Chapter 245

“Shouldn’t it be!!!”

A voice of doubt slowly came from the void, and the next moment, a figure slowly appeared next to the dragon moment that had just disappeared.

Looking at Ao Xuanyufeng, who had disappeared without a trace, frowned slightly.


The next moment, a strange time fluctuation instantly enveloped Yu Feng’s whole body, and suddenly Yu Feng found that the memory in his mind was changing rapidly.

Memories that he had no knowledge of slowly came to his mind.

Of course, these changes in memory are all after he has crossed into this world.

From the person who adopted him in the first place, he changed from an old beggar to another strong man of the Dragon God Clan.

At the same time, his wife, as well as the names of the descendants of the Yu family, their looks and personalities, etc. are all beginning – crazy changes.

And these new memories are rapidly replacing Yu Feng’s original memories.

At the same time, these memories are as profound as Yu Feng’s own experience.

It can be predicted that in just a few more seconds, Yu Feng will completely transform into another person.

“The Paradox of Time! The death of this boy, who was once the strongest on the continent, can indeed change the history of the entire continent!! ”

Yu Feng didn’t know what was going on!

Ao’s death had a slight butterfly effect on Yu Feng hundreds of billions of years later.

If Yu Feng hadn’t stopped time now, Yu Feng would have been able to transform into another person in an instant.

Even Yu Feng wouldn’t notice anything wrong.

This made Yu Feng wonder if he had changed history at some point, but he was completely unaware that he had changed history?

This possibility is absolutely not absent.

Even after he injected the power of three thousand laws into the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array, his memory and the history of the entire Dragon God Great World had been changed, but he just didn’t find it!

“Anyway, though, at least what I think now is that my previous memories are true, so he must not be allowed to change again!”

Yu Feng’s hole contracted violently, and then his body began to emit a powerful force of the law of time.

And this force of the laws of time! Instantly enveloped the surrounding space.

The next moment, the time around him began to flow back rapidly.

The Ao Moment, which had originally turned into ashes, was also restored in the next instant!

The picture once again returns to the previous dialogue between Ao Jian and Ao Wuxian.

“I received a report from the Dragon Guard that you used what seemed to be the power of the Space Element to obliterate several clansmen, but is there such a thing!?”

Ao WuXian opened his mouth calmly!

He stared solemnly at Ao Instant.

After Ao Moment’s listening, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

“Yes and how!!!”

He spoke quietly, but at the moment when he finished speaking, everything around him underwent a frightening change, only to see the falling leaves stop in the void in an instant.

0······ Ask for flowers;;; , The dust raised was also instantly frozen at the origin, as if it had finally stopped being pulled by a force!

Time stands still for a moment!

Everything is directly frozen.

The only person who has not been frozen by time is Ao Instant!

Looking at the appalling changes around him, Ao’s face suddenly changed drastically.

“What happened to the birth!?”


Ao Instant’s face looked around warily.

However, the next moment a picture suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

This picture was actually the picture that he was directly killed by Ao Wuxian after he had just finished speaking!

At that moment, his eyes widened, in his opinion, Ao Wuxian was no matter how hostile he was to himself or anything else, no matter how he was the son of the other party.

I didn’t expect that the other party actually killed himself in an instant without a word.

Thinking of this, Ao Instant’s original bond to the Dragon God Clan suddenly disappeared.

“How does it feel to have this life in the hands of a man!”

However, at this moment, a calm voice slowly emerged from the endless void.

Ao Instantly looked over to the place where the sound appeared, but suddenly found a young man hovering not far in front of him.

And from the young man’s body, he seemed to see endless vicissitudes.

It was as if the whole heaven and earth had not had this figure for a long time! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three pieces

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