Chapter 257 The Supreme Being Descends

Of course, now is obviously not a topic that Yu Feng should care about.

He was trying to pull the two sides of the rift, intending to merge them together.

Because these dark shadows are too crazy, even if the great world of the flood is not destroyed by war, it will be destroyed by so many black shadows with living bodies.


A loud noise was heard, and a violent tremor came from heaven and earth.

On both sides of that rift, Yu Feng actually touched the slightest distance.

“No way! There’s so much space in there, and I’m not enough of it. ”

Yu Feng’s brow tightened, although this rift 10 did not have any various formations, but it was completely relying on the advantage of space to make Yu Feng unable to move.

“Explore the secrets of the other world and increase the upgrade point by 500,000.” ,

“Enter the other world to find energy cores, initially complete the upgrade point increase by 1 million, complete the second part of the upgrade point increased by 8 million, complete the third part of the upgrade point increased by 28 million.”

The voice of the system came to mind in Yu Feng’s mind one after another.

“Energy nuclei? What is it? He asked the system with some puzzlement.

The always silent system surprisingly responded to Yu Feng’s words at this moment.

“The energy core is located in the Nine Directions Otherworld, and each energy core contains a law power.”

Yu Feng did not respond, and his heart was constantly thinking.

If the system has issued such a task, doesn’t that mean that there is really a need to enter this other world?

But at present, this great world of desolation is almost impossible to hold onto, and there is no more time for Yu Feng to consider.

At this time, after the shaking just now, they all ran out.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Yu Feng standing in front of the rift, carrying down this rift power with his own strength, and so many black shadows around him could not even get close to Yu Feng’s body.

“Can it be… Can it be… Maybe the Supreme is coming! ”

“Is he the Supreme?” Why so young? ”

“Hugh wants to be so rude! The Supreme Being was fighting in front, and I was so ashamed that I was hiding here. You might as well stop the Supreme Being together! ”

When the immortals saw Yu Feng, those originally dull and hopeless eyes seemed to have suddenly appeared on the dry field, and then this flame of hope was rekindled.

Yu Feng felt several eyes staring at him behind him.

It’s just a pity that he didn’t have the energy to say hello to them or anything.

“Ten Thousand Realms Lock Heaven Array!”

Yu Feng did not hesitate, the power of the Three Thousand Laws was borrowed from the system.

Subsequently, he mobilized the Three Thousand Laws to lock the heavens around this rift.

However, this Locked Heaven Grand Array was different from the Dragon God Continent’s Locked Heaven Grand Array.

This array of Fa Yu Feng had already changed, and he wanted to deploy it with all the law power of the entire Great World of the Flood Desolation.

The power of the array slowly appeared outside the crack.

By the time the Locked Sky Array had finally been formed, the entire Great World of Flood and Desolation seemed to wither in an instant.

It was as if the Tao had fallen into hibernation, and there was no enlightenment in the world again.

That is to say, at the time of the existence of this Heavenly Array, there will be no more cultivation in the future. 067, Boom! Boom!

After locking the heavens, there were still endless black shadows impacting in the cracks.

“Isn’t that enough?” Yu Feng was a little surprised.

The power of the Three Thousand Laws has been able to change the world, and it is even impossible to seal this rift.

Just at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded next to Yu Feng’s ear.

“Supreme, let me contribute to this Fa.”

Hearing this sound, Yu Feng immediately turned his head to look.

He only saw a vague figure appear in front of him.

“Are you?” Yu Feng asked incomprehensibly.

“I am Hongjun, a small life, not worth mentioning.”

After the Hongjun Sage spoke, all the black shadows that still existed in the entire Great World of Desolation miraculously began to shatter. _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three pieces

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