Chapter 271 The True Man Who Turned the River and the Sea

“The white-robed man had a pair of golden wings behind him and a three-foot crown on his head, which looked like a mighty man.”

“As soon as he made a shot, there was a fierce wind and rain falling one after another, and as soon as he raised his hand, countless mountains crashed one after another, and then just one thought laid down this gathering array in the air.”

When the teacher spoke, it was as if he had witnessed it happening.

Yu Feng, who was watching “Two Seven Three” next to him, couldn’t help but laugh when he heard what this teacher said.

He had no idea that what would be circulating a thousand years later would be such a bizarre story.

And what he didn’t expect was that so many people around him actually heard what he said, and everyone’s face showed a feeling of looking up.

He couldn’t understand why such outrageous stories could be believed.

But then he suddenly felt that maybe it was good to leave such a legend behind.

Although the current Nine Martial Worlds were not quite the same as he had imagined, at least the results were good.

At least there was no such thing as the wolf smoke he imagined, all the cultivators were killing each other, and the streets were full of corpses.

If that was the case, he would definitely not hesitate to let the entire Nine Martial Worlds be destroyed.

Although the current Nine Martial Worlds had gradually taken shape, the power of the laws in heaven and earth was still too weak.

If you want to return to the Nine Martial Worlds and get out of that cloud space, you must affect the power of the entire Nine Martial Worlds, but now is not the peak of the Nine Martial Worlds.

Everything has to wait a little longer.

“Teacher, what is the realm of this white-robed man?” Does he have the strength of our current Xiao Wang? ”

The little girl who had just opened her mouth to ask a question asked again at this moment.

The teacher shook his head, “It is impossible to know what realm this legendary white-robed man is, because according to the records, King Yu at that time was only the Secret Sea Realm, but the current King Xiao is already the Heavenly Realm, and there is a whole Divine Bridge Realm between the two.” ”

“However, no matter what realm this white-robed man is, he is a kind of faith in our Nine Martial Worlds.”

After the teacher finished speaking, his students seemed to have a sudden understanding.

“Okay, let’s go back to the camp first, you have seen this Juyuan Array today, you know the Nine Martial Worlds a thousand years ago, and you all wrote down your own feelings, do you know?”

Then he left here with his group of students….

Immediately after that, the next group of people arrived here, and the same people were explaining the origin of this gathering array.

Yu Feng didn’t listen all the time, but a flash appeared in a corner of the dynasty.

At this moment, no one in the Dynasty Hall noticed that another person had appeared.

“King Qi, the old master has a reward.” A man dressed in copper-colored iron armor was half-kneeling there and said to the towering King Xiao.

A sharp breath flashed in Xiao Wang’s eyebrows, and for a moment the man did not dare to raise his head.

“What’s the matter with the old master?” He asked slowly.

“The old master said, according to the ancestral precepts, this year, and today, we should set up an altar of incense to wait for the arrival of real people.”

The man said tremblingly, his face full of caution. 1.2

King Xiao sat there, seemingly pondering.

It was a long time before he spoke.

“If I remember correctly, this tradition was handed down a thousand years ago, right?”

He asked the man below.

The man didn’t know how to answer when he heard it, because it was so long, he didn’t remember so much, and most of it was folklore.

“King Qiyu Xiao, I’m afraid I have to ask the old master about this.” _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three pieces

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