Chapter 258 Entering the Other World

Hongjun, such a name Yu Feng naturally heard of.

Among the myths and stories I came into contact with as a child, this Hongjun has the power of a saint.

Yu Feng could feel that although the law power on this Hongjun’s body also had a lot, it was definitely inferior to his own.

However, perhaps it is related to the practice that Hongjun is cultivating, or it may be that Hongjun has some own methods.

Yu Feng actually vaguely felt that if he fought against this great fortune, he was likely to suffer a big loss.

“You mean, you’re here to sit in this formation?” Yu Feng asked Hongjun.

Hongjun nodded, that’s exactly what he meant.

At this moment, the old ancestors below all stood up.

“Hongjun Sage, I am also willing to give my life!”

“Take me one, so many of my peers have died, I really don’t have the face to live in the world.”

“After cultivating for millions of years, but you still can’t protect your relatives and friends, it is better to forget with this foreign race!”

All of them spoke one after another, all holding the appearance of seeing death as if they were homecoming.

These ancestors may have had friction and conflict in the previous times, but they were not afraid in the face of danger.

“Gentlemen, you are going to stay in the flood, and now that the flood has been destroyed by those foreign races, it is up to you to maintain it.”

“However, these alien incarnations are only the prototypes of living beings, and they have not really become enemies yet, and if the Supreme Being enters this other world, I am afraid that all the enemies he will encounter are already evolved.”

When the old man Hongjun spoke, his eyes looked at Yu Feng.

Yu Feng saw that he had already reached this point, and he had nothing to say.

Moreover, this great world of desolation can now be said to be its own home.

In fact, in his heart, he was also very curious about what this Nine Directions Otherworld was like.

What kind of carrier is the energy nucleus mentioned by the system?

“Are you ready?” Yu Feng asked at Hongjun.

Hongjun nodded, and then the entire figure of the whole person plunged into this Heavenly Array.

In an instant, he became a part of this heavenly array.

And Yu Feng also instantly felt that the Heavenly Array was more stable, locked out of this rift.

“This great array can probably last for ten thousand years, and if we don’t come back after ten thousand years, you will leave this great world of desolation.”

Yu Feng said to Yuan Shi and at the same time, he pointed his finger forward.

Then a space tunnel appeared.

“This road leads to another big world, where it should never be invaded by foreign races.”

After saying that, Yu Feng did not wait for them to respond, and the whole person entered this crack.

The corners of the eyes of these immortals outside could not help but burst into tears.

I only hate myself for not being sanctified, and I can’t help Yu Feng and Hongjun.

That space tunnel, Yu Feng had entered the Dragon God Continent.

After all, he didn’t know if he could survive entering this Nine Directions Otherworld.

As soon as he entered this rift, the darkness instantly engulfed Yu Feng.

The power of the Three Thousand Laws has slowly faded.

Yu Feng felt his surroundings and looked down in passing.

You can also see where the crack is located.

“., this is really a space tunnel.”

Yu Feng said with certainty when he came in.

There were still quite a few dark shadows around who wanted to get close to Yu Fengshen.

But once you get close to Yu Feng, these black shadows will be destroyed in an instant.

Directly ahead, Yu Feng felt the appearance of a spatial node.

He jerked his way there…

In the Great World of the Nine Directions, all beings in the world are looking forward to the breakthrough of the Supreme God.

“As long as the Supreme God is merged into a great world, it can become eternal.”

“In the future, be free from the pain of flesh and skin and avoid the pain of life and death.”

There are hundreds of billions of people in Wancheng, and at this moment, they are gathered in the oldest and largest land of the entire Nine Directions Great World. _

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