Only to see Yu Yanxiao honestly pouring spirit liquid on those medicinal herbs in the medicinal garden, and next to him was Yu Zhangtian, who seemed to be guarding him!

“What are you two boys doing here!?” And Xiao Yanzi, as an alchemist, you wouldn’t know that these Heavenly Order Ultimate Herbs don’t need Spirit Liquid watering, right!? ”

Yu Feng saw this scene and opened his mouth directly!

Confused, he seemed to guess that there was a good chance that Yu Yanxiao was doing something again.

And Yu Yanxiao in the medicinal garden was overjoyed when he heard Yu Feng’s voice.

After all, he knew that although Yu Feng had always liked to teach him, he was absolutely good to himself, as long as he pretended to be pitiful, there was a good chance that he could fool the past.

“Grandpa? You’re back, here’s the thing!! ”

After Yu Zhanyun saw Yu Feng, he rushed over and told Yu Feng what had happened.

After listening, Yu Feng’s brain door burst into a black line.

Eat it raw? This boy has been mad to this point in order to steal food?

That’s the best medicinal material of the Heavenly Order, it’s a cruel thing!

“You boy is really good!!”

Yu Feng wordlessly glanced at Yu Yanxiao, who was standing awkwardly in front of him, and then Yu Feng’s fingertips were slightly lighter.

Yu Yanxiao’s storage ring opened instantly.

The remaining nine Heavenly Fire Dragon Fruits suddenly appeared in front of Yu Feng.

Seeing this scene, Yu Yanxiao’s neck shrank, and he thought that Yu Feng was going to teach him a lesson.

Who knew that the next second Yu Feng only saw a little bit, and in an instant a flame burst out directly from his hand,

The flames instantly transformed into a virtual divine dragon that directly enveloped all of these nine Heavenly Rank Ultimate Elixirs in flames.

“If you take the Heavenly Order Ultimate Medicinal Materials without refining them into Dan Medicine, even if you are an alchemist, you can only extract at most one-third of the medicinal effects.”

And if your boy eats all these lost energy, he can directly create an emperor! ”

Yu Feng helplessly said to Yu Yanxiao at the same time, the Heavenly Furnace instantly fell from the sky, directly enveloping all nine fruits in it!

Next, Yu Feng began to frantically punch countless handprints into this Dan Furnace, but this time, although he also wanted to refine the Heavenly Rank Ultimate Dan Medicine, he was not going to refine the Broken Emperor Dan, but a Dan Medicine for Improving Cultivation, and the name of this Dan Medicine was Heavenly Fire Yan Dan!

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is to enhance the flame element and physical strength!

If you directly refine a Broken Mirror Dan for Yu Yanxiao, there is a good chance that this boy’s strength will soon reach the Emperor, but the physical strength of the Emperor will be far from being able to keep up with except for the power of the Law.

The result of this is only to damage their own foundation, and in the end it will only pay off the loss!

And this Heavenly Fire Yan Dan is different, it may not be so terrifying for Yu Yanxiao’s strength improvement, but it can make the body and soul all improve together.

The same effect as Yu Yanxiao’s cultivation to that realm, except that if you want to achieve the simultaneous improvement of these several people, the power required to consume is even greater, so the elixir that could originally be promoted to the Second Heaven of the Great Emperor Realm could only make Yu Yanxiao’s strength reach about the Great Emperor Realm in the end!

And with the passage of time minute by minute.

That elixir was also taking shape at a rapid pace.

With the formation of the elixir, a series of terrifying thunder powers began to condense above the sky!

And Yu Feng’s figure also instantly rushed to the sky and came to a height of billions of kilometers.

Here the endless thunder is also frantically gathered around.


With a terrifying thunderclap, the whole heaven and earth were illuminated by the light that erupted from this thunderbolt.

Then one after another thunder fell from the sky, all of which crashed on the elixir.

“I didn’t expect Grandpa to scold you?!!”

Yu Zhanyun below was also a little confused, but he knew that Yu Feng’s personality seemed to be a bit different from Yu Feng’s approach!

“Oh, uncle, how long have I been beaten by Grandpa, you can’t hope for something good!?”

However, Yu Yanxiao on the side rolled his eyes and said wordlessly to Yu Zhanyun.

And the thunder in the sky comes and goes fast.

As the Ninety-First Heavenly Raid fell, the Thunder Raid that enveloped the entire Demon God Domain also disappeared.

At the same time, a crystal clear fiery red elixir also flew into Yu Feng’s hand.

After putting away the Dan Medicine, Yu Feng once again came to the front of the Medicine Garden.

The next moment Yu Feng handed him the elixir in Yu Yanxiao’s excited eyes!

“You put away this elixir, and when your realm reaches the Ninth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm, the seal on the elixir will be automatically unsealed, and you will be able to take it!”

But remember, you only have three months, and if you can’t reach it after three months, the seal will destroy the elixir!

By the way, during this period, if you use external forces to reach the Ninth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm, the elixir will also be destroyed in an instant.

Now, it still looks good!! ”

However, the next moment, Yu Feng’s words suddenly made Yu Yanxiao’s excited face collapse.

After saying that, Yu Feng smiled and walked directly towards the medicinal garden.

Leaving Yu Yanxiao, who was already dumbfounded, and Yu Zhanyun, who suddenly realized on the side.

Seal? Is there a seal on this elixir? Isn’t that just looking and can’t eat!? So what’s the difference between this and not giving Yu Yanxiao!?

“Hahaha, Xiao Yanzi, no wonder Grandpa doesn’t scold you, it turns out that he has been prepared for a long time, and this trick is still comfortable to kill people?”

After Yu Feng walked into the medicine garden, Yu Zhanyun couldn’t help but smile.

Three months of time, looking at a Dan Medicine that can reach the Emperor Realm after taking it, I can’t move, and I have to think from time to time whether the Dan Medicine will be directly destroyed, this kind of torment can definitely make the acute Yu Yanxiao eat and sleep badly in these months.

“Aaaaaaa I’m bored, don’t you just see that I can’t cultivate well?!! ”

Yu Yanxiao collapsed and threw away the Dan medicine, eating and knowing that it was useless to eat it, and his heart twitched.

Yu Feng’s idea he didn’t know, wasn’t it just watching himself go around doing things every day to set a small goal for himself in these three months!

Thinking of this, Yu Yanxiao suddenly got up and immediately walked towards the direction of the Yu family’s station.

“Where is your boy going!?!”

Yu Zhanyun in the back was stunned and asked doubtfully.

“Cultivation room cultivation, this time I will not go out until I reach the Ninth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm!!!”

But what answered him was Yu Yanxiao’s solemn words.



“The Heavenly Fire Dragon Fruit was eaten ten by Xiao Yanzi, and the remaining twenty seemed to be a little insufficient!” It looks like a few more pieces to ripen again!! ”

Yu Feng touched his chin, and it had been a full day since he had taken the Blood Soul Cloud Fruit before he had refined the elixir and then taken it.

That is to say, my ability to ripen the drug has been refreshed, and now I can use it again.

Thinking of this, Yu Feng directly picked all the fruits above the Heavenly Fire Dragon Fruit Fruit Tree from the top of the fruit tree.

“Ripen !!!!”

The next moment, as Yu Feng issued a command in his mind, the power of the Flame Law that emerged from the medicinal field began to frantically pour into this Heavenly Fire Dragon Fruit Tree.

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