The old beggar looked at this blood-soaked soul cloud fruit and was suddenly silent.

The horror in my heart turned into endless sorrow.

Gai is somewhat unique because of the strength of this blood-soaked soul cloud fruit.

When the Blood Domain God Emperor was about to arrive, he came to the Demon God Domain to talk to the old beggar.

The Law of Blood is one of the branches of the power of the Law of Death, and although it may not be as difficult to comprehend as the power of the Law of Death, it is also one of the higher laws.

The Blood Domain God Emperor knew that his life expectancy was not much, and finally chose to integrate all his power into this Blood Soul Cloud Fruit Tree.

This blood-soaked cloud fruit tree blooms every million years! Million one results! A million years a ripe.

Ten fruits can be produced at a time.

And as long as the fruit after ripening, as long as it is taken, there is a 50% chance to directly comprehend the power of the blood-bathing element.

You know, as long as you understand the power of the elementals, the combat power is at least the Heavenly Realm.

And as long as you fully control it, you can reach the Absolute Wonderland.

In these countless years of time, this blood-bathing soul cloud fruit tree has spawned tens of thousands of strong people who have comprehended the power of the blood-bathing element.

Among them, there are no less than thousands of Absolute Wonderlands, and the most powerful ones even reach the terrifying strength of the Absolute Wonderland Seven or Eight Heavens!

Unfortunately, the realm of the Emperor was something that no one could enter.

Later, as the power of the Blood Domain Law injected by the Blood Domain God Emperor dried up, the Blood Soul Cloud Fruit Tree died, and the few fruits that had originally been borne on it had no possibility of ripen again!

And now this Blood Soul Cloud Fruit Tree has been promoted to become the best of the Heavenly Order.

The level is so powerful that perhaps only one fruit can make a warrior instantly control the power of the Blood Elemental to reach the super strong person of the Absolute Immortal Realm.

Such a divine object can also be called a Heavenly Order Ultimate Medicinal Material.

The most important thing is that this is a mature Heavenly Order Ultimate Herb.

You know, it will take at least a billion years for a Heavenly Order Ultimate Herb to go from birth to maturity.

A billion years, a strong person at the peak of the Absolute Immortal Realm has survived to death.

And what was even more terrifying was that in these billions of years, this Heavenly Order Ultimate Medicinal Herbs had to absorb the power of the laws of heaven and earth at every moment.

Only by absorbing the power of the laws of heaven and earth all the time can this Heavenly Order medicinal material fully mature!

This is the horror of cultivating a Heavenly Order medicinal herb!

Even if he really used an emperor who had understood the power of the Law of Blood as fertilizer, he would not be able to fully mature this Heavenly Grade Ultimate medicinal material.

And now Yu Feng actually made it mature in just a few seconds!

This! It was simply a fantasy, and even he felt that now Yu Feng would open up a big world to become a Immortal King-level strong person than this would make him a little more receptive.

“Well, yes, the function of ten times the yield is still necessary to be cool, and now I can ripen once a day, that is to say, in just one day I can create a hundred Wonderland strongmen?” Isn’t it more than 30,000 a year?

Sure enough, it is the best medicinal material of the Heavenly Order!! ”

Yu Feng nodded with satisfaction, and then he quickly took out all the medicinal herbs that the old beggar had given him and planted them in the medicinal garden.

As the medicinal herbs were planted in the medicinal garden, the originally empty medicinal garden suddenly became full.

“Well, yes, some medicinal herbs are already ripe, as long as the level can be directly upgraded to the Heavenly Rank Elite after resurrection, the remaining medicinal materials that are not yet ripe, ripening once a day, a few months should be enough!”

Yu Feng was very satisfied looking at the situation of these medicinal materials, you know, since the output was ten times more, he could use more medicinal materials to concentrate and refine a better Dan Medicine, and then the power of his newly realized law might be able to reach at least thirty or forty law runes!

Yu Feng is naturally very happy to think of this.


At this moment, an extremely terrifying wave of law suddenly came from the direction of the back mountain, which immediately made the two people present slightly stunned.

“Ding… Congratulations to the host, the materials randomly bred by the Jinri Mine have been unearthed, the materials are: Dari Yanyang Mine, Heavenly Ladder Products!! ”

At this moment, a systematic prompt tone suddenly reached Yu Feng’s mind.

That’s when he knew what was going on.

“It turned out to be a mineral breeding, no wonder !!!”

Yu Feng was stunned.

“What a terrifying hot breath, this breath actually contains the law of the sun and the sun!?”

Suddenly, the eyes of the old beggar next to him lit up.

“That’s the material of the Heavenly Order, the Great Sun Yanyang Mine, and every day above the mine can breed a kind of refining instrument array material above the Heavenly Order!!”

At this moment, Yu Feng on the side explained a bit.

“Huh? And this kind of place!? You boy has so many good things!! ”

The old beggar listened to it and his eyes lit up, can he give birth to a material above the heavenly level every day? Doesn’t that mean that the Heavenly Order Elite may also be conceived?

To know that the material is more difficult to nurture than the medicinal herbs do not know how many times.

After all, the material is a dead thing, and it is extremely difficult to absorb the Heaven and Earth Reiki on its own, and even the power of the Heaven and Earth Law.

And the medicinal herbs can give birth to their own consciousness to a certain extent, and it is relatively easy for things with their own consciousness to absorb the power of the laws of heaven and earth.

Of course, the good thing about the material is that he can keep it for a long time, that is to say, even if the materials of the Heavenly Rank Elite are put on for a long time, they will not be like medicinal materials because the power of the laws of heaven and earth is revealed and the level will drop!

The birth of a heavenly order array material every day suddenly made the old beggar have a hint of impulse to come here every day to squat for a wave.

Yu Feng naturally knew how tempting these good things were for an old man whose only hobby was Bu Zhen!

“In addition, if you have any good materials, you can bury them in the mine and wait a few minutes to dig out the level of these materials to increase by one level, but the level can only reach the Heavenly Rank Elite at most, if you need it, go and try it!”

However, at this moment, Yu Feng dropped a bombshell.

After speaking, Yu Feng smiled and looked at the old man, but he was speechless to find that the old beggar had long disappeared.

“The Creation Dragon God is on top, and it is actually !!!”

The next moment, a cry of surprise mixed with this terrifying wave of law suddenly came from afar.

“This old man!!!”

Yu Feng shook his head helplessly and then looked at the medicinal field.

Only to see that at this time, the medicinal field was filled with endless law power!

If the terror of the power of these laws is used to attack, even the strong people who have just entered the Emperor Realm will suffer more than one!

At this moment, the power of such a terrible law all poured into the medicinal herbs of this strain.

“It seems that it only takes a few hours to fix it all, and during this time, I can first understand the power of the Blood Law!!”

Yu Feng’s eyes flickered slightly, and then with a wave of his right hand, more than a hundred Blood Soul Cloud Fruits planted above the Blood Soul Cloud Fruit Tree instantly poured into Yu Feng’s hands and disappeared instantly.

The next moment, Yu Feng also disappeared in place with a wave of fluctuations in the surrounding space!

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