Beyond the Dragon Continent, there is a layer of the same thing as the Earth’s atmosphere.

However, if this layer of atmosphere-like material wants to break through, the strength required is at least the limit of the Absolute Wonderland.

And that’s just the first barrier.

After flying out of this layer of barrier, the outside world is a void, and in this void there are endless void turbulence, the level of these void turbulence is extremely powerful, and as long as the strength of the emperor level is swept away, even if it does not die, it will be seriously injured.

Therefore, this is also the reason why those powerful people trapped in the Demon God Domain did not choose to run around.

At this time, Yu Feng and the Death Saint King had also come to the front of the barrier.

“Is this the World Barrier?” This intensity does not seem to be very powerful. ”

Yu Feng calmly finished speaking and directly crossed this barrier!

The Death Saint Emperor was a little speechless on the side, this thing is just blocking ordinary people, your special strength is not even your opponent to the ordinary emperor, of course, you can’t stop it!

However, the Death Saint King also hurriedly followed.


However, as soon as he came out, a void turbulence rushed towards him, and he was directly hit by this void turbulence without warning.

Fortunately, the shield of the law of death that he had already laid around his body had condensed.

With a loud noise, the shield only produced a ripple.

“This attack power is indeed terrifying!!!”

The Death Saint Emperor’s hole shrank slightly.

Then he looked at Yu Feng on the side.

However, the scene in front of him made his face change slightly.

Only to see that at this time, Yu Feng was actually unsuspecting and let the endless void turbulence flow bombard his body madly.

The endless turbulence of the void hit Yu Feng’s body like a flood.

However, these void turbulent currents were all absorbed by Yu Feng’s flesh and all disappeared.

“The laws of space! He was actually using these void turbulent currents to replenish the power of his spatial laws!? “

The Death Saint Emperor’s hole shrank slightly.

That’s right, after coming to this Sea of Void, Yu Feng found that these void turbulent currents had actually begun to slowly merge into his body after encountering the power of the spatial law in his body.

Then began to transform into the power of the Endless Space Law to replenish the energy used by Yu Feng’s external avatar this time.

What made Yu Feng even happier was that his own body could also gain some law perception in this transformation process.

You must know that now he carries the entire Yu family with him, which is equivalent to carrying the sacrifice spirit with him.

Ten times the comprehension effect of the epiphany made Yu Feng’s understanding of the power of the laws of space begin to rise wildly.

At this speed, Yu Feng estimated that in just a few days, he would be able to condense a Space Law Rune, what a terrifying speed.

Of course, this does not mean that a random person who comes to the void turbulence and let the void turbulence smash it casually can comprehend the power of the laws of space.

Yu Feng’s form at this time was a bit special, but it was the system’s external incarnation transfiguration, which could mobilize all the power of the law.

That is to say, it is equivalent to a person who originally has the power of the law of space to understand the power of the law of space, which is simply not too simple.

Just like you have another billion dollars to make a million now, even the stupidest way to put it in the bank can get hundreds of thousands a day.

The two are similar.

However, at this time, Yu Feng was not ready to wait here for a few days, after all, he had more important things to confirm!

When this matter is confirmed, he will come here for a few days of retreat.

“Let’s go!!!”

Yu Feng slowly said to the Death Saint King, and then directly soared into the sky and flew towards the distance.

After flying for more than an hour, Yu Feng found that this place was really big, and at this time, the Dragon Teng Continent behind the two of them could already be taken into his eyes at a glance.

At the same time, Yu Feng also found more than ten other small worlds around the Dragon Continent, but because of the connectivity of space, these small worlds were all linked together.

And its core is the Dragon Continent.

At the same time, Yu Feng was also keenly aware that in this square world, there were countless boulder fragments.

These fragments should be the residue left behind after the Dragon God Continent collapsed.

At the same time, beyond this square world, there was a huge array that enveloped it, and the location of those ten small worlds was the main nodes of this formation.

In front of Yu Feng and the Death Saint King, there was the only small world that was not in these formation nodes.

“No, this small world is not without a formation node, but at the second core of the formation”

Yu Feng’s hole shrank slightly, that is to say, if the formation is activated, this side of the small world will also be destroyed, but unlike other small worlds, this side of the small world is stronger than these other small worlds in terms of size and strength.

“Is this the Demon God Domain!?” It’s finally here!!! ”

Yu Feng’s heart was slightly solemn.

“Yes, this is the Demon God Domain and the place where I stayed for 300 million years!!”

Death Saint Jun said slowly, to tell the truth, the environment of the Demon God Domain is much better than that of the Dragon Teng Continent, not only the law is strong or the aura is strong, but because of the nostalgia for the Dragon Teng Continent, he finally returned to the Dragon Teng Continent and chose to break through in the Dragon Teng Continent.

“If that’s the case, let’s go!!!”

Yu Feng nodded slowly, and then flew directly in the direction where the Demon God Domain was located.

Soon, after a few minutes, the two of them had already arrived at the space barrier outside the Demon God Domain.

At the same time, Yu Feng could feel the extremely terrifying fluctuations of the law from this space barrier.

And this wave of law fluctuations actually had a trace of the breath of the law of life and the breath of the law of destruction.

In an instant, Yu Feng shrank his hole.

“Actually, it is the Law of Life and the Law of Destruction Emperor, what is the existence of the master of this Demon God Domain!?”

Yu Feng’s face changed instantly.

Both life and destruction are special laws.

Each one was incomparably powerful, and as Yu Feng, who also had the power of two special laws, naturally knew that the power of both laws was terrifying.

However, after looking at the power of the Space Law that could be used in his external avatar, Yu Feng also calmed down.

The law of space, if mobilized, its degree of terror is immeasurable even if Yu Feng is immeasurable, even if the power of the two special laws is combined to face Yu Feng, it is not necessarily Yu Feng’s opponent.

The space barrier of the Demon God Domain was also very powerful, but fortunately, at this time, Yu Feng and Death Saint Jun were both emperor-level strongmen, so it was very easy to cross this space barrier and enter the Demon God Domain.

As soon as he entered, Yu Feng saw a boundless supercontinent.

The size was definitely a little larger than the Dragon Continent, and at the same time, the strength of the surrounding law force was also extremely strong.

However, at this moment, Yu Feng discovered a discovery that made his heart skip a beat.

“No, it’s not just the Law of Destruction and the Law of Life here, but all other laws here!” What’s going on1? ”

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