At this moment, Yu Zhangtian sensed the endless power of destruction in his body and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

The next moment, he directly infused all the destructive power of his whole body into the Holy Spirit Thunder Sword.


A sword roar that shocked the heavens and the earth instantly erupted from the Thunder Sword of the Holy Spirit.

The integration of heaven and earth was instantly suppressed by a heavy force.

It was as if the heavens and the earth were about to begin to tear apart.

The next moment, Yu Zhangtian looked at the Absolute Immortal Ancient Strongman who was blown out by the shock wave in the distance.

The shock wave before him had already wiped out all the ancient alien races of the trillion Divine Bridge Realm Heavenly Realms, and even the ancient powerful people below the Absolute Immortal Realm Triple Heaven had all died in that shock wave.

At this time, there were only more than twenty Ancient Alien Powers left in the Fourth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm and beyond.

And these twenty or so mighty beings were somewhat different from other ancient powerful people in that they actually had spiritual intelligence, and from the very beginning they didn’t attack as if they felt that Yu Zhangtian was unworthy to fight them.

However, now after Yu Zhangtian’s move of a trillion gods and demons for a second, their faces finally calmed down.

“I didn’t expect your strength to be so strong, I didn’t expect that after so many years of death, I was summoned to give you such a boy as a stepping stone!”

At this moment, a pair of giant winged angels with three wings on their backs slowly flew out.

He was the strongest man before the Annihilation of the Angel Clan, Lax.

A super strong person of the Sixth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm, unfortunately, in that era, he was facing such a powerful person as the Heavenly Sword God Emperor, and his talent was a super strong person who was terrifying to the extreme.

He eventually died under the sword of the Heavenly Sword God Emperor.

And this time resurrection, Lax naturally guessed the reason why he was resurrected.

At this time, there was only endless anger in his heart, even if he died, he was also used by the Heavenly Sword God Emperor as an item to accompany a stinking boy.

However, the power that Yu Zhangtian had just erupted also made his hole shrink slightly.

If that force were to coalesce into one, it might be able to kill itself.

“Hmm, Lasks, why are you talking to him about all this nonsense, just kill his boy and make the Heavenly Sword boy regret going!!”

However, at this moment, a gloomy voice also came.

Only to see a pair of blood-winged demon clan strong men flying next to Lasquez, and at the same time, the dark elemental power in his body also rioted madly.

“Also, since he was killed by the Heavenly Sword, killing him as an inheritor can also be regarded as earning!!”

The corners of Lax’s mouth rose slightly.

And as his voice fell, the strongest of the twenty or so races instantly burst out of the terror power of his whole body and rushed directly towards Yu Zhangtian, and in an instant, the terror power carried by the twenty or so strong people was actually several times more terrifying than the total strength of the trillion strong people of the Qi.

“Come on, if that’s the case, then you will be the stepping stones for me to embark on the path of the strong!” :”

Yu Zhangtian laughed wildly, and in the next instant, his body directly erupted with a terrifying force that had been condensed to the extreme.

At the same time, the endless power of destruction also emanated from his whole body.

The horror of this destructive force directly made the heavens and the earth tremble for it.

At the same time, the Holy Spirit Thunder Sword in Yu Zhangtian’s hand was also directly thrown into the sky by him.

“The sword runs through heaven and earth!!!”

With a low sigh, Yu Zhangtian shot a handprint directly towards the sky.


The Holy Spirit Thunder Sword instantly soared to a terrifying length of hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

Above the entire sword body was also a terrifying thunder force,

The madness of this stream of thunder power made the heavens and the earth shake for it.

Yu Zhangtian put his two fingers together and pointed to the sky.

“Sick !!!!”

As his fingertips slid down, a low drink erupted from Yu Zhangtian’s mouth.

The gigantic Holy Spirit Thunder Sword instantly cut through the void and directly shot towards more than twenty alien strongmen.

The terrifying power it carried actually had a trace of tearing the heavens and the earth apart.

Seeing the Heavenly Sword God Emperor here, the Heavenly Sword God suddenly contracted violently.

His mouth couldn’t help but open slightly.

“The prototype of the Heavenly Sword Meaning, this boy has actually comprehended the prototype, but why didn’t he use it before!?”

The Heavenly Sword God Emperor was shocked, this terrifying power in front of him was indeed the prototype of the Heavenly Sword Intention, but this prototype of the Sword Intention was now here, which meant that as long as it was slightly polished in the future, it would be able to smoothly comprehend the Heavenly Sword Intention.

Originally, I thought that Yu Zhangtian had not understood the meaning of the Heavenly Sword, but I did not expect that this boy had already had an idea.

And after looking at the terrifying destructive power on Yu Zhangtian’s body now, he instantly knew the reason.

“I actually wanted to understand the power of destruction before it broke out, this boy is very greedy!!”

The Heavenly Sword God Emperor suddenly smiled helplessly.

At the same time, his heart was also extremely happy, after all, he originally thought that he did not have many opportunities to pass on the inheritance, but he did not expect that now Yu Zhangtian had actually given himself such a big surprise.


However, at this moment, the Holy Spirit Thunder Sword in the sky also fell violently into the endless void.

An earth-shaking terrifying sound instantly spread throughout the whole world.

The power of endless destruction and the Heavenly Sword Intention burst out towards the surrounding madness.

“No, it’s that sword, it’s that sword!!!”

Lax stared blankly at the Heaven-Destroying Sword Intent that had slammed into him in the distance.

Unfortunately, his body was already imprisoned in the void and unable to move.

Even if you want to move at this time, you can’t move.

More than twenty other powerful people also looked at this scene and their faces turned pale.

They died under this sword, and now they are this sword again.


After an earth-shaking loud noise. The endless shock wave instantly swept through dozens of ancient alien strongmen, and these ancient alien strongmen instantly disappeared into the heavens and the earth!

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