Yu Feng’s eyes flickered, but he really wanted to know where the power of those laws that he had injected into the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array had gone!

Thinking of this, a trace of silver light began to slowly appear around his body in an instant.

Under the shroud of this light, Yu Feng’s breath began to slowly become mysterious and noble.

All over the body exudes a palpitating horror.

“But! One more thing to do before leaving!! ”

Suddenly Yu Feng smiled and instantly disappeared in the same place.

When he reappeared, he found that his figure had already come to the space where he had used to seal the Flame Dragon.

This square of space was billions of light years in size, enough to put down the body of the Dragon God of the Flame Divine Dragon.

It’s just that there is no other law force here except the power of the law of space!

At the same time, the original Flame Divine Dragon had already transformed into a red-haired old man sitting cross-legged in the endless void to recover the life essence blood he had been extracted by Yu Feng.

As for Yu Feng’s arrival, the other party did not find out at all.


With a burst of spatial fluctuations, Yu Feng suddenly appeared 073 in front of the Flame Divine Dragon.

Then he slowly stretched out his fingers and headed towards the Flame Dragon Void!

In an instant, his terrifying Divine Soul Power silently invaded the Flame Divine Dragon’s mind.

All this, the other party did not find any slightest bit!

In the next instant, Yu Feng began to examine the memory of the Flame Divine Dragon.

However, the memory of the other party suddenly made Yu Feng have a lot of surprises.

Flame Dragon, named Ao Lieyun!

He was born in the Great World of the Battle Sky as a Dragon Clan strongman.

That Heavenly Martial Great World was an extremely powerful Heavenly Order Great World!

There are no less than a trillion worlds in the Great World of Divine Martial Arts.

And these big worlds are divided into several levels.

The Great World Level created by the Immortal Realm Human Realm Powerful People is the Human Realm.

What the Earth Immortal King created was called the Earth Realm, and the Heavenly Realm was naturally the Heavenly Realm Great World created by the Heavenly Realm Immortal King.

The smallest diameter of the Celestial Great World has reached tens of millions of light years!

The largest even reached the size of a terror of a billion light-years.

However, this was not the end of the Great World, there was also a Great World created by the Immortal Emperor above the Immortal King level above the Heavenly Realm Great World.

And the smallest of these big worlds is a diameter of trillions of light-years.

Moreover, there were only ten of them in the entire Divine Martial Arts World!

Once, the level of the Celestial Great World was already large.

At least, only one of the hundreds of millions of Immortal Realm Strongmen could reach the heavens!

And the Battle Heaven Great World is one of these powerful Heavenly Realm Great Worlds!

As for Ao Lieyun, he was one of the four elders of the Divine Dragon Clan in the Battle Heaven World, and after this successful breakthrough, his strength was only below that of the patriarch.

At the same time, Yu Feng also knew from Ao Lieyun’s mind that almost all the areas of the Great World in the surrounding domain were known.

Of course, ninety-nine percent of the big world is the big world of the human realm.

After all, this place is on the border of the Divine Martial World.

At the same time, Yu Feng also knew the name of the so-called Ten Immortal Emperor-level Great World.

One of the Immortal Emperor-level Great World names made Yu Feng’s hole shrink violently.

“The Great World of Flood!? Floods? This…… Coincidence still!! “

Yu Feng frowned after looking at the name of this extremely powerful big world in the Ten Great Immortal Emperor-level Great World in the other party’s memory.

Because, the two words of flood and wilderness are absolutely familiar to Yu Feng.

The ancient legend of China is summed up as a history of the flood!

However, after all, the big world has trillions of big worlds, and the uneven is just a name!

“Interestingly, the Great World of Floods, it seems that after comprehending the power of the law of time this time, it is necessary for me to go and look for it to see if I can find the earth!”

Yu Feng’s eyes flashed suddenly!

He knew that since he appeared in the Dragon God Great World, he would definitely have the possibility of going back, but he had to find out where he came from.

And now the biggest suspect is nothing more than this so-called flood world!

If it is true, the flood of the great world, I absolutely want to go to a trip.

Then Yu Feng understood some important information in Ao Lieyun’s mind and slowly collected his divine consciousness.

Reading each other’s memories this time has absolutely endless benefits, which are of great benefit to Yu Feng’s strength development in the future. ,

The main thing is to discover the Great World of Floods!

“Let’s solve our own problems first, and then after the Dragon God Great World is stable, we will return to the trillion years and comprehend the power of the three thousand laws!”

Yu Feng’s eyes flickered slightly, and then his figure flashed and disappeared into this space again.

And his series of movements were not discovered by Ao Lieyun even if they were close at hand.

This is the terrible gap between the two men’s strengths.

As Yu Feng’s Time Law rioted, his figure instantly opened up the long river of time and space.

“Ding… Congratulations to the host for opening up the Dragon God Continent, and at the same time arranging the Ten Thousand Realms Lock Heaven Array, and obtaining upgrade points: 5 million upgrade points! ”

And just when Yu Feng had just arrived in the long river of time, a systematic prompt sound suddenly reached his mind.

Five million upgrade points was also a huge amount of money for Yu Feng now, enough for him to increase his fifty ordinary law powers by ten law runes.

But Yufeng was in no hurry to use it!

Because at this time, he was in the middle of the long river of time, and he was seriously feeling the power of the law of time around him.

Every activity in the long river of time is definitely the greatest improvement in one’s understanding of the laws of time.

A kind of perception of time came to Yu Feng’s mind.

You know, if a person wants to understand the law of time, even if his current talent is billions times that of Yu Feng, or even trillions of times it is impossible.

Because the difficulty of the law of time is so strong, it has reached the point where it is impossible to understand.

If Yu Feng could not directly mobilize the power of the law of time with the help of the system, and use the law of time to understand the law of time, Yu Feng would definitely not have any slightest understanding.

And now, these feelings are getting stronger and stronger, as long as they converge to a certain extent, Yu Feng can logically use the law of time!

At that time, it would not be easy for the systematic Yu Feng to upgrade it to the same number of 99 law runes as the power of the Space Law.

Of course, that being said, the truth is that it’s incredibly difficult to practice.

In the long river of time, Yu Feng retreated for several months.

And these months of time only made Yu Feng have an extremely weak understanding of the law of time.

“Ding… Congratulations to the host, the degree of awareness of the law of time has reached 1%, and the upgrade points obtained: 1 million! Note: Reaching 100% awareness will give you the full rule of time! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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