain had changed all the attributes by Yu Feng’s Annihilation Dragon Howling Gun.

Even the bodies of these resurrected ancient powerful people carried the endless power of destruction and death.

As a result, Yu Zhangtian’s examination difficulty this time skyrocketed, but it also made it easier for him to understand the laws of death and destruction.


On this side, after venting all the destructive power in his body, Yu Zhangtian’s body also slowly discharged the endless death force.

Yu Zhangtian’s eyes, which were already a little delirious, suddenly sharpened.

The next moment, he slowly stretched out his right hand, and a void force of destruction appeared in his hand.

“Is this the power of destruction?? Not bad!!! ”

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