“Ding… Congratulations to the host, mine, and medicine garden upgrades, level up to: one product! Consumption Upgrade Points: 20 Gods’ Upgrade Points! ”

At the same time, a systematic prompt tone also reached Yu Feng’s mind.

Yu Feng nodded with satisfaction after listening to it.

“System, open the attribute table of the medicine garden and mine!!”

Yu Feng said slowly to the system.

The next moment, two virtual attribute tables appeared in front of his eyes, these two tables were the properties of the medicine garden and the mine.


Construction: Medicine Garden

Grade: One pin

Attributes: Grow drug grade blessing +1, drug growth rate * 10 million times! Yield*10

Skill: Ripening (can locally ripen a specific medicinal herb, and ripen instantly below the Heavenly Order!) Cooling: One day) Medicine Recovery (resurrection of dead herbs!) Below the Heavenly Order, the cooldown time is 1 hour) level increase (as the longer the planting time, the drug level will slowly escalate!). )

Note: All attributes will be blessed with all the medicinal herbs planted in the medicinal garden! The level blessing limit is: Heavenly Order Elite Below!


Yu Feng looked at this attribute table in front of him at this time and his eyes lit up.

I didn’t expect that the medicinal garden properties of this product were so great.

However, after thinking that these two things alone had cost him a full 200,000 upgrade points, Yu Feng’s heart hurt slightly.

But thinking about it, the medicine is blessed with 1 level, that is to say, as long as you plant these heavenly grade medicinal materials, you can instantly upgrade to the heavenly grade of the best medicine.

The Dan Medicine refined by the Heavenly Grade Ultimate medicinal materials will be of a higher level, and if you take it yourself, you may be able to directly increase the power of the Law of Twenty or Thirty Pieces!

Aren’t you going to earn back these upgrade points that you spend on yourself anytime soon!?

At the same time, if the skill of level improvement is used, if you put a yellow grade lower grade medicinal material on it, Yu Feng estimates that it only takes one day for the level of these medicinal materials to be upgraded to at least the ground level or even higher!

If you think about it, 100,000 upgrade points are worth it! It even says that it is earned in blood!

“By the way, look at the attributes of the mine, the same product should be about the same data!”

Thinking of this, the corners of Yu Feng’s mouth rose slightly.


Construction: Mine

Grade: One pin

Attributes: Buried Mineral Level +1, Mine Generation Rate*10 million times! Yield*10

Skill: Material Customization (Ability to manipulate mines to generate certain minerals with a level higher than the Heavenly Order!) Cooldown: Three days) Material spawn (one mineral can be randomly generated per day, the number is random!) The level is not lower than the heavenly level! Level up (As the material is buried for a longer time, the material level will slowly escalate!) )

Note: All attributes will bless all minerals buried in the mine! The level blessing limit is: Heavenly Order Elite Below!



Looking at the attributes of the mine, Yu Feng is also extremely satisfied, mainly because these skills are extremely practical skills.

Especially material generation, every day randomly generate a level of material not lower than the heavenly level, this skill can definitely solve the problem of material shortage when the Yu Feng refiner is deployed!

With enough material Yufeng, you can refine weapons with more kinds of attributes and arrange more functional formations!

Definitely a good thing!

“These 200,000 upgrade points are really worth it!”

Yu Feng thought to himself.

At this time, Yu Feng and the old beggar had also flown to the mountain behind the Yu family.

Suddenly, the old beggar discovered the foot of the back mountain to open up this medicinal field.

However, he didn’t care about this medicinal field, he hadn’t seen any medicinal herbs on the Heavenly Order before.

“Stinky boy, wouldn’t you just let me look at the medicine field?” It seems that there is nothing to see! ”

The old beggar looked at this ordinary medicine field in front of him and was suddenly a little confused.

“You just look at it!!”

Yu Feng smiled mysteriously, and then took out a small tree with red fruits hanging from the storage ring given to him by the old beggar, watching this small tree come alive, but Yu Feng and the old beggar both knew that the power of the law in it had been lost, although the level of this medicinal material on the surface was still the grade of the Heavenly Order, but the medicinal effect was only the Heavenly Grade Lower Grade!

Only to see that under the control of Yu Feng’s mind, a small pit suddenly turned out of that medicinal garden.

The next moment, this small tree slowly flew into that small pit under Yu Feng’s control.

As the surrounding land turned, the whole small tree was planted in the medicinal garden!

When the old beggar saw this, his brow frowned slightly.

I don’t know what Yu Feng wants to do, can this medicinal material that has already dropped its level improve its own level again!?

“Activate the Repair Herb Function!!!”

Yu Feng’s mind moved slightly, and he commanded the system.


Suddenly, endless streams of blood and qi instantly appeared in the dirt of the entire medicinal garden!

“The Law of Blood!?”

Suddenly, the old beggar’s face changed slightly, because the small tree with red fruit was called the Blood Soul Cloud Fruit Tree!

The power of the law absorbed is the power of the law of blood.

However, it was not as simple as imagined to want a dead Heavenly Rank Spirit Strain to absorb the power of the Law again to restore the level.

After all, the dead are dead, just like how the dead can eat and digest things again.

However, what made the old beggar confused happened in an instant in the next second, only to see that the small tree in front of him actually began to slowly shake.

The power of the surrounding Blood Law began to frantically pour into the Blood Soul Cloud Fruit Tree.


A terrifying force of flesh and blood began to surge wildly among the small trees, and at the same time, the small trees also emitted a palpitating breath.

And this breath is also getting more and more terrifying, instantly breaking through the boundaries of the Heavenly Grade Zhongpin medicinal materials and directly reaching the Heavenly Order!

“Sizzle! How is this possible!? ”

The old beggar was also confused, did not expect that Yu Feng actually did it!?

Could it be that this herb is not dead yet?

However, he didn’t know that this was just the beginning.

The power of the Endless Blood Law is still rapidly instilling into the small trees.

And the breath of this little tree is rising!

“Do you want to break through to the Heavenly Order?” But how is this possible!? ”

The old beggar’s face changed slightly.

However, no matter how much he couldn’t believe it, in the next instant, the level of this Blood Soul Cloud Fruit Tree instantly reached the Heavenly Rank Ultimate Grade.

“What kind of soil is this and this, what kind of soil is it that is buried in it dozens of emperors who are the power of the Blood Law to make fertilizer!?”

The old beggar exclaimed.

Unfortunately, it is still not over.


However, at this moment, an abnormal wave instantly came from the Blood Soul Cloud Fruit Tree.

In the next instant, a fruit tree begins to bear flowers.

Counting more than a hundred flowers at will, the flowers grew rapidly, flowered, and eventually withered, and then one after another small fruits containing the power of the Endless Blood Law of Blood Blood were borne on this Blood Soul Cloud Fruit Tree.

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