After a warrior becomes a strong person of the emperor level, if he has the ability, he will open up his own small world.

But this small world can only be condensed by the power of a certain law that we have understood.

In the equivalent of the Endless Fire Domain, there will never be any other law power besides the power of the Flame Law. 、

And in the underworld, there is only the power of the law of death.

Although in these places it becomes easier to comprehend the corresponding elemental forces, correspondingly, it becomes impossible to comprehend the forces of other laws.

And if you want to inject the power of other laws, you can only communicate with the Heavenly Dao after your strength surpasses the Emperor and reaches the legendary Immortal Realm, intercepting the power of three thousand laws from the Heavenly Dao and creating a real continent, just like the Dragon God Continent of that year.

As well as the current Dragon Teng Continent fragments, and only such a small world can eventually become a big world that can give birth to an emperor-level strongman.

And now that there were actually three thousand kinds of law power in the Demon God Domain, there was only one possibility, that is, the dominant strength of the Demon God Domain had reached the Immortal Realm!

However, a Immortal King, can’t even break through a Heavenly Order Ultimate Formation!?

Thinking of this, Yu Feng’s face became more and more solemn.

“Brother Yu, your doubts, I had them after I knew some things about the Emperor’s realm, but the adult didn’t explain, this time, maybe he will tell me!!”

The Death Saint Jun also guessed Yu Feng’s thoughts.

He wasn’t stupid either, after all it was impossible for him not to discover something so important.

“Is that so? It seems that all this may be revealed after seeing the senior. ”

Yu Feng’s hole shrank slightly, and then his gaze crossed the endless void and looked towards the mountain in the center of the Demon God Domain, and above that mountain there was an extremely obscure breath that made Yu Feng feel frightened.

“Well, in that case, Brother Yu and I will come!!”

The Death Saint King nodded slightly, he was about to see the adult, and this time the Death Saint King’s expression was also more dignified than before.

Because, at this time, he was already a party emperor, which meant that he was already qualified to contribute his strength to complete the so-called plan of the adult.

Of course, he is not stupid, if the other party does not have enough reasons to convince himself, he cannot send his own life in the blink of an eye.

Subsequently, the Death Saint King flew towards the continent of the Demon God Domain with Yu Feng.

Along the way, Yu Feng and the two felt that there were countless powerful breaths on the mainland.

These breaths, the most powerful, actually have the Ten Heavens of the Absolute Immortal Realm.

“In the Demon God Domain, there are not only beings who were captured on the Dragon Continent, but also countless ancient beings who were saved here by that adult after the Dragon God Continent was shattered.

Countless years of reproduction and growth have also formed many powerful forces.

However, I don’t know why, none of these racial forces have produced a great emperor.

All the emperors were born from the Dragon Continent!

The Death Saint King slowly explained to Yu Feng.

With only a slight nod, he found that there were not only some angel clans, celestial demon clans, and even the Divine Dragon clan above these continents.

Of course, the bloodline concentration of these Divine Dragon Clans was not very high, they were all three or four products, and even the second products did not have a few supreme bodies, let alone one product level.

It seemed that the Dragon God Bloodline level he had brought from the top of the earth was much more powerful than the Dragon God Bloodline of this side of the world.


Suddenly, an earth-shaking dragon groan suddenly came from above the earth.

The next moment, a golden metallic dragon soared up from the earth.

The massive body of millions of kilometers flew directly up into the sky with endless might.

“Death Saint King, your boy still has a face back!?”

However, when this Divine Dragon saw the Death Saint King, it immediately erupted with a mouthful of dragon flames.

The Metallic Dragon Flame was like endless metal particles frantically crashing towards the Death Saint King.

“Ao Jin!? Your old stuff is still alive!? Didn’t you steal some of your Dragon Clan’s materials when you left? As for being so excited!? ”

After seeing this golden dragon, the Death Saint King said helplessly.

Immediately his right hand waved slightly, instantly scattering this metal particle Dragon Flame.

When the Death Saint King left the Demon God Domain, he deliberately sneaked into the Dragon God Clan’s residence to search for a good time, after all, at that time, his strength was also the Ten Heavens of the Absolute Immortal Realm, and no one could find him except Ao Jin, and moreover, what he did was extremely hidden and was not discovered.

Therefore, after feeling the breath of his fighting, Ao Jin was the first to kill.

“This person is the patriarch of the Demon God Domain Dragon God Clan more than 600 million years ago, but he didn’t expect to be alive!” It seems that the Dragon God Clan’s lifespan is much more than that of ordinary warriors!

But speaking of which, it’s your people. ”

The Death Saint King said slowly to Yu Feng.

And Yu Feng was also stunned after listening to it.

“The Dragon God Clan lives longer than the warriors?” I really don’t know about this yet! ”

Yu Feng was a little surprised, and then he also smiled slightly, life expectancy is more, naturally it is a good thing!

“I didn’t expect you to become the Emperor!!”

After seeing the strength of the Death Saint King, Ao Jin’s face suddenly changed drastically.

The body changed wildly in an instant, and finally transformed into an old man dressed in a rich gold robe.

“, not the emperor, why am I coming back?”

In addition, your outfit is still so earthy!! ”

The Death Saint smiled.

There is no emperor’s shelf.

“Hmm, don’t think that the achievement of the Emperor can be so dragged and don’t forget who is behind my Dragon God Clan!”

Ao Jin snorted coldly, but did not say anything more, after all, it was hundreds of millions of years, and if it were not for the return of the Death Saint King, he would have almost forgotten the things that had been looted.

At this moment, Ao Jin set his eyes on Yu Feng.

However, it was this glance that suddenly made Ao Jin’s face change drastically.

The next moment, something happened that made Yu Feng and the Death Saint Jun baffled.

“Ao Jin, the current patriarch of the Dragon God Clan, visited the Shao Patriarch, but he didn’t know that the Shao Ancestor had returned, and he had lost his way to meet and forgive his sins!!”

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