With a systematic tone, Yu Feng’s upgrade point suddenly increased by one million again.

Although it is only a million, the current power of the law of time is only just the stage of enlightenment.

If you can successfully feel 100%, that is to say, Yu Feng can get a full trillion upgrade points!

And even if it was one hundred percent enlightenment, for Yu Feng, it was just a law rune that had just comprehended the power of the law of time.

You know, after he first understood the power of the entire Space Law, he only gained a few hundred thousand or hundreds of thousands of upgrade points!

The power of the law of time can obtain a full trillion, and this alone can be seen that although the power of the two laws is the power of the law of the legendary level, it is a gap of unknown many times in the middle.

“It’s finally a start! The next words to be understood will be even faster!! ”

Yu Feng was slightly relieved.

Then he looked into the void around him and suddenly found that the picture reflected above the river of time around him was a magnificent world of the Dragon God!

“Has it reached this point!?”

Yu Feng’s eyes lit up, and he immediately broke through the time around him, and his figure instantly appeared above the Dragon God Continent.

He looked at the time, it was already a hundred billion years later!

In the course of these two hundred billion years, the entire continent has undergone earth-shaking changes, and countless powerful races have slowly emerged over time.

At the same time, the most powerful of these powerful races is naturally the Dragon Clan.

However, what surprised Yu Feng was that the entire continent did not have any emperor-level strongman!

The strongest people are all the peaks of the Absolute Immortal Realm, and hundreds of the strongest people of the Absolute Immortal Realm are trapped in this realm and cannot break through.


At this time, Yu Feng was endlessly confused.

Because all the law arrangements of the entire Dragon God Great World can be said to be very perfect!

This is unlikely to happen.

But now this is absolutely not the case!

Thinking of this, Yu Feng fell a little under his feet and instantly disappeared in the same place.

Reappearing again, he had landed on top of the Dragon God Great World.

Then he closed his eyes and began to sense the power of the laws of heaven and earth around him.

Suddenly, he found something that made him a little stunned!

“There is no law of heaven and earth in the Dragon Continent?!” How is this possible!? ”

Feeling the thin Heaven and Earth Law around Yu Feng was suddenly a little confused.

Only the elemental force without the revealed power of the law, who can understand the law?

Of course, the laws of heaven and earth do not mean that there are none, but only the power of the laws of heaven and earth that appear outside.

You know, if you want to understand the Heaven and Earth Law, you must first be able to touch and get it, and no matter how many Heaven and Earth Laws you can’t touch and can’t understand.

Just like a country’s economic GDP is high, you don’t have the way to make money, and this money is not yours.

And these powerful problems on the current Dragon God Continent are just like this.

The power of the law between the whole heaven and earth is very strong, and it can be said that it is not comparable to other great worlds.

However, it was precisely because he was so strong, so strong that he could not strip any trace of the power of law from heaven and earth.

Therefore, there is no emperor!

The reason was that the Dragon God Great World created by Yu Feng was too powerful.

“, and this situation, I didn’t think of it before!”

Yu Feng was a little speechless, but since this was the case, he could not only seek a solution. ,

Of course, if you want to strip the laws of heaven and earth from heaven and earth, it will definitely make the Dragon God Great Road extremely unstable.

Then Yu Feng began to look at the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array that hung across the entire continent in the sky.

“That’s right!!”

In an instant he understood.

Why would there be no power of the laws of heaven and earth above the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array, because after thinking out dozens of methods in his mind just in a moment, he found that the best and most stable way was to establish a large array directly from the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array.

Using this formation, the three thousand laws that he had injected into the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array were all projected onto the entire continent.

The biggest disadvantage of this method is that the power of the array will exhaust all the power of the law in three hundred billion years.

In these three hundred billion years, the power of the laws of heaven and earth above the entire Dragon God Continent will reach hundreds of times that of other great worlds.

······· Ask for flowers

This explains why, it is absolutely impossible for other great worlds to appear many emperors before reaching the Great World of the Earth, and in the records of the Dragon God Continent, there will be many emperors in every era!

You must know that the Dragon God Great World is just the weakest big world that has just been opened!

The emperors of these eras can definitely add up to thousands.

This was also the reason why, in the late stage of the Dragon God Continent, the power of the laws of the entire heaven and earth began to decline, and it was becoming more and more difficult for the entire heaven and earth emperor to appear.

“Although I know of dozens of ways to solve the problem this time, this time, if I make other choices, history will change!”


Yu Feng frowned.

Because each method can make the concentration of the law force between heaven and earth become different, as long as the law force is different, then the time point of the appearance of those emperors will become different.

At different points in time, it may be this group of strong people who became emperors at the beginning, but the longer the butterfly effect is produced, the more terrifying it is.

The end result may be that history will change dramatically in tens of billions of years.

Eventually history will be changed.

And myself, nine times out of ten, I will be cool!

“Forget it, I won’t do these things until I understand the power of the law of time to the extreme!” :

Yu Feng helplessly thought that before comprehending the law of time to a hundred law runes, even if Yu Feng was the comprehend of the law of time, any decision would change history.

But as long as a hundred law runes are reached, time will be permanently controlled by the power of the law of time, and at that time, the comprehend of the law of time will not be bound by time.

At the same time, he will also become a truly immortal strongman, even if he kills him in this time and space, as long as the Yu Feng of other time and space does not die, the Yu Feng of this time and space will be reborn.

This is the most terrifying thing about the law of time.

If such a powerful person wants to be killed, he can only commit suicide at the same time in all time and space.

Or be killed by a more powerful Time Law Comprehent at the same time by the Yu Feng Force of all time and space. _

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