Endless Sea of Voids! For hundreds of billions of years, in addition to the old beggars who would haunt here, the rest was that the powerful people of the Great Emperor Realm would pass by from time to time.

And no one has ever chosen to stay here for a long time.

Today, however, the Void Sea was the biggest turmoil except for the destruction of the Dragon God Continent.

Endless thunder raged through the Void Sea.

However, among the thunderclouds condensed by this piece of heavenly devastation, there was a elixir quietly suspended in this thundercloud at the frenzied bombardment of the thunderstorm.

At this moment, a full ten Blood Law Runes had already flashed out from this elixir.

But the apocalypse is still crazy.

“Ten times the Heavenly Destruction Blessing, I don’t know how far the number of Blood Law Runes of this elixir can be reached!!”

Yu Feng’s eyes flickered slightly, and he thought slowly in his heart!

If he wanted to refine a Blood Breaking Emperor Dan Momentum, he only needed ten Blood Soul Cloud Fruits to do it, of course, this was because of the Heavenly Furnace, if an ordinary alchemist could refine one hundred pieces, it would be good.

This is still under the premise of one-time refining without mistakes.

Therefore, Yu Feng’s one hundred Blood Soul Cloud Fruit was supposed to be able to refine a full ten elixirs.

However, at the beginning of the formation of the Heavenly Scourge, Yu Feng had already fused all ten elixirs together.

However, in the eyes of Heaven and Earth, this was still the medicinal power of the Ten Dan Pills, so the power of the Heavenly Disaster was also ten times that of the ordinary Broken Emperor Dan.

At the same time, the finished product of the blood-breaking Emperor Dan refined by Yu Feng was still of the perfect level, and one hundred percent could allow a warrior to directly reach the Emperor Realm from the Absolute Immortal Realm, so the Heavenly Disaster would be even more powerful.

Under the combination of the two, the Nine Nine Heavenly Disasters were only half past at this time, and Yu Feng’s Blood Breaking Emperor Dan had already reached the level of ten Blood Law Runes!


Another terrifying thunder sound spread across the entire Void Sea, and at the same time, a golden heaven and earth thunderstorm also instantly descended on that elixir.


The blood-soaked Emperor Dan only slightly bloomed a trace of blood-colored brilliance and instantly shattered this thunderbolt.

After crushing the thunder raid, a terrifying suction force suddenly erupted in the bloody breaking of the emperor, and this suction force directly absorbed all the heaven and earth forces carried after the thunder raid was shattered.

As the Thunder Raid was absorbed, the Eleventh Law Rune also bloomed with a slight glimmer of light.

It can be predicted that as long as there are a few more lightning raids, this eleventh law rune will be successfully condensed!

And the more the power of the Heavenly Order reaches the back, the more powerful it is.

“Perhaps, there is hope of breaking through to thirty law runes!”

Yu Feng’s eyes flickered slightly, if he could reach thirty pieces, he would be able to directly raise the power of the Blood Law to the Fourth Heaven of the Great Emperor Realm!

Although the power of the Blood Law is not a very powerful law power, it is much stronger than the power of the fire system, the gold system, or some low or intermediate law systems and so on.

After all, above the higher laws are the four supreme laws.

The thirty law runes were definitely more powerful than the ten law runes that Yu Feng had comprehended the power of the Law of Death!

“Boom boom!!!! boom boom

And then one thunder after another fell violently, and the whole heaven and earth were resounded by this terrifying thunderous sound.

At the same time, the number of law runes above the Broken Emperor Dan was also increasing.

Fifteen… Twenty pieces!

Twenty-five… Twenty-eight pieces!!

With the passage of time, the number of runes above the Broken Emperor Dan had already reached thirty-three, three more than Yu Feng had imagined before!


And as the last thunder raid was absorbed by the elixir, this endless thundercloud in the void sea suddenly slowly dissipated.

This time, Yu Feng had already made perfect preparations and did not give Dan Yao the opportunity to appear Dan Ling.

After all, if a well-behaved Danling Yufeng appeared and was really embarrassed to kill it, it could only eliminate the production of Danling from the root.

“It’s finally over!!!”

The corner of Yu Feng’s mouth rose slightly, and then his right hand waved slightly, and the distant elixir instantly turned into a stream of light and rushed to Yu Feng’s front and landed in his hand.

Feeling the power of the Endless Law contained in this elixir, Yu Feng nodded with satisfaction, and then directly took it.


In an instant, the power of the Endless Law in the elixir directly exploded.

The terrifying power of the law began to frantically scurry around Yu Feng’s body.

Unfortunately, he was facing Yu Feng, a terrifying man whose physical strength had reached the extreme.

Although the power of these blood-bathing laws was crazy in Yu Feng’s body, they were quickly suppressed by Yu Feng’s power and finally began to rush madly towards the Sea of Consciousness according to Yu Feng’s wishes.

In just an instant, Yu Feng’s sea of consciousness condensed a 999-meter-diameter super-large elemental light ball!

Next, the elemental photosphere is rapidly compressed.

Finally transformed into a blood-colored diamond-shaped law crystal!

The appearance is almost exactly the same as the Law of Death from the outside, but the law runes that appear above are much simpler than the law runes of the Law of Death.

It is even more incomparable to the laws of space.

One after another of the Law Runes slowly appeared on top of the Blood Law Crystal.

The appearance of each law rune could make Yu Feng have more understanding of the power of the Blood Law.

Finally, when the number of law runes on this law crystal reached a full thirty-three, Yu Feng slowly opened his eyes.

“Ding… Congratulations to the host for understanding the power of the Law of Blood, and the number of law runes has reached 33! Gain God’s Upgrade Points: 330,000! ”

At the same time, a system prompt tone also sounded.

Yu Feng slowly looked at his own day after tomorrow, at this time, the day after tomorrow already had a full 430,000 upgrade points,

So many upgrade points were enough for Yu Feng to increase the power of the Law of Death to more than fifty law runes.

At that time, his strength will definitely soar.

And from this attempt, Yu Feng also found that his method of relying on the power of the law to brush the upgrade point is absolutely feasible!

“Moreover, with more law powers, I understand that the forces of other laws are actually faster, so are these law forces also interrelated!?”

At the same time, Yu Feng found something that he attached great importance to.

As the power of the Blood Law was understood by him, Yu Feng found that he began to understand that the speed and efficiency of the power of the Law of Death had greatly improved.

The increase is more than five times

Don’t underestimate this five-fold improvement, if he understands the power of all three thousand laws, the speed of his own comprehension of the power of other laws plus the bonus of the family building, that is, it is no longer difficult to comprehend the power of the law of time!

“Hahahahaha, it seems that this time my choice is absolutely right!”

Yu Feng smiled satisfactorily, and immediately broke through the void and returned to the Demon God Domain Yu Family’s Medicine Garden.

However, as soon as he arrived at the Medicine Garden, he saw a scene that puzzled him!

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