Only to see Ao Jin directly towards Yu Feng hurriedly performed a big gift.

The look also became extremely excited.

At this moment, Yu Feng’s brow immediately frowned.

Did this Ao Jin feel the strength of his Dragon Clan’s bloodline? Kneel down when you see someone?

If it was really calculated according to the concentration and strength of the Dragon God’s bloodline, it would be really good to be a young ancestor yourself!

However, Yu Feng knew that his Dragon God Clan bloodline was extremely hidden, even the Emperor could not see it, let alone Ao Jin, who was only the limit of the Immortal Realm.

Therefore, Yu Feng knew that there was definitely cattiness in it.

Suddenly Yu Feng frowned.

“Saint Jun, I have one thing to confirm, you are slow to come and will not wait for you!”

After whispering a word to the Death Saint King, Yu Feng instantly disappeared in the same place!!

Not even the slightest fluctuation was left.

And the breath that Yu Feng leaked out at that moment suddenly made the heavens and the earth change color.

Ao Jin’s face changed when he saw it.

“The laws of space? Sleeper, is the Shao Ancestor a great power of the Space Law? ”

Isn’t this young ancestor only about a hundred years old!?

“What do you think, by the way, why do you call him Little Ancestor?” Did you know he had dragon blood? Even if you have the Divine Dragon Bloodline, it seems that you will not be the young ancestor of your Dragon God Clan! ”

The Death Saint asked doubtfully.

However, after listening to the words of the Death Lord, Ao Jin was silent.

“Yu Feng Shao Ancestor is indeed the highest person in my Dragon God Clan besides the Old Ancestor, and you will know it later!”

After Ao Jin said solemnly, he directly turned into a golden light and instantly flew towards the direction where the Dragon God Clan was located.

And he naturally wanted to be ready to welcome Yu Feng back to the Dragon God Clan.



Dragon God Mountain!

It was the highest sacred mountain in the entire Demon God Domain.

The top of the mountain is shrouded in a heavenly ladder of the Pinnacle Array, and people from the outside world can’t come in, but everyone who lives in the Demon God Domain knows that the creator of the entire Demon God Domain lives on this mountaintop.

But on the top of the mountain, there was only an old man sitting cross-legged calmly in front of a log cabin, feeling the energy of heaven and earth.


However, at this moment, a burst of extremely mysterious spatial fluctuations instantly spread throughout the entire Dragon God Mountain.

In the next instant, a young man slowly walked out of the endless void.

And this Heavenly Grade Formation in the outside world is useless to young people.

The young man slowly landed in front of the cabin, and at this time he stared dead at the old man.

As if sensing Yu Feng’s breath, the old man slowly opened his eyes.

The old man smiled after seeing Yu Feng.

This smile came from the heart, as if it had been waiting for Yu Feng’s arrival from the beginning.

“You still found !!!”

The old man said with a smile.

Yu Feng on the other side watched the old man’s endless thoughts rush into his heart.

“Unexpectedly, my guess was actually right, everything was actually behind your back!”

Yu Feng took a deep breath and said slowly.

Subsequently, Yu Feng’s gaze suddenly became solemn.

“Aren’t you going to tell me all about it?” Old man!!!! ”

Yu Feng’s tone became very serious.

That’s right, this old man sitting here is the old beggar who adopted Yu Feng.

He is also the person behind the seal of Zhao Zhixin’s memory!

It has been a hundred years since the autumn maple leaves were adopted by the old beggar!

“Alas!!! To be honest, I didn’t expect you to have the opportunity to come here to meet me one last time, and by my calculations, you should have just awakened the bloodline not long because of the arrival of the Great Limit!!

Little madman, I didn’t expect to meet again, you have grown to this extent! ”

After listening to Yu Feng’s words, the old beggar sighed quietly, and then slowly fell to the ground with a smile.

His gaze looked at Yu Feng just as he knew the day Yu Feng had successfully condensed his aura to become a warrior.

The approval and happiness in his eyes made Yu Feng shrink slightly.

“But now that you’ve found it, I’ll tell you all about that year, plus my identity, and all of this!!”

The old beggar smiled slightly, and then slowly walked to the cabin, Yu Feng frowned, and then slowly followed.

No matter how wary he was of the old beggar, the other party was always the old man who had raised himself in this life.

Walking into the log cabin, Yu Feng found that the furnishings here were very similar to the wooden house style of the small courtyard of the Yu family.

The old beggar sat down on the rocking chair and slowly closed his eyes and began to speak to Yu Feng.

And Yu Feng casually picked up the teapot next to him and brewed a pot of old tea.

Everything seems to go back to seventy or eighty years ago!

Only at this time, the identities of the two grandchildren in the log cabin had undergone earth-shaking changes.

One, who has become the master of the Demon God Domain, has an unfathomable strength, and the other, who is also a party emperor, can destroy the existence of a small world with a wave of his hand!

“You should be most curious about the identity of the old man and me!”

The old beggar opened his mouth slowly.

Yu Feng did not speak and nodded slightly.

“Old man, I still have a name, but it’s too long ago to remember, so I won’t say it, but identity, you should have heard the Yan Emperor boy say the reason for the destruction of the Dragon God Continent, right?”

I am the patriarch of the Dragon God Clan!! ”

The old beggar slowly revealed his identity.

At the same time, his body also emitted a trace of the blood of the Dragon God Clan.

Seeing this, Yu Feng suddenly shrank slightly.

The level of this bloodline breath actually reached the Holy Level.

Although it was only comparable to the Holy Order, the increase in strength was not comparable to that of the ordinary bloodline!

And the identity of the old beggar also made Yu Feng’s heart jump, because the patriarch of the Dragon God Clan was at least five hundred billion years ago!

The old beggar actually lived from that period to the present!?

But Yu Feng didn’t rush to ask, he knew that the old beggar would absolutely say.

No wonder Ao Jin would call himself the Young Ancestor, after all, he was adopted by the old beggar and at the same time from the tone of the old beggar, Yu Feng also guessed that the other party already knew that he had the blood of the Dragon God Clan.

“The Dragon God Continent, the reason for the destruction is that the old man took the seven emperors together to lay down the formation, gathered all the forces to prepare to attack this Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array, but unfortunately, in the end, because of insufficient strength, he did not break the formation.

Not only that, but the impact force generated was also the direct destruction of the Dragon God Continent, and even the other seven emperors were all fallen! ”

The old beggar spoke slowly, and at the same time there was some remembrance in his tone.

The Heavenly Order Ultimate Formation, where it was so easy to break, even now, he didn’t have too much certainty.

“As for the old man, he also experienced countless times of life and death in that impact, and the old man was the emperor who understood the achievement of the law of life, so he luckily survived under the power of that annihilation, and also understood the law of destruction by the way!

Unfortunately, the continent was eventually destroyed, and the old man’s strength could only leave two fragments of the continent! ”

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