Looking at the terrifying power contained in the six drops of Dragon God Essence Blood, Yu Feng nodded with satisfaction, and immediately injected several different laws into these six drops of essence blood!

There are three thousand kinds of divine law power, dark law power, and flame law power, and so on!

At the same time, these six drops of essence blood were infused with a huge force of life law!

The next moment, these six drops of essence blood containing the power of countless kinds of laws were slammed down by Yu Feng towards the Dragon God Continent.

Along the way, these six drops of sperm blood instantly exploded, turning into a blood mist in the sky.

And every drop of law power in these blood mists, under the forging of three thousand kinds of law power, actually began to slowly give birth to a single cell life with life.

Even multicellular life forms slowly with a little more powerful.

Of course, it was reasonable to say that the speed of nurturing these spiritual bodies would not be so fast, because Yu Feng had already accelerated the time in the entire Dragon God Great World from the very beginning.

The speed of time has reached hundreds of thousands of times that of the outside world!

One day is thousands of years!

At the same time, when all the laws are sufficient, they are conceived so quickly!

But even so, it will take a lot of time to really breed a wise race.

Yu Feng didn’t want to wait until these beings were fully conceived.

At this time, Yu Feng sighed slightly in his heart, the Flame Divine Dragon just opened up a big world, and then it was sealed by itself, now not only the continents in the world were opened up by themselves, but even the beings inside were derived from the basis of their own strength.

That is to say, in the strict sense of the word, he is the creator of this dragon god world.

“Forget it, whoever created it, this time the power is about to run out, let’s take a break!”

Yu Feng looked at the mainland below and his heart also slowly emerged with a trace of different feelings.

Immediately, the omnipotent power given by the external avatar in his body slowly disappeared.

Of course, Yu Feng’s breath did not decrease, but there was no previous feeling of being able to control everything in the world.

“That feeling is really cool, it seems that after this time, we must understand all the other laws and powers!!”

Yu Feng admitted that she had been fascinated by that feeling.

After all, controlling everything in heaven and earth, this feeling can be understood by no one other than the true Creator God.

“Now that the Dragon God Great World has just taken shape, it has gradually stabilized, and I don’t know if it will give birth to anything good under the laws of the surrounding avenues!”

Yu Feng’s eyes suddenly lit up, although this continent was created by himself, after his own creation was completed, there was also a Dao Law injected into this continent.

Otherwise, if the continent is allowed to develop on its own, it will not be enough to give birth to various races.

After all, even though he had used the power of three thousand laws before, his knowledge was always limited and it was impossible to cover all aspects.

At the same time, it is impossible to create something that has even been seen.

And the law of the Dao between heaven and earth perfectly solves these questions.

The power of the Great Avenue will absorb the entire heavens and all the worlds, and it is based on all the things in the entire Shenwu Great World, creating new things in these newly opened worlds.

Therefore, even a large world on one side may come to its own territory to find out whether there is anything good after creating the heavens and the earth.

After all, if he could find some rare items, even the Immortal King would be very excited.

And now Yu Feng just wants to find out if there is anything he needs.

The Dragon God Continent is somewhat different from other continents of the Great World.

The continents of the other great worlds could only be slowly nurtured by the laws of the Great Path.

At this time, the Dragon God Continent was completely created by Yu Feng.

But the power of these new laws that the laws of the Great World have given them is almost the same.

At this time, the Dragon God Continent had already been conceived, and the Endless Avenue Law sprinkled between heaven and earth could not disappear, but could only pour into the entire Dragon God Continent and begin to create other beings at a rapid pace.

Under the acceleration of these avenue laws, the previous multicellular life has slowly developed into some simple aquatic animals.

At the same time, countless Heaven and Earth Spirit Herbs, medicinal herbs, spirit strains, and some rare materials on the entire continent were also rapidly generating.

In just a few hours, Yu Feng had already seen quite a few Ground Level medicinal materials generate.

Among these ground level medicinal herbs, there were also a very small number of medicinal herbs that continued to absorb the Dao Dao Law.

Under the infusion of the Dao Dao Law, these earth level medicinal materials slowly turned into the Heavenly Order!

However, it is only a heavenly order, and it is not very concerned about the current Yu Feng!

After all, all he needed was at least Heavenly Grade Grade Medicinal Herbs!

“However, if you can have enough upgrade points, you can indeed upgrade some of the Ground Rank medicinal materials directly to the Heavenly Rank Grade, and then I can get the Heavenly Rank Ultimate Medicinal Materials when I plant them in the Medicine Garden!”

Yu Feng’s eyes flickered slightly, the types of medicinal herbs on the Heavenly Order were indeed few, but he had a system!

If there is a system, you can upgrade the medicinal herbs yourself.

However, the upgrading of a medicinal herb of the Heavenly Order requires a full 10,000 to hundreds of thousands of upgrade points!

This is also the reason why Yufeng did not use this method before.

After all, your upgrade points have other uses and can’t be wasted.

“This time, the Dragon God Continent was born, and I could indeed obtain a lot of medicinal materials.

However, it seems that the power of the three thousand laws that I want to understand is far from enough, so it seems that after going back, I can only use the upgrade point to upgrade the medicinal materials.

Otherwise, if you go to other big worlds to grab it, you don’t know when you want to grab it.

In the following days, Yu Feng began to search the continent for those powerful medicinal herbs and materials bred by the Dao Law.

After ten full days, the law of the Dao slowly disappeared.

Of course, this is because there is no need to conceive a continent, if it is necessary to conceive a continent, the law of the Great Avenue can last for hundreds of billions of years.

But now, it was all the laws of the Dao that were used at once to nurture countless heavenly treasures. (Zhao Hao)

Only the Heavenly Order Ultimate Herb Yu Feng had obtained hundreds of plants.

And there are hundreds of thousands of medicinal herbs on the Heavenly Order.

These two levels of medicinal herbs are divided according to the types of laws, and there are more than a thousand kinds of law powers!

That is to say, if it is smooth, Yu Feng can directly comprehend the power of more than a thousand laws.

You know, these medicinal herbs are equivalent to dozens of times more than all the inventory of the big world for hundreds of billions of years.

Even the entire continent was bred with some powerful wild beasts!

In just ten days, a powerful fierce beast from the Secret Sea Realm was produced.

“It is worthy of the power of the Great Avenue Law that originally bred a continent, and it is indeed huge!” Ten days to do what hundreds of millions of years can not do!! ”

Yu Feng nodded with satisfaction.

He immediately began to receive all these medicinal herbs into his storage ring.

“There is no need to stay at this point in time, to see the development of the Dragon God Continent!” _

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