Chapter 246 as long as it is strong enough

“You… Who are you? ”

He looked at this vague and uncertain figure.

It felt as if the figure didn’t exist at all, as if it were thousands of miles away and seemed to be close at hand.

More importantly, the feeling of being suppressed emanating from the inside out of the heart.

That’s not just the realm, it’s the bloodline!

“Anyway, you’re his son, but he’s going to kill you. Is this feeling okay “two one zero”? ”

Yu Feng did not answer the question that was boiling for a while, but instead continued to speak.

Hearing this, a trace of indifference flashed in his eyes.

“I’m not his son!”

This answer was unexpected by Yu Feng, but it was an answer that satisfied him.

Indecisive, indifferent, calm, this kind of trait is vividly displayed in the body of the boiling moment.

“You’ve just died.” Yu Feng said plainly.

At this time, there was also a dazed look on his face, and he was very puzzled about what state he was in now.

And why was everything around him still, and who was the person in front of him?

“Want revenge? I can help you. Yu Feng said to him with a smile.

“Am I already dead?” He didn’t understand the meaning of Yu Feng’s words.

Ke Yufeng smiled dismissively, “The word death never contains the strong.” As long as you’re strong enough, no one can kill you. ”

This sentence made it hit the heart of the boiling moment.

If someone else said that to him, he certainly wouldn’t care, and even think that the other person was misguided.

But everything that happened in front of him, including the ethereal man in front of him, made him believe for no reason that there really was no death for the strong!

“What do I need to do?” Yu Feng asked eagerly.

Looking at the boiling moment in front of him, Yu Feng liked it in his heart.

Don’t procrastinate, there is also a desire for strength in your heart.

To say that the only fly in the ointment may be that the blow just now not only killed the boiling moment, but also killed the emotions that belong to people.

In the current instant, you should be as cold as ice, and you can’t have half a feeling for everything in the world.

Simply put, it is less humane.

However, Yu Feng also deliberately let Boiling Instant see the picture of Boiling Wuxian bombarding and killing him, because in that case, it might not be able to shape the future Space Dragon Emperor Boiling Instant.

“I’ll guide you through the first three points, and the next seven points need to be understood by yourself.”

“And as for the environment you are in now, you can call this the time gap, in which time is 0…. Even if you spend tens of billions of years here, the outside world will not spend a second. ”

Yu Feng said simply and instantly.

Then the Three Thousand Laws of the System reappeared in his body.

Using the laws of space, he reopened a small space and threw the boiling moment into it.

The space laws between the heavens and the earth there were all over the place, and only then could the laws of space hidden in the body of the boiling moment be seduced at this time.

Sure enough, in the instant of boiling in, I only saw that his whole person seemed to be caught in a kind of realization.

“Another emperor is going to be in the bag.”

Yu Feng said with a light smile.

However, at present, the family tree cannot add boiling moments to it.

Because the current boiling moment is emotionless, it will not treat Yu Feng as a family.

But Yu Feng is confident that 1.6 because he has time, he can even bring Yu Feng back to another time node to help him find the emotion that belongs to human beings.

Time passed slowly, and the boiling moment showed Yu Feng’s expectations.

He was so gifted, and after the laws of space were seduced, it seemed as if he had an effortless epiphany.

And it can be said that the progress is rapid, as if it has become the Space Dragon Emperor at this moment. _

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