
The power of the Endless Law began to wander wildly throughout the Dragon God Great World.

Endless matter began to arise rapidly under the change of the power of these three thousand laws.

The power of the Law of Fire, the power of the Law of Light, the law of gravity, and more! Slowly, a huge fireball formed between the sky.

This fireball began to condense a series of law runes, forming a huge star of hundreds of billions of kilometers.

At the same time, the whole heaven and earth were illuminated by this huge star.

“The most important thing that wants to give birth to life is the light and the energy contained in the light! Such a large star should be enough!! ”

Yu Feng nodded with satisfaction.

“Then there’s the mainland!!”

Yu Feng’s eyes flickered slightly, and then his body instantly exploded with a powerful breath.

Immediately this powerful breath began to roll wildly in Yu Feng’s body.

The next moment, a force of three thousand laws that was several times larger than before began to frantically envelop the distance.

The laws of the earth, the laws of the earth, began to coalesce together with 18 and countless laws of metal, as well as countless laws of life.

Then a piece of land appeared in the void.

The land began to expand rapidly.

The laws of water began to form rivers.

The Law of Yan, a series of fire law forces began to constitute magma and other substances.

The Law of Wood and the Law of Life began to form an endless array of trees, flowers and plants!

The whole heaven and earth will begin to be rapidly conceived.

As time passed, a dragon-shaped continent spanning several light-years began to slowly emerge in front of Yu Feng’s eyes.

The material and living beings contained in this continent are becoming more and more abundant, of course, the only thing missing is the intelligent race.

However, after the continent was just formed, Yu Feng found that the space crack of the Dragon God Great World began to burst out of the endless suction force at a rapid speed, and prepared to suck the Dragon God Continent away.

The gravitation of terror has left the whole continent with some turmoil.

“It seems that this Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array is not arranged!!”

Yu Feng was suddenly speechless, he explored a circle on his own, and finally found that everything seemed to be his own business, you said that this is so done!

But although helpless, Yu Feng couldn’t let the Dragon God Continent shatter.

Then Yu Feng’s hands began to move.

Countless formation mudras were struck out by him, and at the same time, the endless law power also began to pour into these formation mudras at a rapid pace under Yu Feng’s power.

However, this time, Yu Feng prepared whether the time paradox was true or not, and immediately began to follow the structure of the transformation formation.

The Ten Thousand Realms Lock Heaven Array, or the Ten Thousand Realms Lock Heaven Array, but the Ten Thousand Realms Lock Heaven Array seen in a trillion years is without any law power.

Therefore, this time, Yu Feng was ready to inject thousands of laws into this formation, and at the same time he had to try to see if he could change the memory in the Sea of Beings.

“Anyway, no one can break the formation before I appear, so I don’t have to worry about changing history because of the strengthening of the formation!”

When Yu Feng thought of this, he began to move.

He began to frantically inject thousands of laws into this formation!

Of course, there is no exception to the power of these laws

The power of other laws other than the Law of Time was injected into the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array by Yu Feng.

“In this way, even the old man in a trillion years will not be able to break it, let alone someone else, of course, at least the comprehend of the spatial law of Ao Instant will not be trapped!”

Yu Feng’s eyes flickered, as long as it did not affect the future of his being adopted by the old beggar, Yu Feng did not care!

However, what made his brow frown slightly was that even if he injected the power of these laws into this formation, the understanding in his mind of the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array a trillion years later had not changed.

There was still no law power in his mind!

“Impossible, I have injected so many law powers into the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array, unless these laws are extracted, otherwise, my memory will definitely change with the change of the array!!!”

Yu Feng suddenly locked up,

This is absolutely not normal.

“There must have been something big changed in this trillion years!!”

Yu Feng’s brow frowned slightly.

It is definitely not a small change to make all of your 2999 laws disappear!

“That is to say, laying down these two thousand kinds of law forces is something that originally happened in history!?”

Yu Feng frowned suddenly.

If this is the case, can you try to pull the power of these laws away!?

Suddenly Yu Feng’s eyes lit up, but then he gave up on this and that!

Since there are 2999 laws in history, if you pull them out, you may change history!?

Change history, if this period of history does not matter, if it is about yourself, you will disappear into the heavens and the earth in an instant!

Yu Feng didn’t want to joke about his own life.

Then Yu Feng began to continue to improve the entire Dragon God Continent.

The entire continent was forming at an extremely terrifying speed under his careful carving, and at the same time, Yu Feng also divided his Dragon God Fire into a small clump.

An extremely terrifying flame aura erupted from this cluster of Dragon God flames.

In the next instant, under the slight tip of Yu Feng’s fingertips, this flame 073 flame instantly rushed towards the continent below.


With Yu Feng’s low sigh, this flame suddenly exploded, turning into countless large and small strange fires that instantly spread across the entire Dragon God Continent.

“Is the Heaven and Earth Fire also complete, but it uses one-thousandth of my whole body strength, which should be similar to the Creation Dragon’s True Destiny Divine Fire after it is broken!”

Yu Feng secretly calculated in his heart.

He wanted to create this Dragon God Continent according to the records of the Dragon God Clan given by the old beggar, and it was best not to have any more or less!

At the same time, Yu Feng also looked at the place where he sealed the Flame Divine Dragon beyond the Endless Void, and then directly shook his right hand, and a drop of essence blood was instantly stripped from the body of the Flame Divine Dragon.

“Oh, one drop wouldn’t be enough, would it!?”

Yu Feng was a little stunned, and then his right hand waved again.

Four or five drops of Dragon God Spirit Blood appeared in his hand again.

A full six drops of blood vein essence directly squeezed out the Flame Divine Dragon that had just been revived in spirit.

You must know that no matter how powerful the sperm blood is, there are only nine drops, and one drop is less than one drop.

Fortunately, after Yu Feng withdrew six drops, he struck out a force of the Law of Life and began to slowly restore the power of the Flame Divine Dragon, which did not make the other party’s realm regress!

“All the creatures used to create this continent should be enough!!!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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