Since there was no other way to use it, at this time, Yu Feng only had an honest teleport before the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array.

“The Law Peels !!!”

With Yu Feng’s low sigh, countless formation mudra were immediately punched out in his hand, and these formation mudras were rapidly imprinted into this powerful formation of the Heavenly Order.

At the same time, a series of heart-palpitating terrifying array fluctuations also began to burst out from the formation madly, and after the endless array fluctuations, the entire formation began to emerge one after another violent law force.

The power of these laws began to flow rapidly across the entire Dragon God Continent.

At the same time, the benefit of the manifestation of the power of the Array was that the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi also began to rise rapidly.


Suddenly, a mighty breath instantly came from below, and the entire Dragon God Continent began to slowly vibrate under this breath. “073”

“Oh? Who is it that has grasped the power of a law so quickly!? ”

Yu Feng was also a little surprised, although it was said that these Absolute Immortal Realm Ultimate Powerful People had been trapped on this realm for hundreds of millions of years.

Some races live long even billions of years.

And these billions of years of time have nothing to do, of course, only the power of comprehension of the elements.

According to Yu Feng’s conjecture, under such conditions, the embodiment of the laws of heaven and earth should soon be realized that someone would soon become an emperor-level strongman.

But Yu Feng didn’t expect that someone would comprehend the power of the law so quickly.

“I don’t know who has such a powerful talent!!”

Yu Feng’s eyes flickered slightly, and then he glanced in the direction where the powerful breath was located.

In an instant, all the pictures on the entire Dragon God Continent appeared in front of Yu Feng’s eyes.

I saw a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged in a ruin, this piece of ruins was in the north above the Dragon God Continent, and this ruin occupied one-tenth of the Dragon God Continent area!

What is the concept of one-tenth, you know, the size of the Dragon God Continent is countless times that of the Dragon Continent, and the size of one-tenth is at least hundreds of millions of times the size of the Dragon Continent!

However, such a large space has now become a ruin.

And in the middle of this ruin, a middle-aged man who exuded an endless breath of destruction sat cross-legged in the void, and the breath emanating from his whole body was matchless terror.

It was as if the whole heaven and earth could destroy it.

“Unable to extract the power of the law from between heaven and earth, this boy actually uses the method of destruction to passively absorb the law of heaven and earth!?”

Yu Feng immediately knew why there was such a big ruin here.

It was this boy who destroyed it.

Comprehending the Elements of Destruction, he would naturally choose some extreme practices after he had no hope of advancing, just like the Death Saint Emperor of that year.

It’s just that the Death Saint King was sacrificed by others who took the initiative to come to him for trouble, and this boy’s words, even fools can guess, are definitely to destroy such a vast area of the continent in order to break through.

“By the way, in the old man’s account. The Demon Dragon Slayer and called himself the Haotian Demon God, who ruled the Dragon God Continent for tens of billions of years, seemed to be this boy. “

Yu Feng recalled a little and guessed the identity of the other party.

Of course, Yu Feng didn’t think about taking care of the other party.

The mighty of any world are covered with endless blood on the road to becoming one.

Even Yu Feng himself was no exception, not to mention other strong people

Therefore, there was no intention to pay attention to these Yu Feng.

“It’s just that after this boy dies, it’s Ao Instant!” I don’t know, how exactly this boy understands the power of the laws of space!! ”

Yu Feng’s eyes flashed with some curiosity, after all, Ao Jian was the most powerful person in the history of the Dragon God Continent, and the strength of the peak period was that the old beggar could not match it without the Yu Family Ancestral Hall.

That is to say, Ao Instant’s strength was actually similar to that of the Flame Divine Dragon that created this side of the world, and Ao Lieyun’s strength was even much stronger than Ao Lieyun.

After all, the power of the Space Law is the power of the two legendary super laws.

“Forget it, don’t guess, there are tens of billions of years left, and you’ll know it when you get there!!”

Yu Feng did not waste too much time, but a little bit under his feet, once again breaking through the void and disappearing above the Dragon God Great World.

At this time, the power of the Dragon God Great World Law was already stable, as long as there were no accidents, the power of the law in the formation would be exhausted in a few hundred billion years, and in the end, it was time for the old beggar to gather the seven emperors to smash the continent.

And Yu Feng was back in the time channel again.

Since he understood how the power of the law in the formation method was not there, Yu Feng naturally would not stay at that point in time.


With a sharp fluctuation of time around him, Yu Feng’s figure instantly entered the long river of time………

Coming here, Yu Feng began to use the power of the law of time to quickly push towards the future point in time.

At the same time, during this period of time, Yu Feng was still feeling the power of the law of time around him.

In the long river of time is the place where the power of the law of time is most violent.

It can be said that the laws of time are within reach.

Therefore, under the mobilization of Yufeng’s time law, the endless law of free time directly enveloped Yufeng’s entire person.

Under the shroud of these laws of time, Yu Feng’s speed of comprehending the laws of time was extremely terrifying.

Moreover, Yu Feng already had a certain insight into the law of time in his heart.

Now I don’t know how many times faster I understand than before.

“Ding… Congratulations to the host, the degree of awareness of the law of time has reached 2%, and the upgrade points obtained: 1 million! ”

“Ding… Congratulations to the host, the degree of understanding of the law of time has reached 3%, and the upgrade point has been obtained: 1 million! ”

“Ding… Congratulations to the host, the degree of awareness of the law of time has reached 5%, and the upgrade point has been obtained: 1 million! ”



A sound system prompt echoed rapidly in Yu Feng’s consciousness.

Soon more than a week passed.

Yu Feng deliberately slowed down the shuttle speed when crossing the long river of time, so that he could cultivate for a while longer in the long river of time.

At the same time, the degree of consumption of their own time laws will also be greatly reduced.

Otherwise, the 2.0 time of tens of billions of years will only take a few seconds to cross.

“Is it time!?”

Yu Feng slowly opened his eyes to see that the time node around him had reached seven billion years later, and then slowly stood up.

“Ding… Congratulations to the host, the degree of understanding of the law of time has reached 30%, and the upgrade point has been obtained: 1 million! ”

This time, Yu Feng’s power of the law of time had already been realized to thirty percent. A full 30 million upgrade points had already appeared in Yu Feng’s backstage at this time.

Of course, this batch of upgrade points Yufeng was not in a hurry to use.

“Go out and see, the current Dragon God Great World should be the most powerful period in history!!”

Yu Feng’s eyes flashed, and then he stepped down a little, and instantly walked out of the long river of time.



“You wild breed, do you dare to come to my Dragon God Clan to worship the ancestors??” You guys beat him out!! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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